30 - Road Trip

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The light of the sun shines through my curtains. It's unusually bright this morning. I roll over and look at the time. 

9:45 AM.

I overslept. Holy crap. I throw on a pair of sweatpants, a hoodie and I tie my hair. I race down hairs and hear 3 familiar voices. Dad, Corbyn, and Jonah? Why are they still here?

"Yo, Nat look outside. We have a snow day!" Corbyn said as soon as he saw me. I do as he says and make my way over to the front door and I swing it open. I look around in utter shock before I slam the door and yell. 

"Since when is it freaking cold in LA!?" I yell as I stomp up the stairs.

"She's probably on her period, its always like this when she is." I hear my dad mumble.

"I can hear you!" I say as I enter my room and slam the door. I rush to my bathroom and my dad is right. I am on my period. Cheers to four days of hell. I walk back to my room and plop down on my bed.

"Natalia are you in here?" Jonah says from the other side of the door.

"No, I'm obviously downstairs." I say back. I am so moody when I'm on my period. I have 3 moods when I'm on my period. Mad and cranky, clingy and loving, or I don't care. The door swings open to reveal Jonah with a wrinkled shirt, shorts and messy hair.

"You look so cute today." I smile at him. He seems confused at my mood change but a warm blush creeps onto his cheeks. "Come." I say as I pat a seat beside me. 

"Did you sleep alright?" Jonah asked as he pulled me closer to him. 

"Yeah, did you?" I asked back. 

"Yes. You know, our two month anniversary is this weekend. And valentine's day is a week later." He mumbled against my lips as he kissed me. "We are going on a trip." He said as he immediately stood up. 

"Where too?" I asked watching him pull out a duffle bag from my closet.

"Vegas." He smirked.

"That's so far." I groaned. 

"It's only like a 8 hour drive, babe come on. Just this weekend, me and you. I already asked your dad he's fine with it as long as we are back on Sunday. Please?" He said as he sat down beside my bed and looked at me with puppy eyes. 

"I guess it would be fun." I mumble as he gets up and kisses me. "When do we leave?"

"Now, I already have my things in the car. Just getting yours." He said as he looked through my closet putting random things in the bag. "Ready?" He asked. 


We went down the stairs and said goodbye to Corbyn and to Dad. We promised to be safe on the road and to stick together. 

Finally, we got in the car and bless Jonah's thinking ahead. He had brought a blanket and fuzzy socks for me.

"Looking forward to the best 8 hours of your life?" Jonah nudged me. 

"So ready!" I said with obvious sarcasm laced in my voice. I pull out my phone and text Opal letting her know I won't be in town for a while. I never thought I would ever take a spontaneous road trip with my boyfriend. I was brought back to reality when the engine of the car started.

"Alright baby girl, it's just you and me." Jonah said as he intertwined our fingers and kissed the back of my hand. His gesture made my heart flutter. "You must be hungry, do you want to get food? You can pick the place." 

"Ralph's." I said back to him.

"The supermarket?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, I just want candy, and cookies and chips." I said grabbing ahold of his hand and batting my eyelashes.

"Okay fine, but I'm stopping by our burger place for fries and a burger. You sure you don't want any?" He asked me to make sure.

"100%." I smiled back.

A few minutes later we arrive at Ralph's. We both go our separate ways and get our own things. The store was decorated for valentines day which was in almost two weeks. Ignoring my thoughts, I grab a pack of tampons and one of pads. I also don't forget to get a crap load of my favourite candies for the car ride. I meet Jonah in the drink aisle. 

"What did you get?" He asked as he kissed the side of my head.

"Just candies and other stuffs." I say back watching him fill his basket with bottles of gatorade. "Why so many?" 

"I need to keep hydrated and it tastes better than water. Let's check out?" He says as he pulls my hand to follow him as he makes his was to checkout.

While he was checking out, I couldn't help but admire his features. The way he smiles when the cash register said something funny. The way his jaw ticks when he's focused. And the look he gives me when he catches me staring. I look at him a bit longer before he pulls e out of the store and into the freezing air of LA. Ironic, isn't it? 

"Alright, now we get my food and then we hit the road." He mumbled as he backed out of the parking lot.

Twenty minutes later, Jonah finally has his burger and fries and I can't lie, they smelled pretty tasty. I looked over at him. He was focused on the road as he chewed on his delicious smelling burger.

"Hey babe..." I spoke lightly.

"Did you just...call me... babe?" He said taken aback. I nodded innocently and smiled at him. He smirked and answered. "What do you want sweetheart?"

"Your fries." I said straight to the point.

"For fucks sake, I asked you like 50 times if you wanted me to get you some." He said a bit annoyed, but I couldn't tell if he was serious.

"Fine I'm sorry." I say turning to look the other way. When I'm on my period, my feelings get hurt really easily so no surprise when my eyes started to tear up.

"Do you want some?" He nudged his fries my way. I look over at him with tear filled eyes. "Fuck, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. You can have my fries if you want. I'm sorry baby." He wipes my tears as they fall from my eyes. 

One hour down, 7 to go.


A/N ; hehe who peeped cold in LA haha all my wdw fans shout out to you :') stream cold in LA. I had so much fun writing this chapter xox hope you all enjoy it 

dedicated to ; all my why don't we fans

comment ; what's the cutest thing Jonah did throughout the whole book ? 

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