11 - Confused

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Natalia's POV

I step out onto the cold bathroom tiles and walk into my room. I just finished taking a shower that I wish I had never stepped out of.

Ok, I know something is up. Jonah, who usually shows up at my house and texts me at random moments has disappeared from the face of the earth. I mean yes, I have seen him like twice at school but he never shows up to FAC class anymore, the only class we have together.

I walk over to my closet and put on a baggy knit sweater and a pair of jeans. Fall has been coming in really quickly. You would think it's all sunshine and palm trees, don't you?

In all honesty, Jonah seems mad. Wait, not mad, pissed the eff off. I don't even know what I did or what someone else did.

My workload has increased by approximately a ton. A literal ton. It has been so long since I have opened my laptop to watch Netflix. I miss my husband.

Also, tell me why the school decides to give us exams at the middle of the year? Like right before winter break. Everything's happening so quickly if you blink, you might just miss it.

Opal and I have talked about homecoming which is soon. Opal wants to have Carter ask her to the dance hence her huge crush on him.

I decide to pick up my pace while getting ready. Quickly, I stuffed my school supplies into my bag and hurried down the stairs to get some breakfast. I grab a granola bar and I am out the house.

"Hey O." I said as I arrived at her locker.

"Hey Nat!" She replied with a smile on her face. "What's up girly?"

"Eh, you know. The usual." I said shrugging as I slammed my locker shut. "But it's been like so long since Jonah has looked at me, smiled, wave, texted or offered to drive me to school." I ranted to her. Of course, Opal had her suspicions but I know that Jonah is not mad because of Daniel. It has to be something bigger, more important.

"Here is your Prince Charming." Opal nudged me. "See you!"

"Oh shut up," I blushed as he sent me his breathtaking smile.

"Hey Nat." He said as he slowly approached me. When he arrived near me, he spread his arms as a motions for us to hug. Daniel honestly gives the best hugs...well, he is one of the people that do. "What's up princess?" He said into my hair as he wrapped his arms around my torso.

"Hi Daniel." I said as a returned the hug by wrapping my arms around his waist. We pulled away and Daniel started speaking to me.

"How was your night?" He asked as he rubbed my arms. I just nodded in response. Daniel suddenly grabbed my hand and we made our way to history.

Jonah's POV

Natalia. The only person on my mind right now. She's... a handful.

"Shut the hell up Nate." I heard Carter sigh. "No one cares about how many girls you screwed last night." Carter, the is more serious one of my friends. Note, I only have two. Well, three more because of Natalia's family, but only two friends. Nathan Rivera and Carter Juliens. Carter is emotionless. Well, around people at school. When we are together he is a completely different person. Still serious, but cool.

"We didn't even fuck!" Nathan exclaimed hitting Carter upside the head. There ladies and gentlemen is Nathan. He is a whole dumbass. Sometimes, I think he does it on purpose to make Carter and I laugh but he is much appreciated.

These two have been with me since third grade and ever since then. "Alright. Shut up you too." I said running a hand through my hair as I laughed at their interaction. All that happiness that I currently had just vanished. Daniel Grant. I never really minded him until now. I don't even know why.

He pulled her into a tight hug that she returned. The universe just loves to have me fucked up.

"Fuck it. I'm going out for a smoke." I said as I stormed back from the way we came and exited the school.

"Dude, what's up?" I heard Nathan ask me as a placed the cigarette between my lips.

"Nothing. Just stressed." I said as I lit the cigarette and took a long puff. "Can we ditch?" I asked after a while of silence.

"No way dude, we've missed more than a three weeks of school." Carter said lightly patting me on the back. "Sorry buddy." He said leading me back into the school. I quickly threw my cigarette on the ground and stomped on it. As soon as we entered, we heard students who were obviously ditching class. I didn't really hear what we were saying so I paid no attention to them. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice.

"No, honestly I just wanna fuck. I don't like Nat." The voice said. It sounded really familiar.

"That's the new girl right?" I heard another voice add which sounded like a girl but she wasn't important right now.

"Did you hear that?" I whisper yelled to Carter and Nate. I moved closer to where the voices were coming from.

There he is standing. Daniel Grant. As he makes out with the girl between him and the wall. Oh he is in for on hell of a beating. "This is too much," I hear Carter mumble as he grabs me by the arm and pulls me back. "Don't get suspended bro."

I let him pull me back as all the anger boiled inside of me. I don't know why I was so mad. Something about him being so close to Natalia just didn't work with me. But I know I can't have her so why can't he? Because he is a player and I don't want her to get hurt. But I'm a player too and I will hurt her.

"We're ditching. Fuck whatever I said before. Damn this girl has you fucked up." Carter said to me as I rolled my eyes and stomped out to the parking lot.


heyyyy everyone!!


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see the star and the bottom of the page? do u mind turning it orange? Thanks

Song of the Chapter:  Just to see you smile by Why Don't We

I chose that song because this morning I woke up and I decided to go to wattpad because I haven't checked the app in like a week. So I checked it and I had so many notifications about my story and it made me so happy :') I got so many votes (to me 4 is a lot soooo) and comments I was sooo happy. I honestly didn't think anyone would read this but seeing you guys like it makes me want to write more... just to see you smile :)

I love you guys !! xx

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