Chapter 4

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One thing about having children is that even as it complicates many aspects of your life, it simplifies others.

Katie Kitamura


I take it back. I take it back!

Okay, not completely. Da-bin and Hyun are wonderful. But Tae-ho, Sook-ja and Seong could not be any worse. Seong demanded that I take him back to his parent's house alone. I told him no. Now he won't leave my office, not even to eat. I had to take everyone out for breakfast, including reluctant Seong, and 5 children rack up quite a bill. I called Jaehee, and she told me to put it on the expense report.

Seong ordered two breakfasts! Two! And Tae-ho and Sook-ja had like...way too many pancakes and they got sick in the back of my car. My brand new car. Not to mention, Seong dramatically rolling his eyes everytime I mentioned that we would do something other than take him home. Finally, I let him wallow in my office, locked the door, and left out with the other four.

I bought them ice cream, which also bought me time. A solid 15 minutes of silence, where I called Jaehee other than to ask about the report.

"How's it going?" She asked as soon as she picked up.

"Alright. I bought them ice cream so they're breathing now. Except Seong. He's throwing a tantrum."

"How old is he?" Jaehee asked.

"16," I responded. She giggled. "I left him in my apartment. He wanted to just be angry with the world, I guess."

"Ah. Yeah. He's 16. They'll do that,"

"Yeah. I just wasn't ready for children," I said quietly. Jaehee sighed.

"Just...make it to Monday morning. I know that's awful advice, but I hope to some degree it helps."

"It does, Jaehee. I'm sorry for bothering you."

"Don't worry. I would not like to be you right now, Miran."

"Thanks, Jaehee. That means a lot coming from you."

"Ah. But it's true. I'll talk to you later."

And here I was again, faced with these children. All alone except for-

My phones ringing. Mr. Han? Was my phone telling me the truth?

"Mr. Han?" I spoke into the phone awkwardly.

"Miss Bae. Elizabeth has been...are those children I hear in the background?"

"Uh...yes. I'm in the store."

"Oh alright. As I was saying-"

"Miss Bae? Can I have some more ice cream?" Da-bin asked. I nodded and I toom her over to the counter.

"Ahem," I heard come through the phone.

"My apologies, Mr. Han..."

"Did that child just call you Miss Bae? Are you working two jobs? Do you need a raise to stay completely focused on C&R?"

"No, Mr. Han. I am just babysitting for a friend," I said handing over my card to the cashier. I came back to the table and was glad to see the other 3 children still present, and Da-bin joining them for a 4th.

"Wait! Where's your brother? Oh. Right. He's at home," I said, aloud.

"Miss Bae, I think I should call back later."

"No! I, Mr. Han. I'm listening with my undivided attention."

I heard him sigh deeply. "Elizabeth the 3rd hasn't eaten since she came home from the party."

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