100: The Beginning of an End

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You've been married for five years already. Beelzemon is the boss at his company, you have two kids and a big luxurious house with a nice view of the shore. Your grandma has passed away last year, you're pregnant again and your two toddlers, aged 2 and 4, are known for their extraordinary abilities.

"Hey there. It's been ages in the digital world!" Zuzu says as she glomps you. You smile. "You were here just two days ago, but it's nice to see you too. Your older kid rushes over to her. "Auntie Zuzu, auntie Zuzu! Are we going to the digital world soon? I want to go play with uncle Sting!" the kid says. You smile. Stingmon has become BanchoStingmon and Lilymon has evolved into Rafflesimon. They're both strong, but not as strong as their parents Titamon and Kuzuhamon.

You still have a part of the power of each sin you gained on your journey since you made a deal with the Demon Lords. However, Lilithmon is staying with you as your household pet. She also watches over the kids and keeps a watch for rampaging digimon. Due to your dualdimensionality, the border between the two worlds is constantly open and makes it easier for hostile digimon to enter the human world. It kind of stretched too much when you brought all the friends from there to the wedding so it's your fault to some extent. But now you have a job only you can do, which you can pass down on your kids.

"Zuzu. Have you found corresponding digimon as their partners yet?" you ask. "I'll have a digimon ready as a rookie when this one turns five." You smile. "Auntie, am I going to get a digimon as strong as uncle Sting?" She pets the kid's head. "Your digimon will be the strongest digimon if you're best friends with them 'til the end." The kid looks fired up. "When will I meet it? My own digimon!" You smile. "Didn't you hear auntie Zuzu? You'll get one when you turn five."

You look at the kid smiling before having your fingers graze over your digivice. You feel something's near. Beelzemon rushes in. "HONEY! WHERE ARE THE KIDS?" he yells in panic. You take a glance at Zuzu, who immediately takes the 2-year-old kid into her arms with the 4-year-old, changing into her armored form. "They're with her. Who is it this time?" you ask calmly. "It's Yggdrasil. Something went wrong and its 7D6 is trying to kill me" he explains. You smirk. "And you can't make it out of this situation unless I was by your side? Are you weak or something?"

He sighs. "I might've just wanted to fight with you since I could die." You chuckle. "And I'm pregnant, now you have the kids' lives, my life and this baby's life on your conscience." He's shocked as he realizes you're right and he did a poor decision on bringing the 7D6 here. "SHIT! How much does it take for me to learn?!" You laugh. "Let's get on the roof and show the kids what we're capable of together." He looks at you and nods.

Zuzu teleports you all to the rooftop. It actually doubles as a fighting field too. The 7D6 closes in and stands by. "TARGET FOUND. CHARGING ENERGY" the 7D6 says. You take a hold of his hand and grin. "That's no threat to us now that we're together." A great amount of energy makes a circling current of air around you. Your auras flow of pure, protective intent as a pale red glow lights the spot under your feet up. The 7D6 moves its two arm-like appendages to form a huge crystal like object, ready to let it hit you two.

You exchange looks with him and ready your free arms, forming them into fists. The energy withdraws into you and crackles like electricity on both of you. In perfect sync, still holding hands, you jump forward like one person as pale red wings form into your backs, each of you having one wing. You charge into the middle of the 7D6 where the crystal is being formed, having your burning love for each other pierce through it and shatter the being with your fists.

You raise the arm with your digivice into the air, making the shattered 7D6's particle-looking data withdraw though the open portal back to the digital world. You land back down before Zuzu and your kids, standing there as you wipe sweat off your forehead. "Heh, I'm getting used to this bit by bit" you say, sounding exhausted.

"Mommy, mommy!" the 4-year-old yells as it's running to you. You crouch to the kid's level. "Yes, my dear?" "I want to be as strong as mommy and daddy one day! I want a power like that too!" You smile and pet the kid's head. "When you turn five we'll see what kind of strength your bond forms - friendship, love, purity or kindness. Me and your dad have all of them, but friendship is what I share with auntie Zuzu."

The 2-year-old walks to you in its adorable way since it just learned to walk. As Beel takes the 4-year-old and plays with them, you pick up the smaller kid, kissing the cheek. "Did my cute little baby see mommy and daddy?" The kid smiles. "Mhm! Mommy and daddy pwetty! Wike whitenin!" "Lightning huh? Isn't lightning scary?" you ask smiling. "No! Whitenin pwetty!" (omg toddler language is so cute)

You look at Beel and smile. As you face each other, the kids are on the opposite sides. "Heh, lightning... That's what you've been to me since the start. A strong, sudden force of nature that's to be feared but also looked at in awe... A perfect one, kiddo!" he says, petting the hair of the younger kid. You blush but smile there quietly for a moment until you feel like you look retarded and look away, chuckling. "Come on, I can't come up with anything as clever as that... It's unfair..."

"Pumpkin... Look at me" he says. You turn to look at him again, only to have him steal a kiss. "Now show me your smile... I love seeing it so much..." You form a smile on your lips, knowing this is just the start of your happy life together.


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