Fighting For Control

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Hello again

Requests are coming, but this is just something I got inspired to do sooooooo :P

Loki is still evil, and Peter and Tony are the only ones available to fight him. Cue the chaos.


Peter Parker POV

"Wait! Mr. Stark, is that Loki?!" I exclaimed. Mr. Stark has called me out of school for a mission, but I had no idea I was gonna fight Loki! That's awesome and terrifying at the same time! But none of the others were available, so this will be hard, but fun! Probably.

"Yeah, that's Loki, kid. Now, you have to follow EXACTLY as I say, okay? Loki is dangerous, we can't risk falling under his control, okay?" Mr. Stark said through the coms, and I over course said, "Yeah, okay! This is SO COOL!"

I could practically hear Mr. Starks eye-roll as he said, "Just dont do anything I would do. And definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do, okay? Grey area, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember! Don't worry, you can count on me!" I said. I heard Mr. Stark chuckle before landing on the building Loki stood. He was making some kind of portal. It was big and blue, and smoky. Mr. Stark touched down as I swung, getting into a battle stance. Loki turned slowly, his hands held up in surrender. "Ahhhh... the avengers. How annoying. Oh, have you brought a new one? How crude."

"Yeah, Yeah, let's make this easy. You go back to where you came from, or we'll kick your ass. Your choice." Mr. Stark said, his repulsers at the ready.

"Well, in that case..." Loki used the hands he held up to shoot me, and before I could dodge, it all went black.

Tony Stark POV

"Kid!" I yelled as the magic beam shot him, causing him to fall over. I turned to Loki.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I yelled with pure rage.

"Awww, you care for the little spider! But the question remains..." Peter stood up, the usually white eyes of the suit tinted blue. "What would happen if he turned against you?" Peter got into a battle stance. No quips, no jokes. Just a silent spider with blue tinged eyes.

And I was scared.

Not just for me, since the kid is strong, but for him. I should've never brought him. Never gotten him involved. My thoughts were interrupted with him charging, aiming for a punch. I blocked it and shit he's strong! "Come on kid, snap out of it!" I yelled, blocking and dodging webs, kicks and punches.

The kid was far gone though, his only sounds the grunts and winces when he got hurt. I knew I was overwhelmed. I had something I didn't want to use, but I clearly had no choice.

"Fri... you know what to do." I said as I hung my head low. The kid now seemed confused, looking around for a threat. The cage came up behind him, trapping him effectively, but also shocking him badly. I winced for him, hating how he screamed. The cage closed, and he tried to combat it, but it was specialized for enhanced beings, so it would hold him. For now, at least.

I picked up the cage and blasted towards the compound.


Peter Parker POV

....where am I?

Attack. Kill Stark.

What?! I don't want to do that! Who are you?!

He doesn't care. You're a charity case to him.he only cares about your powers.

S-stop it! I know he cares, I know he-

Pathetic. Can't even save your uncle. Another death, caused by you. Murderer.

Stop it, stop-

He doesn't care. He hates you. Annoying, stupid, pathetic.

No! No, I know he cares I know he-

Quit trying! How could he care about you?! Did he come to save you when that building fell on you?! No! He doesn't care, so kill him! He manipulated you!


Mr. Stark, HELP ME-

Tony Stark POV

The kid has been jolting in his cage.

I've moved him while he fell unconscious in the other cage. I haven't left his side since, I've just been watching and waiting. He's been twitching, and muttering under his breath. Now his murmurs are getting louder. "Stopstopstopstoppleasestop I know he cares, he cares he careshehastohecaresaboutme-" He seemed to be fighting more violently, his entire body shaking. Then suddenly, he cried, "Mr. Stark, HELP ME ITS TOO MUCH" he shot up, his eyes brown.

I ran over. "Kid!" I started to say, but he cut me off, "I don't have much time- he's fighting for control. Listen, you have to keep me in here, get Thor, and- AHH!-get him out of here! Please, do it before he-NO!- Finds a way out of here! GO!"

Then Peter goes slack, his head lolling a bit before sitting up straight, his eyes blue again and a twisted grin on his face, contorting his face in a way that terrified me. It was so uncharacteristically horrifying, his eyes wild, his hair a mess as he looked me in the eyes, laughing at my terror.

"I'll be waiting, Stark." Was all he said before falling slack again, like a puppet with its strings cut off. I stared at Peter, looking at the poor boy I dragged into all of this.

And I'll go to hell and back to gat him out of this.


918 words

I think I'll leave you on a cliffhanger for this one ;)

Updates coming soon, with WHUMP BINGO and requests and such.

Until then :)


IronDad and Spidyson One Shots Vol. 1 [UNDERGOING EDITING, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now