"Feeling SUPER, SUPER, SUPER! Suicidal.." (SONGFIC)

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Yeah, so this is inspired by this video, but it is NOT an exact copy of it. I made my own story behind the song, but this was the main inspiration.

Feel free to watch it, it's really cool!

Song: Teen Idle by Marina & The Diamonds



I wanna be a bottle blonde,
I don't know why but I feel conned.
I wanna be an idle teen,
I wish I hadn't been so clean.

Peter had always looked up to the avengers, even before he became Spider-Man. He always hoped, dreamed, he could become one of them, but never thought he had a chance. When Spider-Man came along, though, a new hope had blossomed in him.

I wanna stay inside all day,
I want the world to go away,
I want blood, guts and chocolate cake,
I wanna be a real fake..

Soon, though, it became a slight obsession. He hated that he was scorned and the avengers were worshipped. Jealousy grew in his heart, and soon, he began to obsess over something he wasn't. His depression grew by the day, watching the News and seeing all these horrible things people said about him. He pushed himself, working to death to please everyone.

Then, the great Tony Stark noticed him.

Yeah, I wish I'd been, I wish I'd been a teen, teen idle.
Wish I'd been a prom queen fighting for the title,
Instead of being sixteen and burning up a Bible,
Feeling super, super, super! suicidal...
The wasted years, the wasted youth,
The pretty lies, the ugly truth.
And the day has come where I have died,
Only to find I've come alive...

Tony could spot an overworked man from a mile away. He frowned watching the news, seeing as Spider-Man was being scorned for everything he was doing. When he met the man under the mask however, it definitely was not what he was expecting. A young boy, someone who was still in school for gods sake! The bags under his eyes were so prominent, that they rivaled Tony's own.

He decided that this kid desperately needs help, and not just when it came to the crappy suit he made. He was gonna work himself to death if Tony didn't act fast.

Meanwhile, Peter felt his jealousy and sadness rising in him again.

I wanna be a virgin pure,
A 21st century whore.
I want back my virginity,
So I can feel infinity.

When Tony Freaking Stark arrived on his doorstep, Peter had no idea what to think. He seemed... sympathetic to Peter. And to be honest? Peter hated that. 'Why is he so worried, huh? He's on top, he's got everything he wants. Why does a kid like me matter so much to him?' Peter thought as Stark poked around his room.

Soon, however, they formed a relationship, a father-son kind of relationship. Peter liked it a lot, but he only knew it was a matter of time before things got worse. Peter wanted his happiness back, hoping to forget. So, he took a page out of Tony's book.

I wanna drink until I ache,
I wanna make a big mistake,
I want blood, guts and angel cake,
I'm gonna puke it anyway!

One night, things got really bad. Peter had gained an alcohol problem only a few days ago. He didn't know why he liked the stuff so much, it made him mopey and depressed, but it sure as hell was addictive.

He drank a little to much that night.

He hadn't taken his new medication to help with his depression.

IronDad and Spidyson One Shots Vol. 1 [UNDERGOING EDITING, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now