1 | The Moon Mage.

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She couldn't help but groan, rolling her eyes in disgust, folding her arms across her chest in frustration. 'The moon mage defeats Macey once again.'

Just when she was about to tell everyone to sod off, an intense low growl sound resonated before her. Silenced beckoned the students. All their voices became nothing but murmurs.

Macey raised her brow in curiosity, her gaze set solidly on the marble floor beneath her. "I know that sound," she exclaimed, scanning the area for the beastly familiar. She knew exactly what kind of creature it was, creasing her face in fickleness as she couldn't quiet nail what species it could be.

"Panther? No the sound was too low. Leopard?"

She then raised her head. Her eyes widened in amazement, becoming slack jaw at the magnificent creature before her.

No means of sound echoed when it's paws hit the stony floor, showcasing a pure grace only this beast could portray. It's coat was a luxurious stone-white, almost appearing like a diamond in the evening sunset. Power ebbed in its large muscles as it slowly pursued its way towards Macey, the most prominent being its jaw and the gigantic teeth that jutted out the side of its mouth.

"A sabertooth," she said, lowering down slowly to its height, extending her hand outward.

She listened to both the subtle purs of this feline and also the mutters of doubt that the others were saying.

"It's okay," she whispered, softly touching the top of its head. "I mean you no harm." It's fur felt coarse against her fingertips as she glided her hand across its forehead. For a beast well known for its unpredictable temperament, Macey could tell from the way it cuffed that it was a content, docile creature.


A round of applause echoed in the large underwater room, creating a thick silence to linger about. She turned her head and watched the tiger retreat towards the shadows, brushing itself up against one ladies leg playfully.

"Marvillia?" Macey confusingly muttered. She pouted and brooded, knowing that her accent was Specia, a race of people brought up in the coldest mountain villages of Amberguarde. But she didn't know the actual word, confused as she tried to decipher it.

The woman smiled. "It means marvellous," she said, cupping her hands together in front of her legs. Macey stifled a gasp, observing her intense violet eyes that glinted in the light. "But, then again," she paused and placed her well manicured nails on her incredibly strong jawline. "I wasn't expecting anything less from the magcia incelunar."

Macey watched as this woman sauntered around the room. She looked on as the dark blue trench coat swayed with her curvaceous body, hugging at her hips and emphasising her chest. Her black stiletto high boots tapped along the floor, with her flawless ebony skin mirroring off the water's reflection.

The woman tucked her platinum blonde hair behind her ear. "My word," she stated, surveying every student present. "I can see much talent in this very room." She nodded. "Welcome everyone." The lady then tucked her hands behind her back, with the tiger laying down at her feet. "My name is Hazel Meridian, water masters at Grendilton and professor in companions magics."

Macey stood with the rest of the class. She watched the professor linger about, answering questions from other peers, stroking the neck of her familiar. She furrowed her brow. The importance of a professor was well known. It was always someone who wasn't of educational purpose but one who was merely a guide towards the masteries and citadel of magics. As she stared at the professor, she wondered how harsh she would be.

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