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Hey, so I was bored so I took a trip down memory lane and watched some old undertale videos

And I just realized how well this fits



Third Person POV

Listen and hear a song the birds are singing
Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming
A pleasant breeze flows by leaving a trail of dust
This is your fault, right?

It was finally time. Time to avenge everyone. To save everyone. The remaining avengers walked on the remote planet where Thanos resided. Everyone was preparing for the worst.

Stark had only one thought on his mind, 'This is for Peter. For Pepper. For everyone.' He looked Rodgers in the eye, ready for the signal. Each member had a look of acceptance, that what is to come will come, and the best they can do now is try.

Standing in the corridor
Who thought we'd be here like this together?

Peter and the others were in the stone. Peter wondered how it came to this. 'Is this the end?' Was the thoughts of everyone in the stone. 'Game over? Is this our legacy? The dust of our souls the only memory left?' No one wanted to give up, though many already had.

Those ones disappeared for good.

Only one thought was in Peters and the other avengers minds, 'They will come. They have to.'

On a gorgeous day like this, I ask
What is it that you want?

Thanos grimly awaited them. He seemed to sense this was coming. He watched them all, all grieving, depressed, and doubtful. But filled with hope, determination, and the will to save what was lost.

Who knew such small creatures could hold so much, could take so much, and still stand so proudly.

I believe there was a time
Where we could be pals and things were better
Eating bad food, enjoying laughs
Can we go back to that?

Stark charged along with the others, thinking about older days. Older times when he and Peter would work in the lab, when the team went to get shawarma, all the pranks Clint would pull, the laughs they would all share. He thought of Peppers stern but loving gaze, Peters soft doe like eyes that sparkled when he got excited, and Happy and Rhodeys stubbornness.

He wouldn't change it for the world.

And he'd get it back, or die trying

If you're in there listening
Kid, just reset the time line
And let's please forget all of this

Even after what you did he believed in you 'til the end

Peter. Stark realized that Peter thought he disappointed him. He wished he could just reset it all, to tell Peter how he really felt, that no matter what Peter thought, he couldn't be prouder. But now, he had the chance to get him back.

And he knew he'd never get it again if he failed now.

Looking at your face right now
That expression tells me I can't afford not to care anymore
Turn this path around, wipe your dirty hands clean
Give up!

They tried to reason with Thanos. Tried telling him to give them back before it was too late. Stark couldn't understand why he had done this. He couldn't see how he could glorify all this carnage, all these families ripped apart. He hated Thanos with every fiber of his body.

Please don't come back
If you're my friend

"If you're a real father, you'll reverse this right now." Stark said with anger lacing his voice.

"And what would you know about that, Stark?" He asked. Stark stayed quiet.

A ghost like form of Peter faded into existence, it's eyes wide in shock. "Perhaps it has to do with him?" Thanos said, seeing the relationship between the two immediately. Stark hadn't listened though and lunged for the ghost of Peter, the ghost doing the same. But they fazed through each other.

Peter gave a look of horror and sympathy, mouthing to Stark, 'it's not your fault' before fading out.

"Well, it's rather clear to me." Thanos said with half sympathy.

Listen and hear a song the birds are singing
Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming
A pleasant breeze flows by leaving a trail of -(dust)
How could you have done this?

They all fought diligently. Thanos brought a few friends so everyone was pretty busy. Stark, however, was facing off to the big guy himself. Stark's usual witty and sarcastic comments were replaced with pure and uncontrolled rage.

Finally, he somehow got a hold on the soul stone, and tossed it to Thor and Captain Marvel, and they began to break it while the other held Thanos back.

Is there still
A glimmer of hope?
Will you choose
To do the right thing?

In the soul stone, a sudden rumble was felt all around. Peters head shot up, tears still showing from his encounter with Stark. Cracks were felt at everyone's feet, but Peters eyes shone with hope. "They're doing it." he whispered with a smile. "We're going back home..."

Please now, bud
If you're there
Have a change of heart

Thanos let out a war cry of rage, but to no avail.

The stone broke with a bang, flinging everyone away with a large 'BOOM'

Thanos felt himself fading, a consequence for breaking the stone. The other stones fell down, still glowing with power.

A flash of light burned at there eyes, and everyone was there.

A few minutes had passed, but Stark looked for only one person, for this would be for nothing if they weren't safe.

Listen and hear a song the birds are singing
Sit down a while and watch the flowers blooming
What a nice day

"Mr. Stark?" a small voice asked almost quivering. Stark turned and saw him.


"Please don't get mad that I got back late." He said, but Stark hadn't listened, he was already rushing towards Peter, giving him a hug, crying in his shoulder.

"... Is this a hug...?" Peter asked uncertainly.

"Y-...yes kid... yes it is... Now shut up and hug back..." He said trying to be stern, but his voice quivered.

Peter immediately did, and smiled even though tears stained his eyes too.

"Good to be back..."

"Yeah... it really is..."


1061 words

Well, here ya go. This is what I've been working on. I hope you enjoyed it, really I was bored, this wasn't requested or anything, so i hope you liked my crap.

See ya, Webheads!

-SiederTree Studios-

IronDad and Spidyson One Shots Vol. 1 [UNDERGOING EDITING, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now