26 - Party Pooper

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"What else do you want to watch?" Jonah asks me as the third movie we watched comes to an end. He yawns and stretches his arm over me making me scoot a bit closer to him.

"You can pick this time." I say playing with the ends of my hair. My hair has grown a bit, although I do like this breast length hair. I hear Jonah's stomach growl from beside me. "You hungry?" I asked looking over at him as he browses through Netflix.

"A bit, you?" He asks and I nod. I quickly stand up but Jonah's hand wraps around my wrist causing me to stumble backwards and land on his lap. My cheeks flush immediately. "Oops." Jonah shrugs obviously enjoying this.

"I, uh, alright." I say getting up and bolting towards the kitchen. I hear Jonah laughing from behind me as he follows me into the kitchen.

"What are you making?" He asks as he walks closer to me.

"Sandwiches." I say as he leans against the counter beside me.

"Oh, thanks." He says looking over at me. "You know, you are extremely hot when you're focused like that." He says causing me to blush. "And, fucking adorable when you blush, because of me."

"Uhm, okay. I mean, thank you." I mumble as I finish up making the sandwiches sliding one over to him. I tuck my hair behind my ears and walk back out to the living room and plop down on the couch. Jonah follows and as soon as he sits down he pulls my legs onto his lap.

"Excited for the party?" He asks eyeing me carefully.

"Yeah, you?" I ask.

"Not really, but I'm giving you rules." I nod as he continues. "If anything happens, find me, Nathan or Carter. Second, you may not drink anything when I'm not around. Finally, you can not kiss anyone." He says and looks at me while I take his words in. I nod and suddenly shake my head. "What?"

"Why can't I kiss anyone?" I know the answer already know the answer but I want to hear it from him.

"Why on earth would I let my girlfriend kiss anyone other than me?" He says and looks at me. Quickly he swoops in and plants a kiss on my cheek. "Let's go get changed the party is soon." He is right, It's 8, meaning we are technically late.


"So, what you're telling me is you and West are dating?" Opal yells over the music. "I told you he liked you." I roll my eyes but I can't help but laugh.

I was right. Our whole entire senior class was up in Minnesota. Literally the whole grade. Nathan shows up beside Opal and kisses her sweetly which makes my heart swell.

"Hey Nat." Nathan says my way and I wave back to him.

I wonder where Jonah went off to.

Almost as though he read my mind, he shows up beside me and kisses my temple. He holds my hand and leads me to the kitchen as he holds a conversation with Nathan.

"West, Rivera and who might you guys be?" A brown haired boy spoke as we entered the kitchen that had a group of people sitting in a circle. He had light brown eyes and a smirk plastered on his face. As much as I hate to admit, he was really attractive.

"I'm Nat, uh, Jonah's-" I started but got cut off by Jonah who finished my sentence.

"She's my girlfriend." He said pulling me close to him. The fact that he called me his girlfriend in public makes me blush. As Opal goes through her introduction, I find Jonah leading me away from the people we just 'met'.

"Not so fast Jonah." The brown haired boy calls back. "We haven't played yet." He smirks.

"Fuck." I hear Jonah mumble under his breath as we walk back towards the crowd. What's so bad about them? "Alright Zach. What are we playing?" He mumbles as we take a seat on the couch.

"Nah, first you and your girlfriend need to loosen up." He says as he hands a bottle of vodka to Jonah. I'm not really surprised because I already know Jonah drinks. "We are all taking shots. If you don't, you strip." He says with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

Jonah leans into me and whispers. "Have you had vodka before?" And I shake my head.

"I don't mind, it's only one shot." I say trying to find the positive in this when there really isn't any.

"It's three actually." He mutters and kisses my cheek. "Just stay by me alright?"

I take the first shot and the disgusting taste streams down my throat like a trail of fire. I shake my head and down the next and the next as Jonah does the same. What do people enjoy about this?

"See that wasn't so bad was it? Let's play, truth or dare." Zach says as he rubs his hands together. "Alright, Jess, truth or dare?" I hear him ask until I start to feel myself floating. I lean my head against Jonah's shoulder for a while. "Nat?" I hear his voice. I bolt up and answer.

"Truth or dare?" Zach asks. A sudden wave of confidence hits me.

"Dare. I reply flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"Kiss me." He replies making my head spin. 

Don't kiss anyone else.

Jonah's words replay in my head over and over again. Why should he be the one to control who I kiss? The fact that our 'relationship' is fake tugs at my heart. I jump to my feet before Jonah can stop me and I sit down on the guys lap, facing him. I place my hands around his neck and start to lean in. I ignore all the 'oohs' in the back. Before my lips touch Zach's, a strong arm lifts me off him and drags me outside.

"Why did you stop me?" I question Jonah as I turn to him.

"Why wouldn't I?" He yells back trying to contain his anger but failing. "You are my girlfriend, Natalia."


A/N ; yAYY I'm double updating so chapter later todayyyyy <3 also my bday was a few days ago soo wooooo im 16 now !!111!!1!!!1!1!1!

dedicated to ; all my readers :)

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