22 - Sorry love

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I scroll through my phone thinking of something to do. Unable to find anything to do, I toss my phone onto my bed as I let out a sigh. Today is Monday which means Jonah and I leave for our trip in two days time. I had gotten over the whole homecoming dilema and decided to not think about it. Jonah has been extremely helpful by helping me feel better. After our McDonald's run yesterday, he dropped me home and he went home but didn't hesitate to video chat with me. We talked all night until we both felt tired.

Would I be a bad person to say I might, maybe, probably feel something for Jonah?

Yes, I would.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I hear the doorbell ring. I skip down the stairs to go open the door. The door swings open before I even place my hand on the handle causing me to squeal as I jumped from the slight scare. Out from behind the door comes Jonah. I let out a relieved sigh to see it was only him.

"God, you scared me." I said placing a hand over my heart in hope to keep it in my chest. Jonah only let out a laugh as he mumbled a 'sorry'. I started to make my way up the stairs with Jonah hot on my trail.

"So," Jonah lets out once we reach my room.

"So?" I say going over to my bed and laying down.

"My sister is arriving today, do you want to come get her from the airport with me?" He said slowly approaching my bed.

"But it's so far." I groan receiving an eye roll from Jonah.

"45 minutes is a long drive?" He asks skeptically raising an eyebrow at me. "Please?"

After a few seconds, I mumble a 'fine' as a childish grin spread across his face.


"Let's go Natalia." Jonah yelled from the front door as I skipped down the stairs.

"Coming." I yell back. Once I reach the front door, I yell a quick goodbye to Corbyn and my dad. I make my way to Jonah and get in my side of the car. "Ok, we can go now."


"My mom is probably going to want to hold a big dinner tonight with your family as well as mine." Jonah said breaking the long silence. We had already picked up his sister who was currently catching some z's in the backseat. She was so nice, looked just like Jonah.

"Alright." I said letting out a sigh. Jonah stops the car and I look up to see we have arrived. I get out of the car and wake up Julia. "Hey Julia, we're here." I said lightly shaking her shoulder.

"Already?" She mumbled as she rubbed her eyes. I nodded and moved from the door so she could get out. She hops out and walks toward their house as Jonah gets her bags from the trunk. I walk over to Jonah as I stretch.

"Jonah?" I speak slowly as I stretch my arms.

"Yes Natalia?" He replies looking at me over his shoulder.

"Are you excited for Wednesday?" I ask smiling wide.

"Not really, imagine spending three weeks, 24 hours 7 days a week with you. Won't make it out alive. Sorry love." He said with a big grin as mine faded.

"Hey, I'm fun." I pouted only just realising what he said. 'Sorry love.' He just shrugged and walked into his house. Quickly he looks back and winks at me.

I shake my head and follow him in. I quickly spot Corbyn and my dad at the dinner table. I give them a quick wave and I make my way to sit by Corbyn which happens to be in front of Jonah.

Throughout dinner, Jonah keeps sending looks my way and occasionally tapping my legs with his own. The adults were speaking with each other until Mary brings something up.

"So, Nat, how was homecoming?" She asks. Suddenly, my face turns red. I feel stuck, not sure how to answer. I feel Jonah's gaze on me and I look up to find him studying me intently.

"It was, uh, fine. Not as much fun as I thought it would be though." I saw avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"Aw, that's a shame, anyways are you guys ready for Wednesday?" She asks as I let out a sigh and look over at Jonah who was busy answering the question.


"Goodnight dad, Goodnight Corbyn." I said walking up the stairs after finishing a movie with them.

"Goodnight Nat, have a safe flight ok?" Dad said as he sent me a tired smile. "See you in three weeks."

"Today is Monday, I leave on Wednesday." I said a bit confused as to why we were saying goodbyes.

"We leave tomorrow early early morning." My dad sighed as he stood up.

"Oh, I almost forgot." I said mentally face palming.

"Bye Talia." Corbyn said fake crying as he wrapped his arms around me. "No funny business with Jonah, ok?" He whispered in my ear which made me turn beet red. I shoved him away and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Bye guys, I'll miss you so much." I said as I made my way up the stairs.

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