Chapter 65

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A figure wearing a cloak suspiciously glance around the dark forest. He lower the hood of his cloak before he leap up into the tree, reporting to another person sitting on a tree branch. The cloaked person take off the hood and reveal mask that hides the face of a beautiful young lady. She pat and caress her hair in order before she greet the other -void with any emotion. "Greetings, it's nice and I'm happy to work with you once again."

"And I as well." The other person -seating leisurely on a tree branch- chuckle.

She didn't waste anymore time and say. "As for my task, It's done." The person that KT Xi suspected said confidently.

Chang Han wave his fan in satisfaction and chuckle as he nod. Lan Ming -his fellow discipline and the same person here- smirk, removing her black mask. "I put it in their foods. A couple of days from now, it'll be awaken."

Chang Han smirk. "Very well, for sure now, we will have it." He slowly rose from being seated then stare into the general direction of the celebration. His smirk widen. "Let's go back... And wait."


Everyday, KT Xi is always beside the emperor. They would talk occasionally.

Almost all the time, they spend their time with being each other.

The Emperor seems to have no plan on mentioning the things that happen between them, and so KT Xi decided to just let it serve as his lesson and learn from it. Face the future and let it stay as their pass, so he will not mention it too.

Now they are in the study. Sitting in across each other.

The emperor is writing while KT Xi who have nothing to do could only read some books of various genre.

The two are silent.

That is until the emperor spoke without lifting his head. "What are you reading?"

KT Xi snap out his imaginations hesitantly reply. "...Quirks... of Cats." He whispered the last part. But the emperor still heard him.

This seems to have caught the emperor's attention as he gently put the brush aside and stare at the empress passively. "Hm. About Cats... For what reason?"

"I am quite intrigued about cats your highness." He said while shifting the hair on his forehead to the side as it grew out a bit.

"Don't read those books anymore."


"Just ask this emperor since we know more about Kitty than those books."

"Uhm... But I'm reading about the big cats. The lions."

"Very well, We are more aware of Lions and Kitty, So ask us everything you wanna know."

The emperor said those with a chill tone and calm look on his face.

"I haven't read about the lions, so then... May I ask for his highness knowledge regarding lions."

The emperor smirk. Very well.

"First of, Only male lions boast manes, the impressive fringe of long hair that encircles their heads. Males defend the pride's territory, which may include some 100 square miles of grasslands, scrub, or open woodlands. These intimidating animals mark the area with urine, roar menacingly to warn intruders, and chase off animals that encroach on their turf.

"Female lions are the pride's primary hunters. They often work together to prey upon antelopes, zebras, wildebeest, and other large animals of the open grasslands. Many of these animals are faster than lions, so teamwork pays off.

After the hunt, the group effort often degenerates to squabbling over the sharing of the kill, with cubs at the bottom of the pecking order. Young lions do not help to hunt until they are about a year old. Lions will hunt alone if the opportunity presents itself, and they also steal kills from hyenas or wild dogs.

" Lion Social Behavior
The social structure of the Lion is very interesting to observe. Groups of Lions living together are called prides. There is typically five or six females that live in it plus their cubs. There may only be one male or there can be up to two of them. Only one will be the dominant male though and the one that has the right to mate with the females. It seems that every member of the pride has a role to play. That role can shift though depending on their needs and the size of the pride.

Usually all of the adults in the pride will work as a team to protect each other and the young from other predators. However, there is often a hierarchy here that determines who will be dominant in that fight to protect them. Some of the Lions may cover the outer perimeter with others remaining well protected inside of it.

There can be brutal battles between entire prides of Lions over territory. When they have locations that overlap there may be a fight for who gets to keep it. Such battles are becoming more frequent now that humans are taking away so much of the area that the Lions once called their home.

The social structure of the Lion also affects the eating patterns for them. When a kill is made the females involved with it will eat first. What is left has to go through the hierarchy of the pride.

There are some dynamics that can take place in the social structure of the Lion that we don’t yet understand. They have to take on a nomadic existence and that can be very difficult for them to survive.

There are times when females are also run off from a pride and the reason for that isn’t understood. She will have a very hard time surviving too. They won’t be readily accepted into another pride. The males can take over other prides if the challenge the dominant male and win".(sorry, I forgot the source of information so I can't cite them😝)

KT Xi ironically felt the uncanny similarities of their situation with the lions. He don't know why he feel like it. Even the way the emperor is looking at him makes him believe that it is indeed similar.

"Pardon me your highness, but is there somewhat similarity..." The way the emperor is smirking at him made the shadow guard look down to his book and decided not to ask anymore.

"The Lion and his Lioness, a good book to read... But I read a book which may hook my Empress' interest, the Lion and his Kitty, perhaps my Empress is interested with this fascinating book? It have a nice story, say the word and this emperor shall gift it to you."

The Lion and his Kitty...?...

That's... the title?

What the he–

What kind of book will that be?....

That's a joke right?

That can't be real...




Who would write something like–

Then and there he realized.

The lion looks like it represents the Emperor, while the Kitty...

No thanks. His eyebrow could only twitch. Does that book even exists?


[BL] DEATHBLADE; The Emperor's Blood Pledged Shadow GuardOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz