34 - Chapter 14

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"So where are your parents?" I asked liking the spatula before making my way to the oven. We were in my kitchen baking cookies. I was still wearing Jonah's shirt with shorts under. 

"Visiting Julia. They will be back later today. I nod and peer in the oven. "Babe you just put them in, they can't possibly be done." He was right. "Come here." 

Slowly, I make my way over to him. He is leaning against the counter with his arms open for me to step into them. 

"What do you want to do today?" He asks as he gently kisses the top of my head. I peer around him to check his phone. It read 2 PM. 

"Hang around?" I suggested looking up at him. He leaned down and pecked my lips.

"Ew get a fucking room I don't need a Jonah and Natalia mix thank you very much." Corbyn said as I pulled away quickly and hid my face from Corbyn as a blush spread across my cheeks as I remembered the previous night.

"Language dude." Jonah said as he laughed. I pulled away from him and looked at Corbyn.

"Yo, why is your face red as a tomato Nat?" He asked laughing. 

"Corbyn, do you want any cookies?" I say walking away from the two of them. 

"Yeah why not. What are you doing for Valentine's day?" He asked as he took a seat and leaned his feet against the counter.  "Hopefully it doesn't have to do with chapter 14 in my biology text book."

"What?" Jonah asked as he sat down beside Corbyn.

"Human reproduction." He said as he made a gagging noise.

Thankfully, the oven beeps signalling that our cookies were done. I rush over to the oven and pull them out. 

Corbyn, Jonah and I eat the cookies and talk about random things. Corbyn decides to leave to hang out with his friends. Jonah and I make our way to my room.

"So I forgot to tell you, but I'm not going to be here all week." He says as he sits down on my bed.

"Why?" I ask as I spin my eyes find his.

"Football tournament." He says as he reaches for my arm and pulls me closer to him. "I'm gonna miss you." He mumbles against my cheek. 

"When do you leave." I ask as I straddle his hips. 

"Tomorrow morning. So I can drive you to school, and you can bring my car back. Okay?" He says as he pulls me down to lay on top of him. "The tournament ends on Thursday, so I'll be back Friday night.  Suddenly, I remember something.

"Hey, Opal talked about this party on Friday and I'm going with her." I wasn't sure why I was telling him, but I am.

"Who's hosting it?" He asked as he looked at me intently. 

"I forgot the name of the group, but something at this big house, like a high school frat house for the 'powerful' seniors of Palo Alto. Ah! Palo Alto seniors." I said.

"You aren't going." He said. 

"Why not?" I ask back sitting up on his lap. 

"Because it isn't your scene." He said simply causing me to choke on air.

"You can't exactly decide what my scene is." I said back as I got off him. 

"Actually I can. Remember the last time you went to a party without me?" He said sitting up with blazing eyes. He did not just throw that in my face. Tears brim in my eyes as I blink furiously to keep them back. I tend to cry when I'm mad.

"I'm going and you can't tell me I can't." I say through gritted teeth.  

"For fucks sake Natalia." He says equally as angry. Why is he so mad about a party? "Don't go to the fucking party." He said as he stood up and stormed past me and out of my room. He slammed the door and tears trickled down my cheeks.


Few hours pass after Jonah and I's argument. I called Opal and filled her in. Her reaction was mainly 'no the fuck he didn't' and she was pretty mad about it. We made plans to buy me a 'revenge' outfit for the party we are definitely going to on Friday.  

"Maybe he had a reason for you not wanting to go. I mean, when I told Nathan, he was hesitant at first but he ended giving in because I gave him head." She said giggling. "Hey, maybe you should try that with Jonah." 

"Actually, you know we... did it." I said as quietly as possible.

"You guys had sex?" She squealed. "When? How was it?" 

"Last night, it was great." I say thinking about last night. "Didd you and Nathan?" 

"Yeah, a few weeks ago." She said. "Alright, I have to go but we are going to that party.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." I say as Opal blows me a kiss and ends the call.


A/N ; short chapter I know next chapter : tea

dedicated to ; you

comment ; what do you think will happen

vote ; pretty please

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