Freckles and Constellations [Logince] (Highschool AU)

Start from the beginning

"So, what Dodie song did ya pick? Knowing you it's going to be a super cute upbeat one. I'm still working on learning how to play fast, so don't make it too hard on me."

Roman took out the paper from his pocket, uncrumpled it, and looked at the title of the song. Freckles and Constellations are two words that perfectly describe Logan's freckled arms and astrophilia. Yes, Roman knows big words too. Shocking, I know. Roman showed the Paper to Virgil, handing it to him and grinning.

"Freckles and Constellations. It's such a lovely song, yeah? I just need to drop the notes down to my vocal range and we're golden."

Virgil nodded, sliding his MacBook over and googling both the song and the sheet music. Was there any sheet music for Freckles and Constellations on the Internet? Just to make life easier on Virgil, there's a free PDF of the sheet music he can print off of as the third search result. Virgil stood up and went downstairs to go grab the ukulele sheet music. It looked like he also googled a ukulele how to play tutorial. Again, added into this universe's reality. The author didn't double check to make sure these things exist for this song. Even if it doesn't, it totally should because the song is so good. If you haven't already, take a moment to listen to it. It's linked up above the story. Listened to it? Good. Now we can get back to the middle of the story.

"Coolio. So I just gotta learn this real fast. That means you're kicked out for a solid half hour."

Roman rolled his eyes. He knew how Virgil got with his privacy when learning something new. Roman turned around and left the room, closing the door. He took out his phone and googled the lyrics of the song. He loved this song. Everything by Dodie Clark was a win. Roman switched to Instagram and noticed that Logan's page was still up and center. Yes, he's an anonymous internet stalker. Who isn't of their crush during Highschool? He liked all his new aesthetic pictures and cool selfies he takes with nature. He's one of those coffee shop and cool trees kind of guys. Good reference when he finally would have the balls to ask him on a date. Roman smiled at his phone when Bonnibelle, Virgil's other mom, made her way up the stairs.

"He kicked you out again, didn't he? Marci does the same thing with her base. He totes inherited from her. Woah, someone's a happy camper. Who's the big man got a crush on this time?"

Roman's been over here too much. Bonnibelle And Marciline are just like his moms and Virgil is like the snarky little brother. Since Roman doesn't have his parents to gush about with his crushes, he showed her his favorite selfie of Logan on his Instagram. It was him sitting in a coffee shop with some latte art, sipping it with a boikshelf placed convienantly behind him. The sunlight caught in his glasses, lighting up his face from the left side. Logan was an absolutely gorgeous man. Roman desperately wanted to be a part of his life. Bonnie clearly approved.

"Looks good. I'd give you more than that if I liked men at all. Dinner will be ready in maybe an hour? Good luck with whatever, Ro."

Like that, she retreated downstairs and instantly got engaged with her wife again. Roman wanted an everlasting relationship like theirs. It was so perfect and cute. Maybe he and Logan our day have that. He looked down st his phone and put it in sleep mode on vibrate. Virge will text him when he's ready. For now he's just going to lock himself in the bathroom and start singing. That always helps to warm up his voice and get everything ready to go. Roman looked the door behind him and looked himself in the mirror. What was the use of looking up the lyrics? He memorized them anyways. He took a deep breath and stsrted his own rehearsing.


The curtain went down and the host went up on stage. The crowd was huge. It was almost like everyone in Highschool and their parents cramped in the auditorium to watch the talent show. Virgil and Roman were saved for last, obviously. Roman had his voice warm and Virgil ask answntly plucking at the strings of hus ukulele. Roman had everything for tonight planned. He even had a seat in the front row, dead center reserved for Logan. Hopefully he didn't find anything too suspicious. With their cue word, Virgil pulled up a stool and sat down. Roman's stood in front of the mic. Two best friends about to perform in front of the entire school, and they were loving it.

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