Alternate Responses to Transphobia [LAMP] (LGBTQA+ AU)

Start from the beginning


Virgil and Patton were going to the movies today. It was an NB day for Patton, so they just went by their normal name. Two beauitful non-binaries going to the movies, what could go wrong? Bad question. The second the two went up to buy tickets there was whispering behind their backs. The two ignored it and pressed onwards to go get some snacks. The two held hands. It was when Virgil leaned over and kissed Patton on the cheek isn't it get really bad. There was a very audible "eww" behind them, causing the two of them to turn around and see a group of teenagers snickering.

"Wow that's so gay."

Patton rolled their eyes and chuckled, walking up the the counter after the person in front of them left to order their popcorn and drinks. Virgil, however, was starting to get a little bit bothered. They kept laughing and pointing at the two of them. Virgil ignored it and hung onto Patton a little bit. That's when Virgil felt s two on their shoulder. They turned around and the same teenager who said the last line of dialogue talked to them.

"So, like, how do you two have sex? Do you just smash your penises against eachother or what?"

Virgil flushed deep red and turned back around. Virgil was biologically female, not bothering to get any sort of bottom surgery, however they've had too suegery to get rid of the majority of their boobs. Virgil tugged on Patton's sleeve, telling them it's time to go and to forget the popcorn. The two left ASAP and went to the theater. Virgil felt eye staring them down. They turned back one and their anxiety shot through the roof. The same teenager was following them, waiting for an answer. Patton saw Virgil's panic, so they decided to intervene before Virgil anxiety themself to death.

"Hey, Listen, can you not follow us? Or talk to us? At all? Thank you."

Patton then led Virgil away, the teenager finally ceasing to follow the two. Virgil was still breathing hard due to anxiety, but being with Patton made it better. They just looked forward to enjoying the movie with their enbyfriend.


"They/Them pronouns aren't grammatically correct."

Logan sighed a deep sigh, rubbing his temples out of annoyance. Virgil was talking to their parents over FaceTime and they still seem salty about them coming out as Non-Binary. Virgil always takes one day a year to try and reconnect with any family they can. It doesn't seem to be working with their parents. Virgil leaned against Logan for emotional support. They were this close to shutting the laptop and stop trying for another year, however Logan had something to say about this.

"There are several foreign languages with non-binary and neutral figures of speach. Such as German. There is a whole pronoun system that is neutral in that language. So in most languages of the world, They/Them pronouns are grammatically correct."

Logan was starting to get pissed. This was obvious. They use the same pronouns as Virgil. Virgil was ready to close it and just be done. Why did they decide to do this again? Their parents we're onciously never going to listen to them or accept them again. Why should they care? They have three wonderful significant others that love them until the end of time and behind.

"But it's wrong. It's Adam and Eve. Men and-"

"Fuck you too, Mom."

Virgil shut the laptop and flipped back down, frustrated. Logan also was just as frustrated as them. The two of them were so done with this kind of talk towards them. It's just hurtful. Virgil didn't know what else to do. They kissed Logan passionately on the lips to get this frustration out. Logan kindly returned the gesture. It doesn't matter what people say. They always got eachother.


Welcome to a super masculine day with Patton and Roman! They both decided to work out together outside in their driveway. Both were wearing awesome tank tops to deal with the heat. They had panic at the disco music from Virgil's iPod playing and they both were lifting dumbbells and having a nice chat. That's when some of the neighbors walked by. One of them wolf whistled at one of them.

"Lookin good baby girl~"

Oops. It's Roman. And they misgendered him. Roman let out a sigh and ignored him. Patton was grinning and they just kept doing their thing. Lifting weights and getting to be big buff men together. Patton is so encouraging and Roman is so motivational, the two didn't seem to want to stop. However, it wasn't long for the same person to walk back around. They're clearly new neighbors. Patton and Roman both didn't recognize him. He looked Roman up and down, making him feel super creeped out.

"So, is she yours or can I have dibs?"

Did... did he just refer to Roman as an object?! Roman dropped his weights on the guy's feet and walked inside angirly. Patton apologized and said that Roman was a boy before turning off the music, taking the iPod, and running back to comfort the extremely pissed off Roman. If only people weren't assholes....


Logan, Roman, Virgil, and Patton have had their share of troubles with being misgendered, but that's just what happens in a society where people are repressed. Maybe if there was a world where people can just be who they are without being judged or persecuted then the four could live without this. If only....

Let's create that world.

2403 Words

Wow, this took forever to do. I'm sorry. This is horrible.

The message is at the very end of the story. But let me say it again: we can create a world of acceptance if we try. We are the generation of change. We got this. 

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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