Chapter 33

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"Could you...well uh...could we...I mean...could you..." I began, sitting in the car.

"Could I what, Miran?" Jumin asked, sitting next to me.

"Could you...take me back to my place?" I asked. Jumin knocked on the small partition to his driver.

"Of course," he answered, the car turned around without a word. "Is it something my father said? I was hoping you might start staying the weekend at my place."

"No, and not this weekend, Jumin. I'm quite tired."

"I could make you quite comfortable..." Jumin encouraged. "One of my skills."

"Not today, Jumin. Not today," I mumbled. Of course this was something that his father said. I think I forgot just how much of my life would become a public display with Jumin. I'm no longer Miran Bae, and in fact, my name matters even less. Now, I'm Jumin Han's girlfriend, and the idea of that scares me. I'm not afraid of losing myself, but rather that everyone else will. I need some time for myself now.

"Alright. It's not a problem, Miran. But next Monday, I have a business trip to Paris, so would you mind coming with me?"

"Sure, I'll come," I answered.

"Great. If I'm bothering you too much let me know."

"No, Jumin. You have me. You couldn't bother me a bit," I smirked. It wasn't a lie either. Even though I feel like I need to be alone...Jumin would be a nice alone. But I don't want him to see me like this. I don't want him to see me slightly...well...depressed.

"I...have you. That's a nice thought, isn't it?" Jumin sighed calmly.

"Yes, it is," I answered. I noticed something. Jumin is oddly affectionate. Sure I've noticed every time he's shown me affection but I never quite noticed how common it is. I'm surely never starved of attention. What caught my attention was how during this conversation, he was quite calmly playing with my hair, and I didn't even notice by just how gentle he was. It took me turning around to look at him to even noticed the way he was just slightly twirling my hair innocuously. He didn't even seem to notice that he was doing it.

I smiled a bit at the thought of Jumin not even thinking for just a moment, about one thing. Jumin is always thinking. He never stops to rest. That being said, the idea of him just having one thing he doesn't think about makes me smile. It's automatic for once.

The drive back to my apartment is short. I didn't realize that the restaurant was only about 3 blocks away from my place. When I went to leave, Jumin stepped out with me.

"Listen, I really do want to spend time with you, but let's be honest with ourselves. If you follow me up there you're never going to leave," I said softly to him. I watched as a couple of reporters came out from the alley next to my apartment. I guess this really is my existence.

"Alright, Miran. I will see you soon," Jumin said, smirking and sitting down in the car, he gave me a quick kiss, and I could hear the camera shutters. I looked at Jumin, who looked a tad bit disappointed about the cameras...but nevertheless calm and collected. I watched as he left, and then walked back into my apartment.

This apartment suddenly feels quite constricted, and empty. I mean, it's nothing like the penthouse...but I never thought it would be. It never bothered me. Sure, it felt much cozier, but never constricted. I don't want to say it...but my missing piece is Jumin. I don't want to move in with him, of course not...but I miss him already.

I slowly took off my brand new dress and slipped into the shower, washing my hair properly. I took off every single layer of makeup that had been applied, and looked in the mirror at my fresh face. It felt, recovering...

I know the paparazzi are going to want to see where I'm going to work, but for now, I have a bit of respite. No places to be, no one to see, and nothing to do.

I crawled into bed, under the covers, and admired my moments of silence.

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