Chapter 25

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Usually, when you wake up confused, because you're certainly not in your own bed, you can feel the warmth of someone next to you, and your panic increasing. Thankfully, Jumin Han has fairly memorable lips, so I remember most of last night, save for some details.

His kiss still managed to linger on my lips. The sensation was undeniably his. It was such a wonderful sensation, it is a mystery as to how I am in a guest bed, with my dress from last night on. Still, we didn't live out any crazy fantasies, but I still had to make a walk of shame. Unfortunately, I hadn't planned to bring a change of clothes. I quickly made the bed thinking about my escape.

I grabbed my purse, quickly shoving my phone into it, hoping to make a break for it, but as I opened the door I could smell the scent of breakfast. To my absolute shock, there stood Jumin Han, over his stove cooking, with two plates set out. He seemed much more disheveled than usual. Even when I have seen him not in a suit, he's never quite looked so comfortable. He had on a pair of jeans, a white dress shirt not tucked in, and his hair hadn't been styled.

He was hot. That hair...those intense sleepy eyes. God, everything about him read-

Dear God! Now is not the time to get distracted, Miran! This may be your only shot. I walked towards the door attempting to be silent, but just as I went to unlock it, Jumin turned around.

"Where...are you...going?" He asked confused.

"Um....I' I...uh...I like uh....leave?" I offered.

"Why don't breakfast?" He asked mockingly.


"Sit down," he said, calmly and quietly.

I sighed and went to the chair around the breakfast bar. Within minutes, he placed a plate of strawberry pancakes. "These are a great morning after food," he explained.

I started to tell him that in this context, "morning after" isn't just a term for hangovers...but I decided against it. I simply hunkered down and resolved to begin eating them. As I took my first bite, Jumin stared intensely.

"They're really good," I admitted. They were fluffy with a good amount of fresh strawberries on top and throughout.

"Good," he said extremely matter of fact. He sat down next to me. "I'm sorry for what I did last night."


"I didn't want to kiss you like that, but I had already waited once. I couldn't do it again," he said simply.

"Jumin, that was an amazing kiss. Don't apologize for it," I explained.

"It could've been better."

"I think you're missing the point of a kiss, which is strange because you seemed to understand perfectly well last night," I remarked.

"Well...what did I seem to know, and how?"

"Jumin, a kiss isn't a moment that needs extraordinary planning. It's spontaneity, or lack there's a consecration between two people. Sort of. It's an acknowledgement of how they feel about one another, not really a step in a plan. There's nothing wrong with it being planned, but it doesn't matter because of how the plan turned out. It matters because two people decided that this's two people deciding...that um..."

"That they want each other," Jumin explained for me.


"I understand," he said. He took my hand in his hand.

"I should go after I finish eating," I said, uncomfortable. Not with him, just with the sudden development.

"You look pale. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," I explained. "I just didn't expect all of this to come from running in the rain one day."

"And ruining one of my best suits," He said smiling.

"Why do you like me?" I asked suddenly. "I don't...well...I um...I don't know what reasoning I gave you."

"I suppose you wouldn't know would you. You were just being so perfectly 'you' this whole time. I appreciate how you've never changed yourself to appeal to me, and how you always seem to understand me. Even when I seem complex, you at least try to understand. I could see from the day that I met you that you were something of a rare one. Not everyone is meant to understand someone like me. You've been a pleasant shock, but I suppose I was afraid of you, so I never did give you that job despite my promise."

"Oh, don't worry about that," I responded.

"I've stopped, now that I have my eyes on you. So tell me, Miran Bae, why do you like me?"

"I'm not sure...I think it has something to do with your determination, genuine care for others, and love for the things you love. I never doubt your strength, whether its in your beliefs or choices. You are by all means, wonderful."

Jumin looked confused, but not necessarily doubtful about what I said. "Genuine care...? Wonderful...?"

"Yes. Being unresponsive doesn't mean uncaring. And your wonderfulness is just based on the quality of your character. You don't only possess these characteristics, you present them strongly. Something no one would expect."

"I didn't think you would say that, in all honesty," he said, less than cooperative.

"Then what did you think I would say?"

"I'm not sure. I'm glad you said it though. It only speaks to what I said about you always understanding me."

I nodded softly. I finished eating and he took the dish to the sink. Something else lingered about him like he was wondering about something.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"I should take you home. I'm getting a feeling about me."

"What's that?"

"If I don't take you home right now, you probably won't ever go home. By my fault, not yours. I swear though, I'll call you this time."

I didn't quite understand what he meant, and perhaps if we hadn't just shared an incredibly honest talk, I would've let it slide. Not today though.

"What sort of feeling is that?"

"Desires not worth the time to explore. Let's go, Miran."

I nodded, beginning to understand what he was saying and we left out.

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