SHOT 8: You are strong!

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"Diiiii...." Swara was hugged by a young boy as soon as she entered the house.

It didn't take even seconds for her to know who it was. Her only brother Arya.

"How are you?" Swara ruffled his hairs.

"I'm at top of awesomeness seeing you now." Swara smiled.

"Di I'm very hungry come and make my favorite cheese pasta na please." Arya made puppy faces.

"Arya I already kept your food in your room." Sumatra came from her room.

"Di what are you waiting for come." Arya dragged swara with him to the kitchen.

"Aru mom has kept food then why didn't you have it?" Swara crossed her arms under her chest.

"Di I'm hungryyyyy." Arya ignored her question.

"Try to do this with others and not me." Swara made him look at her.

"Di.. you every time try to make to fix the unrepairable bond, leave it di and time will do something for it. Now I'm hungryyyyy start making." Arya dragged her near the stove.

"I've already sliced the vegetables so now start doing." Arya continued.

"Everything is planned before itself ha?" Swara smiled while Arya nodded giving a goofy smile.

She made the pasta and gave it to Arya while Arya immediately started attacking his food not before feeding his di some. Later arya slept on her lap.

Arya was the only one who would make her smile and understand her without words in her tight corners. Apart from Arya it was pavi for her. When she had Arya at home she had pavi in college. These two were her happiness and everything until she met him! Sanskaar, her only love of life.

Caressing arya's hair she too slept.


"Pavuuuuu" swara twirled her bestie in happiness.

"Someone is too much happy today." Pavu was happy seeing her happy like this.

"Yes I'm very happy." Swara smiled brightly.

"Let me guess, has Arya come?" Pavi asked while swara nodded.

"Great! Now my brother will slap people who slapped my best friend." Pavi giggled.

"Pavuu..." Swara glared and pavi hugged her while swara too hugged her back.

Sanskaar came inside the college and smiled seeing her smiling and talking to pavi.

"How would she smile despite all the pain she goes through?" Sanskaar mumbled and stood still looking at her for few minutes and left.


"Godddd, what's wrong with you sanskaar! Concentrate Concentrate..." Sanskaar mumbled to himself.

"Mr. Maheshwari will explain the thing I told you all now." There came Mr. Dracula, Mr. D'souza.

Sanskaar stood up and hung his head down as he didn't know while all were shocked. This wasn't the sanskaar they knew. He usually answers things perfectly making the professor to shut his mouth but today....

"If you can't tell the answer then out of the room Mr. Maheshwari." Mr. D'souza said and sanskaar slowly left.

Swara and pavi was shocked as either.

Sanskaar came out the class and sat on the bench in the garden. His fingers ran through his hairs.

What was even happening to him? Why can't he concentrate on things from the time he heard swara's past? Why?
He knows that he's practically an emotional person but nothing has effected him as this one did. He hardly slept for an hour last night gosh.... What was this girl doing to him?

He closed his eyes tightly. No he can't let this happen! He tried all the things to distract him but it didn't help him even a bit.

Sanskaar stood up and washed his face in the near by tap to cool down his veins.

The bell rang.

"Sanskaar concentrate you are going to dance with her! No no only dance, that's all." Sanskaar thought and left to the dance studio.


Swara saw him totally behaving strange. He wasn't teasing her nor talking instead she was avoiding her making her feel ignored and bad.

"What's wrong Mr. Flirt?" Swara asked while dancing.

"Nothing." Sanskaar answered in short.

"Are you ignoring me?" Swara narrowed her eyes while sanskaar looked at her at last.

And his eyes flashed her those beautiful eyes all red and tears scrolling down her cheeks. He immediately stopped dancing making swara confused.

"Arey..." Before she could he even speak he left taking excuse from the master.

Swara somehow managed to dance alone and the break bell rang.

"What happened swaru?" Pavi asked as she saw sanskaar left in the middle.

"I don't know pavu but... he's ignoring me." Swara pouted and said sadly.

"But why?" Pavi was confused too.

"Maybe he's affected by my words last night..." Swara said thinking.

"What you told?" Pavi asked.

"I told him about... my life." Swara made faces.

"Maybe he's upset because of it. Pavu I'll write a letter now itself in the class and just let me know where he is now, okay?" Swara said while pavi nodded and left.

Swara too Immediately left to the class to write a letter for him. After writing the letter she saw pavi coming in.

"Swara he's in the garden area." Pavi informed while swara nodded and left.


Sanskaar stood up and took his guitar bag and the letter fell down. Sanskaar took the letter.

"Sanskaar." Her swara's voice he immediately kept it inside his jacket and turned.

"Ha." Sanskaar turned and swara sitting on the bench and asking to sit. He sat beside her.

"I see you totally off today, this is not Mr. Flirt, the sanskaar I know." Swara said looking straight while he looked at her.

"Sanskaar, look don't let things affect you. You look horrible this way! It's just my life and I'm fine now so not to worry." Swara chuckled and sanskaar made faces.

"Mm..." Sanskaar hummed.

"Hope you'll be fine soon." Swara smiled and stood up.

"You are strong." Sanskaar said.

"Situations made me that way sanskaar" Swara answered with a short smile and left.

Sanskaar smiled and took out the letter which his letter girl sent him.

"I know you would send me this." Sanskaar smiled and started opening the letter.



So the Great Sanskaar Maheshwari has started falling in the webs, isn't he? But what about his letter girl?

Hope you all like the chapter do comment and hit the ⭐.

Diya ❤

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