SHOT 10: I'm your letter girl

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"Finally we are here!" Pavi squealed.

"Yup, and the climate is so chill na. It's really nice." Swara said hugging herself as the cold wind hit her.

"Let's get in students." Dance master ordered and all started getting in.

"So this a guest house and there are 24 students here so 2 in a room and take your rooms and freshup." Dance master said and all nodded and went.

Swara and pavi took the room upstairs while sanskaar and laksh took the room straight opposite to them.

"This room so good swaru." Pavi exclaimed as she opened the window.

"Ha." Swara replied seeing the beautiful fog been spread everywhere and the house was surrounded with beautiful flowering plants making the scene more pleasant.


"Sanskaar Bhai I've got something for you." Laksh stood beside the bed where sanskaar was lying with both his hands on back for his head and looking out at the window.

"What?" Sanskaar looked at him.

"This." Laksh took a letter and winked at him while sanskaar got up with a jerk and snatched it from him.

"Where did you got it?" Sanskaar asked.

"When I entered the room after meeting my friend I saw this under our doorstep." Laksh explained while sanskaar nodded.

"Bhai, I'm leaving downstairs or else seeing you smiling like an idiot will give me sleepless night." Laksh chuckled and sanskaar gave a glare.

"Enjoy!" Laksh happily left the room while sanskaar went to the balcony in haling the cold air, he opened the letter.

I gaze at the stars so high in the sky,
Yet one burns brighter it's true.
And that one I can't stop staring at,
For that one, my love, is you!

"How does she writes poems like this gosh! I can't write even one like them." Sanskaar thought and smiled

All the best for you and your partner for dancing. I know my love would give the best but stay safe you know.

Sanskaar chuckled seeing her jealousy.

I know how you would look tomorrow for the contest so beware. I seriously hate girls being around you but I can't do a thing.

"Then come before me na!" Sanskaar smirked.

Okay I'm going. I want to write more but I'm stopping it here.

The girl who is always thinking of you!

"I'm also thinking of you girly." Sanskaar smiled like an idiot.

"And that's confirmed you are here among the 15 girls. Thanks for the clue babe." Sanskaar smirked and lied down on the sa.e position like before.


"Hey pretty girls!" Laksh came sat on the table which had swara and pavi.

"Oh hi." Swara gave a quick smile.

"What brings you here all of sudden?" Pavi asked as laksh usually don't come with them.

"When my brother can come why can't I be here?" Laksh said in a naughty tone.

"Of course you can be here anytime." Swara smiled.

"So where's your brother?" Pavi asked.

"He's.... taking rest." Laksh smiled weirdly.


"Miss. Nerd why did you call me?" Sanskaar asked as she called him.

"Mm... I guess I should the name from Mr.flirt to Mr.Hot." Swara winked at him and ran her fingers from his forehead to his jawline.

"Ha..Han so finally you accepted it." Sanskaar smirked and pulled her more closer to him through her waist.

"I want to tell you something." Swara lowered her face.

"I'm there." Sanskaar made her look at him.

"I.. I don't know how to say but..." Swara bit her lip in tension.

"You can tell me anything swara." Sanskaar traced her hairs which were falling in front and tucked it behind her ears.

"I'm your... letter girl." Swara closed her eyes while sanskaar was shocked.

"You?" He still couldn't believe while swara nodded her head slowly.

"I love you!" Sanskaar confessed with a smile.

"Ha?" Swara looked at him surprised.

Not able control himself seeing her soft pink lips he slowly moved towards her more while swara closed and he would see a tint of pink flourishing on both her cheeks which made him smile. He moved more closer and he felt her deep breath, he slowly placed his lips on her............

"Nooooooooooooo" Sanskaar got up with a jerk breathing heavily.

"No.. I.. Swara noo." Sanskaar gulped in hardly.

"Uff... Sanskaar it's just a dream you didn't.. no calm down." Sanskaar took in a deep breath in wiping his sweat.

He closed his eyes and all he saw was the scene where he was going to kiss her. Sanskaar immediately got up and started walking downstairs and he saw his brother laksh cracking some stupid jokes and swara, pavi was laughing.

And he immediately got the same flash. He immediately took away his gaze and started walking out.

"Sanskaar, where are you going?" Sanskaar closed his eyes tightly as he it was her so he stopped.

Sanskaar looked at her while his mind was flashing the scene again.

"What's wrong with him that he's staring at me with this year?" Swara mumbled.

"I'm not going to eat you Mr. Flirt." Her words brought him back to world.

"I.. I'll be back." Sanskaar answered and immediately left out making all 3 confused with his behaviour.

"What's wrong with him?" Laksh thought.


Sanskaar sat on the bench which was behind the house admist those colourful flowers and chill wether.


I have no idea what's wrong with me. How can feel for 2 girls at the same time no! This is wrong. I.. I already love my letter girl and I had promised myself to find and love her no matter what and how can I let this happen?! Gosh!... This swara is totally distracting me.

I ran my hands on my hairs.

I can't let that happen but there's a point. What if she was my letter girl like i had in my dream. I closed my eyes and I again saw the same scene which made me open my eyes open immediately but...what if she's not too...

Urghh.... That's truly confusing. I have no idea what should I do. Wait, let me do this. Let me start checking whether swara is her. If she isn't then I'll have maintain distance from her.


And it's SHOT 10 with some beautiful dream, right? ;) Poor soul, sanskaar! Totally confused with letter girl and swara. Well, we all know that the both are the same ;)

Hope you all like the chapter do comment and hit the stars.


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