Chapter 27

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I was euphoric as Jumin led me out to the car. The Paparazzi flashing in my eyes as they finally got a clear look at my face, and they were yelling question after question. I was so thrilled to be noticed, I forgot what this meant for me.

We sat in the car, and it suddenly hit me. "Jumin...we're...they..."

"Yes, I know," Jumin said, grabbing my hand. "I just needed to tell the world that I need you."

"But just like that? Everything I do...won't it be in question?" I asked.

"Not much more than it was before. Now, we don't have to worry about hiding it."

"Shouldn't we have waited? What if-"

"What if things don't work out?" Jumin explained for me.

"Yes...what if?"

"You know I don't act irrationally, or without confidence. I am confident things will, because I have confidence in you," Jumin said, kissing my cheek. He looked me deeply in my eyes, caressing my cheek with one of his hands. He sighed deeply, and his wine-scented breath intoxicated me.

"I am starting to realize why you stutter," He whispered.

"Why is that?"

"It's not because you don't know what to say like I've thought all this time, but because you're not sure whether you should. Know that around me, you always should," Jumin answered.

"Oh," I mumbled.

He kissed me gently as if to punctuate the conversation. "I have so much I want to tell you. I have never felt so excited to speak with someone, and we only saw each other a few days ago."

"It's an incredible feeling, isn't it?" I asked as Jumin brushed my hair with his fingers. He was so close to me, his chest was nearly against mine.

"I'm so glad...that the world knows that you're mine now. Now, we can act without inhibitions."

"I thought the wine already allowed that?"

"You're not wrong," He chuckled. I felt my phone start to ring. Seems the kiss got out to the press. I turned it off, and Jumin stared as I did.

"I suppose that must be your parents?" He asked, smiling.

"I couldn't even be bothered to check," I answered giggling. The euphoria had washed over me completely. I was practically drunk on his presence. Jumin smiled.

"So," he said, readjusting himself so that he wasn't facing me directly, and wasn't as close. He took a deep breath as if to remind himself that I wasn't the only other person in the world. "I'm taking you someplace special. It's a place that my nanny introduced me to accidentally. She thought it was the usual expensive restaurant my father would ask her to take me to when I did well in school, but instead, we ended up finding this place. It's the only place I feel confident saying that the finer things in life, aren't always more expensive."

The way he described it, I not only felt honored to be going to this sacred place but honored to be in Jumin's presence at this place. I couldn't mention that. Not with the way Jumin clearly wanted me to feel. Jumin...wants me to feel comfortable He wants to make sure that I don't feel out of place despite the circumstances clearly suggesting that I am.

He wants to be clear that I don't have to feel lost, but instead that I can certainly feel as though I'm a part of his life. It hasn't been long, but Jumin's intents are clear. I need to tell him that I know that.

"I lo-" I began.

"Shh. No. Trust me, I know, and I feel the same towards you. I just can't say those words yet, because I already messed up on the kiss. I can't fail you on that," Jumin said softly. I chuckled.

"Alright. Those words are yours," I smiled. Jumin softly kissed me.

"Thank you, Miran."


Jumin held my waist all the way until we arrived. When we finally did, it was quite clear that this place was a hole in the wall. The paparazzi didn't follow us here giving Jumin and I some privacy. We walked down a wet alleyway, and up a set of stairs until we reached the second floor of a dilapidated building. On the door was a small sign that read "Cha...Gugsu."

"Tea and noodles? It's an odd combination, but...interesting," I said to Jumin.

"It's fantastic," Jumin mumbled. Jumin doesn't usually mumble, so he must be enthralled with this place. He knocked on the door, and was greeted by a short American woman with gray hair.

"Jumin!" She announced hugging him. She was so much shorter than him, she only reached his waist.

"Garcia," Jumin said, quite clearly happy to see the woman. "This is...someone very special to me. Miran. I want her to know your shop."

Garcia smiled. "You're very lucky, Miran. Jumin is so special," she said, nearly running inside.

"I trust this woman with my life," Jumin smiled, leading me inside with him. Garcia led us to a small table, where Jumin and I sat on small pillows that were quilted. She came back with two small teacups of hot water, and two tea bags which she set in the middle. They were not labeled.

"What kind of tea is this?"

"It won't matter the moment you taste it," Jumin smiled. Jumin placed his tea bag in his water and I followed. "Now, we wait."


"So your FTD. It starts next Monday. You should know've been such a help to Elizabeth, that I've created some arrangements."

"How do you mean?" I asked, watching as the color of the tea slowly became a pale green.

"I want you to attend some out of the country business meetings I have so that I can actually have Elizabeth come along with me. Equally as important, so that I can have you along with me."

"Oh?" I questioned. "You want me there with you?"

"Miran, I miss every moment, every, every second, that I'm apart from you. Miles only accessible by plane would make it so much worse. Not to mention the time difference. I couldn't call you and interrupt your schedule like that. Now, you can come along. See the world...with me."

"Isn't this moving...isn't it..."

"Isn't this moving too fast?" Jumin asked. "I thought I told you that you should always speak truthfully to me. You can never offend me. I said...I have confidence in you. Therefore, confidence in us. Nothing could be too fast for me. For you on the other hand, if that's how you feel then I certainly don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"No, no," I answered, suddenly and without thinking. "This is undeniably an opportunity I'm not willing to give up. An experience like this, with would make me happy beyond compare."

"If you just want this because you don't feel like the chance will come again, don't. I will wait years for you to reach the point I'm already at, Miran," Jumin said seriously.

"No," I decided. "I want this now. I couldn't possibly wait any longer to be with you like that. To spend time with you like that. I already had to wait months just to have this relationship with you. I couldn't delay this anymore."

Jumin smiled. "Well then, we drink," he said, sipping his tea.

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