(1) The Destruction Manual

Start from the beginning

Nah, she's a wacko 100% of the time, she's a stoned drunk permanently and I fucking hate her.

Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting

'James, why don't you tell the group a bit about yourself?'

I looked at the woman, she was, what like, 20 something? Early 30's at the most I'd say. She had told me her name...

Nah, I ain't gunna remember.

I stood up and brushed the dust from the ceiling off of my jeans. I cleared my throat.

'Hi, uh, I'm James but my...' I said before I was cut off by the group.

'Hello James'.

'...friends call me Jimmy. Look do you want to listen in or are you gunna cut me off again?'

I waited while the group members stared at me. A couple took in a sharp intake of breath, others just gulped. I smirked.

'What was that?'

'Sorry,' they mumbled.

'Right, well, I'm 18 but I got held back a year in school, and I'm about to be held back again unless I clean up my act'. I rolled my eyes at the last part of my sentence. 'Apparently I'm on drugs and I'm an alcoholic.' I sat back down.

The lady smiled at me with pity and said that accepting the problem was the first step forward to overcoming it.

An Insight into the World of Jimmy

My mum, Gwyneth Dia is a high school drop out. She quit after supposedly falling in love with my dad, Rich Tarde (no jokes, that's his actual fucking name). They ran away from their homes, my dad was an orphan so he wasn't leaving much behind, whereas my mum was leaving a large and wealthy family, a huge social life and a chance at a private education.

From what I've been told, they traveled around a lot and earned a living out of pick-pocketing, begging and scamming people out of their hard earned cash. On one of their travels they managed to find a place that was willing to marry them. They'd barely known each other two months.

Needless to say both of them had started using drugs to keep their minds off of the shitty nature of their lives. They'd been drinking heavily too. And not to go into details but they'd been doing the 'nasty'.

And that's how I came about. An unplanned, unwanted consequence of a night half remembered due to all the shit they'd been taking.

As soon as my dad found out that my mum was pregnant, he flipped. He succumbed to that infuriated beast inside, that always seems to be present in those who feel the need to intoxicate themselves with their own 'special blend' of poison. He accused her of sleeping around and that the baby wasn't his. I say he was just scared shitless. So he ran like the spineless bastard he was. I haven't seen him since he showed up out of the blue on my seventh birthday. He hadn't been in the house for barely even an hour, before he skedaddled with his tail between his legs.

Good riddance.

My mum, who was heartbroken but still as high as a kite, started to wallow in self-pity. She's been in and out of hospitals since I can remember. She's a terrible mother who I fucking hate with a bitter passion. She's nothing but a slut and a whore who has a different man round to the house almost every night. I swear the feeling's mutual.

And if that wasn't enough: she used to beat me when I was too small to hit back. Well I'm 18 now, and guess what? I refuse to take anymore of her shit. When I was 15, I decided that it was time to up sticks and leave. I packed my bags and went to freeload off of a mate. He also had problems at home and decided to leave. It's an adult free dwelling, strictly assholes under 20 ONLY! It's perfect, just like the rest of my goddamn life!

Oh! One last thing: I DO NOT take any drugs and I don't drink! Regardless of what my fucktarded teachers think.

Well,unless it's a celebration...


Hey:) it's ifindedcake here:)

So I decided to release the first five chapters of my new story to see how it goes down. I want to know what you guys think of it and if it's worth continuing. Feedback's always appreciated, especially critique (as long as it's polite).

Thanks for reading

I hope you enjoyed it. :D

(I also decided to add a few puns and names of films/bands/books that I like. Watch out and see if you can spot them all :D )

Oh! And sorry for all the swearing, it's just that I feel it's something that Jimmy would do a lot. Just a small warning: there'll be a lot more as the story continues.

I edited it, as I received a few comments on the problems with it, such as the layout and the use of vocabulary. I tried to improve it...

I am a self-confessed ellipsis addict!!!!

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