95: Unravel

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"He's our only hope now. But even if he won, it'd be a miracle for him to get out without his code being destroyed" Zuzu explains. "Why's that? And why am I not there, controlling this body?" you ask. She sighs. "He wants you to live now that he has this slight chance within his reach. This is going to put a great burden on your body but not one as bad as it would've been if you did it yourself." You smile and walk behind his body. "That's why he's with me. He's the reason Love bound us up like this and we can still fight."

Your arms wrap around him from the back and you let out the words: "I will pour my spirit unto you, and there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." The flesh moves to hold you there, hugging him. What are you doing? his voice asks inside your head. You smile. "Let's beat her together. I'll handle the magical, you go for the physical." You take control on the lower arms that don't have claws all over but since he chose to burden himself with control for you, you leave the rest on him.

You attack and defend, using the concentrated energies of the favors and all seven code keys. Now he's got the spear from her. As he's about to use it against her, you hold onto it too. Thorns, fire, flowers, electricity and smoke come out of the spear. However she tries to get the spear back. You give her a push and create a dozen bones that have sharp ends. They glow in the colors of the favors and code keys as they hit down and surround her body. They bind her there, giving him an opportunity with the enhanced spear.

He hesitates before striking it down on her. The body immediately decays and light comes from the fog filled skies. You decide to use this opportunity to fix everything that she had destroyed with your powers. The flesh lets go of you and you find him panting there. "His code is severely damaged. If we only had something that contained his original code we could restore him.." Zuzu says. You see the scarf has wrapped itself around your hand.

"I think... This would work. It used to have his remaining powers and all before he hatched... Even if it's probably out of power by now..." you mutter. The clothes on Beelzemon melt away and Zuzu looks really worried, hugging Titamon as she's observing him. "We should hurry before he breaks!" You put the scarf around his neck and force the body to undo the flesh locks on him.

Right before the huge body you're all in starts breaking down, it moves and one of the hands you used enters the room, offering an escape route. The scarf is holding him stable for a bit more so Titamon helps carrying him to the hand. It lets you all down on the ground before laying next to you. It's on it's side. It hardens into a brick colored rock and the only things left after it breaking down are the torso, half of the lower arm and the legs even if the feet didn't stay.

In its shade you use Purity on Beelzemon, fixing up his code by the code stored in his scarf. However, when you're sure he's fixed, he reverts back to a Kiimon and the scarf disappears. Titamon and Zuzu revert into eggs and fly off. You lose your consciousness.

You wake up, it's cold and hard. It's the floor. You look around. "Where... am I?" You're wearing the exact same clothes as the last time you were in this place. It's the boys' changing room. You close the locker and leave the place quick. You look at the clock on your wrist. It's still the same time as when you sneaked in there. You're so confused and so tired you go to the nurse's office to call in sick and leave home.

At home, your grandma is waiting for you. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever? A cough?" You shake your head. "No, grandma. I was just... Feeling a little dizzy... I'll have a shower..." She looks worried and brings you your soft towel and a set of cozy clothes to change to. You turn on the shower, trying to warm yourself up. You're actually feeling cold and your chest aches. It's like there's something so you look at it in the mirror. "A heart...?" You shake your head and keep showering. It couldn't have been true, it was all so unreal.

You get out of the shower, wrap the towel around you and grab the cozy clothes with you. You stop over the fridge for some pure fruit juice and go to your room. You lay down on the bed and think of what just happened. You check your wearable for the date. "25th of August, 2013, huh? It feels like a month had passed..." You drink the juice and take a nap.

While you're napping, you see a dream consisting of the memories with this man you met at the digital world. "He's seeking for you, young hero" you hear an old man's voice. You wake up, looking around you. "W-who's there?" you ask in panic. "Barbamon, the Demon Lord of Greed. Do you want to know, or do you not?" the voice asks. As it talks, it lights up a purple mark on your thigh. "Don't listen to the old bird-man, we're already such good friends, aren't we?" a woman's voice asks you. "Li...." you start but forget what you were saying.

"We'll help you restore your memories just like you preserved us in your body at the cost of your code. My name is Daemon and she is Lilithmon like you almost remembered." another male voice says. "I have so many questions... I'm glad someone I think I was familiar with could help me..." You can feel Lilithmon's spirit smile at you. "Yes, but even if I am grateful to you, you must find me another great suitor since you took mine in return of us helping you."

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