2 - Ice Cream

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I step out of my warm shower out onto the cold tiles of my bathroom. All my thoughts were about Jonah. How could a person be so...like Jonah?

I walked into my room and put on a pair of shorts and a random shirt I found on my bed. I checked my phone and saw that is was 7:54. Why was I up this early? Good question. I decided that since I don't have my own car here, and no one else is awake, why not unpack.

I started with my vanity since I don't have many things to put on it. I only wear mascara to school or out. I don't wear makeup.

I organized my vanity for about 30 minutes since it was bare, really. Then I moved on to my closet which probably took 2 hours. I still wasn't done.

Now, it was 9 and I could hear some faint voices coming from around the house. I decided to go downstairs to grab some breakfast with Cor.

"Hey, guys," I said walking over to our empty fridge, really hoping food would magically appear.

"Goodmorning Talia, why did you leave so early?" Corbyn asked me. I just shrugged and made my way towards the backyard with Corbyn following me.

"I was feeling tired," I lied. I finally decided to take a good look at our pool. "Hey, do you want to go swimming later?" I asked Corbyn.

"Sorry, Talia, dad and I are going shopping." He said shoving his hands into his pockets. Corbyn always liked to do things with dad, they were very close. Our entire family was pretty close, me, dad, and Corbyn are basically one.

"Oh really? What for?" I asked as I sat down by the pool putting my feet in the water.

"Well, school supplies, furniture, and food." He said in an obvious tone. "I mean the house isn't going to dress itself." Out of nowhere dad comes out into the backyard.

"Hey Cor, let's go." He said nodding towards the door. "You coming Nat?"

"No, I still have some unpacking to do," I said slowly getting up giving my dad a hug. "I'll see you later though."

"Alright, is there anything specific you want?" My dad asked following me into the house as I started to make my way up the stairs.

"Some food," I said laughing as I walked up the stairs towards my room. A few minutes of me organizing my room and dad and Cor being gone, the doorbell rang.

I walked down the stairs hoping it wasn't a marketing person because I really hate those. I open the door to see the mystery man. Jonah West. I never realized how tall he was until he stood right in front of me.

'How tall was he?' I accidentally muttered out loud.

"I'm 6'1." He said laughing at the blush that attacked my cheeks. Why was he nice all of a sudden? He cleared his throat which brought me back to reality. "Anyways, my mom thinks I should take you around town, you down?" He said leaning into the door frame.

I thought about the question for a bit before answering, "Sorry, I still have some unpacking to do." I said about to close the door on him before he stopped it with his foot.

"I can help you if you want?" He said looking anywhere but at me. Help, me. Jonah West wants to help me? I'll pass.

"I'm good, thanks," I said knitting my eyebrows in complete confusion.

"Hey, I'm just trying to be a good neighbor," He said letting out a sigh as he ran a hand through his beautiful brown hair. Snap out of it Nat. "I mean, if you want to get some food, I can drop you off I'm going out with some friends anyways." I considered his offer and realized how bad I really wanted ice cream.

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