Not In The Right Mind...

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Oh boy, we're at 75 parts now?! It only feels like twenty.... 


By the way, do you people want me to edit some of the older shit in this book to make it better? Just an idea🤔

Anyway, this was inspired by a different story on here, but it will be solely focused on Irondad. 

Here we GO


Peter Stark POV

   When I came home from school, I definitely wasn't expecting the tower to be quiet.

   See, usually I hear AC/DC from the lab, or banging in the kitchen. Usually, there's banging  in the vents from Clint, the sound faint of sparring down in the training room. It, unsurprisingly, is never very quiet with a bunch of Gods, mutants, and assassins. 

   But today, it was quiet. I knew the others were away for a few weeks on a short mission, but Tony and Doctor Banner weren't gone, so I expected some noise at least. I walked in, sighing, thinking they both fell asleep in the lab AGAIN, and then saw a note on the counter. It read:

Dear Peter, 

It's Bruce. I had to go to SHIELD for a short test on the new project we've been working on. Your dad said he wasn't feeling well, so I made him rest. Can you make sure he is actually doing that? I said I'd check up on him when I returned home. You always convince him to rest, so work that magic and get him in bed please.

Your favorite uncle, 

Bruce B.

   I smiled at the letter. Uncle Bruce was always kind and thoughtful. I put my stuff down and put my hands in my pockets, knowing my dad was probably in the lab. Strolling to the elevator, I quickly called, "FRI, take me to the lab, please."

   "Gladly, Peter." Friday said as the elevator began to go down. When the elevator stopped and opened, I briskly walked over to the section for my dad, opening the explosion-proof glass doors. When I entered, though, no one was there.

   'That's... weird.' I thought as I wandered around the uncharacteristically quiet lab. It was eerily silent, not even a whirl from DUM-E. My eyebrows furrowed as I called out, "Dad? Are you here?"

   Silence met my words. 

   I waited before sighing, and heading towards the door. I was stopped though, by the whirl of repulsers aimed at me as Dad stood in the Ironman suit.

   In the darkness, the suit looked eerie. It's eyes flashed, the repulsers the only thing breaking the silence. I backed away out of shock for a minute as the repulser didn't lower, aimed directly at my chest. I knew it was him because I could hear his heart beat, steady and smooth. "D-Dad...?" I said shakily. My spidysense was going off like crazy, it made me shake slightly. 'Something isn't right.' It warned. 'This isn't him.'

   I slowly took a step forward, dispite my gut telling me not to. "Dad...? Hey, you should be resting, you know-!" The repulser fired, nearly hitting me as I dodged. "WOAH- Dad! This isn't you!" I yelled as I jumped on the ceiling, crawling towards him again. He continued to fire, his aim precise, his hand unwavering. I dodged as much as I could, but eventually, one hit me on the leg. I let out a yelp as I fell to the ground, groaning in pain. The suit stepped closer, aiming for the final blow.

   "Dad! Please, this isn't you! I don't know what happened to you, but I know you're in there somewhere!" I yelled as the suit loomed over me, the repulser aimed at my chest. Before it could fire though, I jumped up and gave the suit a hug, as a final, desperate attempt to reason with Dad.

   The arm wavered, and slowly went down, wrapping around me. Soon the head lowered shakily into my shoulder, and I heard harsh breaths coming from within the suit. "P-Peter....?" I heard Dads shaky voice coming from the suit. "Yeah... it's me..." I said slowly, still calming down from shock. The grip tightened and we slid to the floor as muffled sobs came from the suit.

    "Hey, hey, it's okay, shh..." I said as I quietly shushed him

   "You weren't in the right mind."


729 words 

Ahh this kinda sucks.

Hope you enjoyed that crap.

Bye Webheads


IronDad and Spidyson One Shots Vol. 1 [UNDERGOING EDITING, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now