New Beginning

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Chanyeol POV

Money. Fame. handsomeness. Talent. Passion. I have everything that every person dreams of. But love? I don't know where I can get it from. I am just cool headed guy carving for love. Neither did I get love from anyone nor did I give it to anyone. In front there is an angel standing in front of me that's everyone say but I can't understand why? Because of his looks only looks that's all. I don't fall for looks you whatever your name is.

"You are just like everyone." i said in a low voice that nobody can here.

I am in a waltz ball. Yes a waltz ball where people dance, meet and gossip. I here with my parents and friends was having with themselves a grateful time. A not so tall guy appeared in front of me and stares at me, head to toe.

"Are you park chanyeol?" He asked with concern. I just nodded to him and disappeared in crowd. Weird. As i look away from the crowd i found my friend kai is waving at me and calling my name, i went to him. What he wants isn't he over with playing with his girls?

"Kai what do you want? You know-"

I was going to finish my sentence but he cut me off by warping his arm on my shoulder and start murmuring something. Is he drunk? I question myself and looked at his face he face is slightly red and hiccupping a lot. I guess my answer is yes.

"Are you drunk? if yes then we are going home Jogin, how did you get drunk in this waltz ball this isn't a club? " I said while handling his body that was collapsing again and again. He shook his head in disagreement.

"i –i will g-go if- hiccup when you l-let hiccup me m-meet him" He said while looking at crowd. I also look at the direction where he was looking but can't find the person he is looking for.

"Who are you talking about?" i said and looked at me. He just pointed out a person in the crowd i saw a familiar body where he pointed. I just start taking him towards the guy he was pointing to, as we get there Jogin want to meet the person. He starts walking to a guy. Isn't that the scary guy from earlier?

"h-hey!" kai say as he attached to the scary guy. The short guy start getting annoyed by his actions and start call for help.

"Hey, you park chanyeol guy help me to get off this friend of yours" he said and i quickly make an action pulling him apart from the guy he was attached to.

"no no i don't want to!! Do kyungsoo i want to be with you i want your number then i will go happily" kai said and held kyungsoo guy wrist.

"jongin!! You can't ask someone's number that easily and stop doing weird things and come with me right now!!" i said and held his arm and shoulder pulling him to free kyungsoo but he was so drunk and strong at same time that i can't pull him back. I left him and called sehun for help but i was disturb by a guy who just bumped behind me. The guy that everyone liked being a fake angel.

"i am sorry, i was in hurry that i couldn't see who was in front of me" he said looking at me with his serious look. Seriously? He just has looks nothing less than that.

"it's okay." I said as i heard my phone ringing and saw the caller id it was sehun i quickly picked up.


"sehun , can you please come and help me for a bit?"

"woah, i never thought that cold hearted Park Chanyeol will ask for my help? Well, that's unuasl isn't it?"

"shut the fuck up!! and come here right now to help me get off kai form a guy."

"okay on my way!"

ᎷϴᎠᎬᎡΝ ᏟᏆΝᎠᎬᎡᎬᏞᏞᎪ; ChanBaek FFWhere stories live. Discover now