SHOT 11: All will be well

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"Bhai finally you came come have a seat." Laksh pulled the chair next to him.

"Mm... Actually it's practice time so let's go master called us." Sanskaar said and left before.

"What's wrong with him?" Swara said in confusion.

"We'll see that later. Let's go now." Pavi said and pulled her to hall.

"Today's the final practice so I need perfection." Dance master ordered while all nodded.

"Let's start." He said and all got into pairs.

"Dreamt something something ah?" Swara winked at him while sanskaar's eyes widened.

"What?" Sanskaar yelled.

"Geez sanskaar, are you planning to make me deaf?" Swara made faces.

Sanskaar immediately nodded no.

"Cool down Sankaar!..." Sanskaar left a deep breath and looked up.

"Mr. Flirt isn't flirting that's a miracle?" Swara looked at him.

"Not in mood." Sanskaar didn't see her.

"You know who you look now? You look like you kissed someone and still in shock." Swara giggled while sanskaar widened his eyes in horror.

His mind flashed those moments and she immediately stopped dancing.

"Sanskaar what's wrong?" Dance master yelled.

"Nothing master." Sanskaar nodded in no and caught up with the steps while sanskaar giggled.

"Will you stop giggling." Sanskaar looked annoyed.

"Aww .. you look more cute with this face." Swara giggled more.

Sanskaar pulled her closer towards him while it was her time to get shocked while sanskaar smirked.

"Giggle now." Sanskaar smirked more while also he enjoyed seeing the tint of pink on her cheeks.


"Swara switch off the lights yaar. I want to sleep." Pavi said in a totally irritated tone hiding her face using the blanket.

"Urgh... You don't let me to write my dairy at pavi." Swara closed the diary.

"Seriously diary writing at 1:00.. seriously." Pavi was totally annoyed.

"Okay okay you continue your beauty sleep." Swara switched off the lights and left to the balcony clutching her headphones on.

She stared at the moon and stars shining on the blue-black sky. Her favorite hobby while the song 'Talking to the moon' played as a background which she found it perfect.

"Why the hell I can't sleep." Sanskaar said rubbing his eyes.

He looked at the bed and couch were all his friends and laksh were all asleep.

"I should have been in my room." Sanskaar thought and came to the balcony and stretched his arms up and caught the railing.

"Such a good climate here." Sanskaar breathed in the fresh air and looked at the stars and moon for a minute.

"Let me at least get my novel to read to pass out time." Sanskaar turned away but stopped in the middle.

"Isn't that swara.. yup it's her!." He thought looking at the first floor balcony opposite.

"Mm... Let's do this." Sanskaar took out his mobile out and took the bag and sat in position so that he would see her.

Swara's mobile beeped with the message notification.

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