Chapter 32

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Mr. Han is equally as tall but dramatically bulkier, with gray, neatly styled hair in comparison to Jumin's wild black. Mr. Han didn't remind me of my father at all, which I almost expected him to.

My father is tall, lanky, silver-haired, with sharp features. Meanwhile, Mr. Han has much softer features, almost as though each one required special attention as they are so delicate. Jumin's mother must have sharp features, I suppose because he only looks barely like his father.

I could feel the anxiety build up in my chest as I looked at the owner of a multimillion dollar company and at that the father of Jumin Han who I've fallen head over heels for. I think Jumin noticed because he held the small of my back, and gripped it tightly. As his father looked down at his phone, Jumin whispered to me.

"Calm down. It smells fear," he said sarcastically. That was one way to make me laugh. I stifled a giggle and felt a lot better. As we approached the table, Jumin's father stood up.

"Father, this is Miran, Miran Bae. Miran, this is my father," Jumin said. I did my short bow and looked up to Jumin's father for approval. Nothing made my heart drop so quickly than him simply sitting down, ignoring the whole introduction process. I must've gasped a bit because Jumin gripped my side hard again. We sat down at the table, not much more than half an inch before. Jumin's hand now rested softly on my leg.

"Miran. What university did you attend?"

"Seoul National," I answered quickly. He looked a bit shocked.

"Jumin here went international."

"Well, I missed the exams because of an important meeting," Jumin answered. His father chuckled.

"For a brand we didn't even end up launching!" Mr. Han laughed.

Jumin smirked a bit.

"What did you study, Miran?" Mr. Han asked directing his attention towards me.

"Veterinary medicine," I explained.

"So...Jumin here is dating you so that cat can have their own personal assistant."

"I'd hire one but Jaehee says it's excessive," Jumin responded. Chairman Han laughed again.

"Loosen up for once you two," Mr. Han answered. "Here. I know what might make you two feel a little bit more comfortable."

Mr. Han handed over two small boxes. One, he gave to Jumin, and the other he gave to me.

"Thank you," I responded.

"Don't thank me. You haven't even seen it yet," Mr. Han laughed again. I opened up the small container to see a pair of cuff links. I turned to Jumin who also looked confused. He then looked over at me. He slowly took the box out of my hands and switched it with his own.

"Oh," I mumbled. It suddenly made a lot more sense. I was looking at a small pair of diamond earrings.

"Oh! Thank you...still. Wow," I mumbled. Diamond earrings? Is this normal? This isn't normal.

Jumin sighed, but it sounded slightly happy. "Thank you, father," He answered.

"Thought you two might like those," his father answered. The waitress came to the table and I simply repeated what Jumin had ordered. Soon, we were all brought white wine. Not going to lie, I have no idea what kind, but it was bitter enough where the sweetness didn't bother me.

Then came the food, which as always, paired excellently with the wine. Not to mention, conversation was going well. Jumin's father was far friendlier than I expected, and my suspicion that Jumin disliked his father was far from correct. It's clear that they appreciate one another, but Jumin dislikes some qualities of him.

"Jumin...would you excuse us?" His father suddenly asked.

"Oh. Why?" Jumin asked.

"Trust me, Jumin."

"Fine," Jumin answered, standing up and walking away. He certainly didn't look too happy about it. My face was blushed from the wine, and my heart was beating out of my chest, for the first time since we started eating. I had finally settled in.

"I know Jumin gave you a job," his father said. "Which, makes sense to some degree. My own son is my Vice President. Nepotism is rather acceptable. At least he was smart enough to not hire you at C&R."

"Okay?" I asked confused.

"My point is, there's enough controversy with the fact that Jumin is dating a former employee. The controversy that would get out if people learned that Jumin had gave you your job, and that it wasn't the product of your own merits...well we can't let that happen, could we?"

" well...I wouldn't tell...uh anyone," I stuttered.

"Well, we both know what a woman scorned thinks about loyalty."

Oh. I get it now. He's telling me that if Jumin and I break up not go hog wild and tell everyone every single piece of our business. As if...but simultaneously I suspect that Chairman Han might have some personal experience with this.

"Alright," I sighed. "You have no worries."

"I hope so. And...try to stay out of the news cycle," He explained. "They like talking about me, but they'll love talking about the two of you more."

Encouraging. Chairman Han did a small whistle and Jumin walked back to the table like a small puppy. Jumin must've noticed my change of disposition, because he found my hand quite quickly and held it.

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