7 - Chill

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Finally, it's the weekend. Corbyn and I were watching T.V as he was ranting about his 'date' with the girl he liked. They were just meeting at the rec center to play some basketball. I rolled my eyes at his young love 'problems'. Dad had to go to work so I was going to be home alone today.

"You know what? I think I should freshen up before Jonah gets here." He said obviously stressing over this girl.

"Cor, chill. If she doesn't end up liking you for who you are, her dang loss." I said trying to reassure him.

"Thanks, Talia." He said smiling at me as he raced to his room.

Around noon, the door bell rang.

"Cor, your ride is here!" I yelled. I walked towards the door and opened it. "Jonah," I said barley glancing at him as I made my way to my room and closed the door. I heard him laugh as I walked away and I just rolled my eyes.

Since Jonah put me in his bio, everyone at school has been coming up to me and asking me what its like to date Jonah. He thinks its funny, I mean it kind of is seeing all these girls butt-hurt about it, but its also annoying.

After I told Opal to check Jonah's Instagram bio, she freaked. She watched his live aswell as mine and now we are her unbreakable ship. I tried to reson with her but she won't hear it.

I heard a faint knock on my door that snapped me back to reality. "Come in" I said knowing exactly who it was.

"Hey." Jonah said walking up to my bed. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a black hoodie.

"Hi." I said trying not to sound irated. "Go drop Cor off." I said motioning for him to leave my room.

"Ok, do you want to hang out later?" He said slowly walking backwards out of my room.

"I guess. Only, if you bring me food." I said putting my hair into a bun.

"Ok." He said walking out of my door looking pleased. I rolled my eyes but couldn't hide that smile that made it's way to my lips.

"Bye mamacita." I heard Jonah yell from downstairs which made me blush immediatley.

"I'm telling dad!" I heard Corbyn say before he started laughing. Why am I not suprised.

I worked on my homework for 30 minutes before Jonah came back.

"Hey Natalia," He said walking into my room holding the food up.

"Oh, finally." I said putting my laptop to the side. "What did you get?" I asked him crossing my legs under me.

"Food...?" He said shrugging. "I'm playing, I got some burgers and fries."

"From that burger place on Tuesday?" I asked looking into the bag.

"Yeah." He said shoving a fry into his mouth. "How has your day been so far?" He asked adjusting his position on my bed.

"I mean, its only like 1, so I haven't really done anything." I said shrugging. "How about you?" I asked just to be polite.

"Pretty good. I thought about something." He said looking down at his burger. "I want a girlfriend." He said looking up at me.

I started laughing until I realized he was being serious. "Bad boys don't date, Jonah." I answered with still some laughter in my tone.

"See, that's the thing. I want to actually have a girl that I can care about." He said taking a bite from his burger.

"Why all of a sudden?" I asked eating some fries. We sat in silence for a little before Jonah replied.

"Well, so I've been hanging out with this girl for a while and I really like joking with her and she's really cute when she's annoyed at me and i dont know, I just want someone that i can be with other rather than having girls claw on me for another fuck." He said letting out a huge sigh. "This stays between us."

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