Chapter 24

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What an undeniably complex decision that was. Even his lips, showed a sense of concern with what we had just entered into. They were slightly parted, and soft, yet having soft curves I couldn't have otherwise identified. The kiss itself was incredibly gentle, which wasn't what I was expecting from a man so frustrated with control, yet now here he was, vulnerable. The kiss meant more than a realization of our feelings for each other. The kiss was a decision of ours to act on our impassions, and I was absolutely infatuated. We both were, because we lingered. For a few incredible moments too long, we were locked in a decisive first kiss.

When he pulled away, he put his other hand on my waist, and I almost melted.

"And to think, that started with a bad decision," he whispered.

I unintentionally bit my lip. "Dear God, not right now," he said, placing his hand to my chin. "I might just end up somewhere I don't need to be tonight." He gently pulled my lips apart, and placed his hand back on my waist.

"Jumin...we just kissed," I replied.

"Yes, we did," he said, so matter of fact. Without thinking, I quickly took a step back and downed my glass of wine. Jumin looked at me genuinely shocked.

"Sorry...I just...don't want to end up in bed with you tonight," I explained.

"So you decided to drink more? That seems counterintuitive," Jumin responded.

"You seem counterintuitive!"

"Wow. You're a genius," Jumin said. He downed his glass of wine too. He took me by the hand and led me into a bedroom. Instead of...doing what I honestly thought he might, he helped me get into bed. He sat on the edge of it.

"I won't do anything rash. I just don't think I can take you home this late at night, especially when you're inebriated. So I'll take you home in the morning. To be frank, I'm feeling more put together after that kiss. It was like I finally released months worth of pent up anxiety. That is something I rarely have, have been a strange experience, Miran," he said, fiddling with his thumbs.

"Not to mention, Miran," he began. "A first kiss isn't supposed to be like that. Isn't it supposed to be dashing and romantic? Well...that's on me. I only hope that you will forgive me. I hope you will forgive for the other wrongs I have commited against you. I certainly can't be perfect, but I should try to be for you. God only knows, you try to be for me. I'm sorry. I've rambled too much. Thank you for entertaining my fantasies, Miran. Thank you."

He kissed me again, and left the room. There's something amazing in him, because I'm already craving his touch again.

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