Chapter 45

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Jumin was waiting downstairs, next to his car, while I grabbed some of my things from my father's place. He wasn't quite smiling, but the smirk was there. I threw my suitcase into the trunk and climbed into the passenger seat.

Jumin began to back out of the driveway, and I waved goodbye to my father as we left his street. Jumin could barely stay in his lane.

"So...are...did...uh...did you have any wine before you left?" I asked, watching him focus intensely on the street.

"No...I uh...Just don't drive, and I had a feeling the press would know where I was at if they saw a driver or his license plate. I was right...but also...I can't drive," he said, leaning forward.

"Maybe I should?"

"No, no. Just relax. I just need to focus," he whispered.

I fully expected to die.


Jumin pulled into the garage of his apartment building. I was desperately clinging to the handle. "Relax. I can do this," he said over and over again, just before narrowly swerving to avoid something he missed. Next time, I drive.

"You look a little tense," he said, switching off the car. The second I heard the engine shift off my heartbeat slowed down.

"You literally can't drive to save your life."

"That's why I have a chauffeur," he shrugged.

"Can we use him next time?" I asked nervously.

"Or you can drive. It's harder than I thought."

"Well, it's not fucking MarioKart," I sighed.

"It's always so jarring to hear you swear," he answered.

"Oh..." I mumbled. "Sorry. Your fiancee really isn't supposed to talk to you like that."

"Miran, are you serious? All day I spend surrounded by stuffy executives. Hearing my wife swear is a breath of fresh air," He smiled.

"Wife...that's not bad, but..." I stumbled. "Listen, I don't want to be the object of a business contract."

"God, I will never understand you," He said, almost angrily taking the suitcase out of the trunk. "You don't want to be treated like a girlfriend because of the nature of it. When I treat you like a coworker, you don't like that either. What do you want?" He asked.

"I don't know," I mumbled. 

"Miran, I know you so well, and you know me so well. Yet, I will never know who you are to me because you never allow me to. I don't want to treat you like a business contract but that's what got you back to me."

"Maybe I don't want to be with you," I sassed back.

"Then why are you here? Why are you coming up with me to the penthouse? Why did you sleep with me?" He strained. It became clear he was holding back tears. I suddenly felt quite bad.

"Okay. I do want to be here. I love you, and you love me. I'm just trying to figure out how we can make sure that this relationship is great for both of us. I don't want you to have to quit your job just because I want a normal family."

"Are you so blind that you can't see that I want a family with you more than I want my job? I want to marry you because I want a family, and the love of my life to be there. I don't want to have a family with some random person my father has assigned me. I want a family with my fucking wife," He yelled. He took a deep breath. "That did feel good."

"Okay. Then I will stop complaining. I just...I really have to get used to the publicity. Publicity isn't my thing. I'm good at it, I guess? But I'm scared. I'm scared. This isn't who I am. Your world just isn't my world. The publicity, and the maids, and the bodyguards, and the money-oriented business world."

"Then...let's make our world more than just that. We can have both. I know you want to work, and you deserve to not be a homemaker. So you can work, we will make you be just a simple businesswoman who happens to be engaged to me. We can manage that."

"You're...right," I sighed, placing my hands on my hips. 

"Let me take care of you. Let me do my part in our relationship, Miran."

"Let me do mine. Which means bitch about everything," I joked. Jumin smirked a little, but it clearly wasn't the right time for a joke.

"All you have to do is what we talked about earlier. Just be yourself, and make sure you're never uncomfortable. Let's just be in love. Is that okay?"

"That's perfect," I smiled.

"Then c'mon. It's cold down here," Jumin said, heading towards the elevator with the suitcase. 

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