WHUMP BINGO- Shaky Hands And Sad Souls

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:P I'm here again

I'm getting to the requests one by one, but I'm going to fix my schedule so it's like this:

WHUMP BINGO (until I've run out of bingos)

Free day (I write if I want to)


Free day

Something I want to write

Free day

This isn't necessarily a post schedule but a "Here's what I'm working on" schedule. This will also give me ample time to work hard without overwhelming myself.



3rd Person POV

Tony is being unusually clumsy.

Usually he was precise, without shaking hands, as an engineers hands had to be. So this clumsiness worries everyone, especially Peter. He had never seen the man so... out of it. His eyes were tired, his movements jerky and sluggish. Whenever he was talked to without warning, he jumped a foot in the air.

Peter cast a worried glance at Tony as he stumbled into the living room, groaning and flopping down next to him. The man looked even more tired then when the day started, as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Hey Pete..." He said, in an exhausted voice.

"Hey Dad. What's up with you? You've been out of it all day..." Peter said as he paused the show he was watching, casting a worried glance at Tony. Tony just shook his head and said, "I'm fine, kid. Just an off day."

"Yeah, I don't really think so. You've been like this for a week now. This isn't just an 'off day', Dad. Now, can you please tell me what's wrong?" Peter said as he turned off the TV and slid closer to Tony, looking up with expectancy.

"I... it's nothing kid..." Tony said, putting his head in his hands. "I'm alright..."

"Dad, please, don't shut me out! I want to help-" Peter started before Tony slumped over in exhaustion, passing out. Peter let out a sigh before picking up the inventor and walking to the mans room, setting him down in the pillows. Peter lingered, sighing at his father. 'I hope he's alright...' Peter thought before reluctantly leaving the room, casting one last glance at his father before turning the light off and shutting the door.

~~Time Skip brought to you by an insomniac writing about an insomniac and his worried son-not-son-please-adopt-him figure~~

"Peter, it appears Boss is suffering from a nightmare. He is calling your name." Peter jumped up from his homework, rushing to his dads room. When he made it, he saw the disheveled billionaire panting, his eyes glazed over. His hair was a mess and he was panting, looking right through Peter. It was clear he was far gone.

Peter needed to snap him out of it.

Peter rushed over, sitting on the bed and shaking Tony, calling his name. Peter called his name again and again until finally, Tony blinked rapidly and whispered, "P-Pete?"

Peter sighed in relief, falling on Tony's chest. "Thank god. I thought you were to far gone..." Without warning though, Tony pulled back and frantically gripped Peters arms, his shoulders. He checked his pulse and heard his breathing and sighed in relief, pulling the now very confused boy back into his chest. "Thank god you're okay..."

Peter pulled back and said, "What do you mean by that?" Tony looked away and said, "It's not important kiddo."

"Yes it is! You were literally just checking if I was alive! Please dad, tell me what's wrong." Peter said, looking up at Tony with worry. Tony sighed and looked out the window, the moonlight reflected in his eyes. He closed them and took a deep breath, before looking back at Peter.

"I, um, haven't been getting much sleep lately. I know that normal, but um, I've been having nightmares... about Titan..." Tony said. He watched as Peters eyes widened with realization, and continued. "My hands have been extra shaky because whenever I looked at them, I was reminded of, ... you know...." Tony looked away, shameful of bringing back bad memories for his son. Peter said, "It's okay. I get those too, you know? I wish you'd told me earlier... I could've, um, grounded you I guess."

Tony smiled at Peter and said, "You're to good for this world, kiddo." Peter smiled back and said, "I can stay with you, if you want."

Tony lied down, bringing Peter with him and chuckling. "You already know the answer to that question."

Soon the two fell into a peaceful sleep, knowing that if anything happened, the other would be there, always.


768 words

Ugghhhh the ending is super rushhhheeedddd.

I'm angry with myself.

Hope you liked this despite the ending.

Later Webheads


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