Hamilton (Because Shhhh)

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Even though the songs aren't really my favorite anymore, figured I'd edit this anyways :)

Tony Stark POV

"Alexander Hamilton

My name is Alexander Hamilton

And there's a million things I haven't done,

But just you wait

Just you wait..."

    Tony remembered back when he was younger, he would show his dad that new invention that would surely prove he was worth being his son, worth being alive. His dad obviously never responded with much vigor, too work obsessed to care about his own son. Looking back, Tony supposed it was genetic. But the only thing he could seem to hope as a child was that his father would see him.

   He was going to prove himself.

   He just knew it.

"Raise a glass to freedom,

Something they can never take away

No matter what they tell you...

Raise a glass to the four of us

Tomorrow they'll be more of us

Telling the story of tonight."

   He remembers when the avengers fought all their battles, together. He knew, that they could take everything from them. But never their freedom, or hope. Never would there be no solution, never would they give up and let themselves be swallowed.

   And the world would one day join hands and stand their ground, ready for anything.

"Death doesn't discriminate,

Between the sinners and the saints,

It takes and it takes and it take,

And we keep living anyway.

We laugh and we cry and we break

And if there's a reason I'm still alive,

When everyone who loves me has died,

I'm willing to wait for it."

   He also knew that he couldn't do everything, couldn't save everyone. There would always be one person who fell, no matter what. Always death, destruction, chaos. Tony was all to familiar with the harsh words of the press, the sobbing of families mourning a loved one.

   That won't stop him though. Not when so many more could die. Not when he could save who he could.

"Look around,

Look around,

At how lucky we are to be alive right now."

  Whenever he was down, Pepper, Morgan, or Peter would lift him back up. God, he loved those three, even if he wasn't sure how to show it sometimes. They were the only things really grounding him, tethering him to earth.

   He couldn't imagine life without them.

"I don't pretend to know

The challenges you're facing,

The worlds you keep erasing and creating in your mind.

But I'm not afraid,

IronDad and Spidyson One Shots Vol. 1 [UNDERGOING EDITING, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now