32 - Vegas

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A small beam of light peers through the curtains and shines on my eyes. I stretch my arms and legs. I smile wider than I ever have before as I remember the events of last night.

Jonah cuddled me as he rubbed small circles on my back while I was having my cramps. He would whisper the cutest things in my my ear as we cuddled on the bed telling each other how much we cared for each other. Later in the night, we got our room service dinner. We shared a milkshake and a box of fries. We had a pillow fight and then got tired and decided to call it a night. We played around on Jonah's phone took a few selfies and fell asleep. 

Last night was the most perfect day. I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

As I'm stretching my arms and legs, I feel an empty space beside me. I quickly sit up and look around the room. I spot a note on Jonah's pillow. 

Morning princess, had to run out to get us some breakfast but I'll be back soon. Jonah x

I smile widely as I read the note. I put it down and decide to prepare myself for the day. I hop out of bed and yank the curtains open. Light streams through the entire room. I skip to the bathroom and I take a quick shower. 

I hop out and dry myself. I pull on some underwear and a sports bra. I'm about to pull on one of my shirts when I realise Jonah had left one of this hoodies on one of the chairs outside. I hop across the room and pull his hoodie over my body. His hoodie completely engulfed me. It reached to about mid thigh and the sleeves were way longer than my arms. I walk over to the bed and sit down. I scroll through my phone and take a few selfies as the door to our room opens.

Jonah walks in seeming a bit uneasy but that changes once he sees me. His eyes quickly scanned over me as he places his bags on the small table. 

"Hey babe." He says as he walks over to the bed. He leans down and starts to kiss me. Soon he is hovering over me and kissing my cheeks making me break into a fit of laughter. "You're so cute when you laugh." He grins against my cheek. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso. He collapses on me and we both start laughing. "No pants today?" Jonah asks as his hand slowly made its way up to my hip, not forgetting to stop at the brim of my panties.

"Nope." I say and try to push him off me. "I'm hungry." 

"Ah fine. Wait, happy two month anniversary baby." He says as he fishes something out of his pocket. He places a box in his palm and slowly opens it. In the box lay a beautiful golden chain with the word 'Jonah' written in perfect cursive.

"It's beautiful oh my god." I said completely speechless. It looks so fragile almost as though could break it by touching it. I turn my back to Jonah and lift my hair so he can put the necklace around me.

"Here's my first name, at least until I can give you my last name." He says once he finishes clipping it in the back. My heart flutters at his words. "Ready to eat?"


"Hey babe?" Jonah said as he tried to get my attention. He was laying on my stomach as I played with his hair. The little mermaid was playing on the computer screen. I only hummed in response as I continued to play with his hair. "Today is our only full day here, don't you want to do something instead of cuddling while watching a movie?"

"Let's tell each other secrets. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." I say. "I'll go first. I suffer from depression and anxiety which is a main reason my dad made us move even though he won't admit it."

"Damn I didn't know. It's better now though?" He asked.

"Yeah, I haven't taken my pills recently which is a good thing." 

"Okay since we are being honest, I have anger management issues. It may not sound like a big deal but they fuck me up so hard. Example, my last relationship," He started which made me think back to what those boys told me.

"Okay we are gonna be real with you, West isn't who you think he is. Yeah, he's all sweet-talk now, but just you wait." Cain the one with dirty blonde hair spoke up.

"What? I'm so confused." I said shaking my head trying to understand what they were on about.

"Last girl he dated transferred schools. She was the only girl he ever loved and after he ruined their relationship, he swore never to date. Ever. Yet, here he is." Cain continued with a smirk plastered across his face.

"Ruined the relationship? What did he do?" I was genuinely lost.

"That's for him to tell you. Just a small warning though, sleep with one eye open." Jack said as they all skated away. 

"We got into a small fight, and I couldn't control myself, I destroyed my kitchen and started yelling at everyone. I left town, fucked around, was stoned 24/7 and didn't tell anyone where I was. In the end, we broke up, she transferred school and never spoke to me again." He sighed. "And I did tell myself I would never date again because I would hate to put anyone through that pain which is why it took me so long to open up or to actually tell you how I feel because once I open up, shit goes down." Suddenly he looks up at me. "Hey, promise this doesn't change anything." 

"Of course." I smile back. "What's the worst thing you've ever done to your girlfriend?" I asked out of the blue not making eye contact with Jonah. He crawled up so he could cuddle right beside me. He pulled me closer to him before answering.

"Emotional abuse. I know, its a shit thing to do but I was so mad all the time and she was so attached to me so she was always around me. I'm different now, you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you right?" He mumbles against my cheek.

I nod silently not completely sure about how I feel. I know, I shouldn't feel different about him but emotional abuse and anxiety which would then result in my depression shrining back up again would not be a good thing. 

"Baby I'm serious. You know I would never do shit to hurt you." He says pulling away and looking at me in the eyes.

"Okay." I say back as I smile at him.

"No don't agree with me for fucks sake, tell me you know." He said quietly as he searched my eyes for some sort of reassurance.

"I know you wouldn't hurt me Jonah." I say back, not sure if I even believe myself.


A/N ; hey! the picture at the top is me crying over how single I am. rip my love life </3 how did you enjoy this chapter? honestly, the end was making me scared for what will soon happen... I think I have an idea of what I want to happen but im not sure yet... tell me what you want to happen here ----------->

dedicated to ; why don't we & the guy I like <3

comment ; your favourite singer/band

vote ; if you want to but I highly recommend it 

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