Chapter 3

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Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work...

Kahlil Gibran 


I only slept for an hour before being woken up by a knock at my door. I hadn't really planned to fall alseep, it was only that I had laid down on my bed to charge my phone...and seconds later I was asleep. Therefore my hair was a mess, and I was still in my ridiculous dress. I jumped up, partially expecting to see Mr. Han with his cat or Jaehee. Instead, when I got to the door, I peeked through my peep hole and saw Mr. Park. I opened the door, and saw Mr. Park with 4 small children.

"Watch my kids until Monday, Miss Bae," he said bringing them in.

"What? Mr. Park. Excuse me?"

"I'll return on Monday. Until my children. This is Da-Bin. She's 3. This is Sook-ja. She's 5. This is Hyun. He's 6. This is Tae-ho. He's 7," he said looking at each child individually. Then he peeked out of my apartment. "Seong!"

In walked an older child. "This is Seong. He's 16. He can help you with the others. Now, I have to go," he said walking out the door. I was...more than shocked.

Seong looked at me. "This apartment is small. Do you have an office where I can study?" He asked. "I'm missing hagwon."

Still in shock, I nodded and led the kid back to my office. My apartment was big, but I'm not sure its 5 kids big. I imagine that the eldest will end up on the sofa in my office. However, the younger 4...

They were all staring at me anxiously. They were all sleepy, as I imagine it is quite late for them. "Um...sleepover?" I said. The older one cheered. I laid out some pillows and blankets, at least until I could fond a proper bed. Will I need to rent a large hotel room to accomodate them. I set out 4 glasses of water, and 4 small snacks in case they woke up hungry. I guess that's how you handle children? I only remember what my mother did for my brothers and sisters. I doubt I can sleep now though, not to mention I haven't even processed what just happened. As soon as the children fell asleep I headed just barely into my bedroom. Far enough to not disturb the eldest, wake the youngest, but also close enough if something happened. I picked up my phone and called Jaehee.

"Miran? Are you still at the party?" She asked.

"No. Are you, Jaehee?"

"I'm leaving right now. You sound upset."

"Well...Mr. Park did something. It seemed a little strange...and I don't know what to do."

"Did he give you more work before he left?" She asked.

"You could say that. His children are here with me right now."

"Children? As in plural?"

"Yes. 5. An older one...but the rest are young."

"'re joking with me, right?"

"No. Their names are Da-bin, Sook-Ja, Hyun, Tae-ho, and Seong."

"Miran, that's not appropriate. Mr. Han hasn't left yet. I should tell him-"

"No, Jaehee," I said. "Its okay. Doesn't Mr. Han leave his cat with you?"

"A cat is not a child, Miran," she said, sound near furious.

"It's okay. I just...don't know how to take care of children. Not to mention I can't lose my job. If Mr. Park gets fired, so do I, Jaehee."

I could hear Jaehee deeply sigh. "Do you want me to come over and help you?"

"Jaehee, no. No. Enjoy your weekend."

"Let me call Yoosung or...Zen. Nevermind...neither of them are very responsible. Mr. Han? No. The assistant shouldn't be directing-"

"Jaehee. I swear I'll be okay," I said.

"Don't make me use this supervisory role. I will call Mr. Han. I will tell him what happened," Jaehee threatened. I know she's threatening Mr. Park, but it certainly feels like she's threatening me. As if to say that if anything went wrong, it wouldn't be me to get in trouble. It would be Mr. Park.

"And call me if you need anything. you even have enough beds?" Jaehee suddenly realized.

"No...I think I may have to rent a fairly large hotel room."

"Put it on the expense report, and turn it in first thing Monday morning. I don't care if its otherwise completely blank. I'll need to have Mr. Han sign it, no questions asked," Jaehee said.


"And call me tomorrow with any updates."


Jaehee hung up and I sat down in my dining room. I opened up my laptop and searched for hotel rooms. Calling around a plenty, I finally found a hotel room that could give me 2 bunk beds and 2 adult sized beds. I felt a small tug at my waist and turned around to see the youngest, Da-Bin, at my side.

"Are you our new nanny?" She asked.

" Aren't you sleepy, Da-Bin?"


"Then...go to sleep," I said. I picked her up and carried her over to the blanket she had been sleeping under.

"I can't sleep," she whispered.

"...why?" I asked.

"I'm too focused on how sleepy I am."

And in that moment I realized just how different children were from animals. They can critically think much better.

"Well...uh...think about what it's like to be asleep," I explained.

She closed her eyes, and focused hard. "That's not working," she said.

"Then uh...what would you like to focus on instead?" I asked. She pondered for a moment. "A lullaby?"

A lullaby. Well. Fine. Anything so that I can get just a little sleep.

"Um...alright. Well.

I stood upon the hill
Stared up at the blue sky
And drew a lovely person in my heart

I want to fly up to the end of the heavens
Hug the breeze in the air
And whisper with the winged angels."

Da-Bin looked at me. "Now I'm focused on your awful singing. But I'll go to sleep to avoid it."

I stepped away from Da-Bin, and sat at my table, figuring that if I can get some sleep in this chair, that might very well be my only option. Something told me that working for C&R might not be a good idea. That something being my mother who has never been a fan of corporations. But I told her it paid well, and needless to say, that shifted the tone.

Sitting here nearly about to pass out gave me something to think about. My job. Jaehee shouldn't feel bad for me though. I'm certain she gets more work than me. As far as I can tell too, these children can't be much trouble.

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