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*So the MC has three favors and three code keys in addition to her own power. I wanted to talk more about them here now that she's gained all of them. Purity, Love, Friendship, Wrath, Greed and Lust all work differently in her body and some work in pairs. The Digivice on her left wrist is the key to controlling it.

Love - Links the MC to Beelzemon. Half of it is with her and the other half is with him. It can be used only if she has a strong feeling to act upon. It appears as energy and takes the form of what fits to her feelings. The amount of power it gives when activated as energy is pretty much close to infinite. She can connect her mind to his by will using the connection it has given them. Beelzemon can activate the power while being in a physical contact with her and channel it to an attack of his like Heartbreak Shot. Since she has just half of it, using its power consumes a lot of her stamina. However if she's with him, the used stamina replenishes faster.

Friendship - Was bestowed upon the MC when she felt a deep connection to Kuzuhamon in order to protect her friend when she wasn't able to use her own power nor Love. It allows transferring power back and forth between the two, being sometimes amplified with some emotions. It appears as energy just like love and she can manipulate the form it takes by will. She can also divide the energy to different parts of her body and make it do different things at the same time. This favor consumes just a little of her stamina so she can keep using it for hours before getting exhausted. However every time she uses it, it pulls some strength out of the ones she has a bond of friendship with, depending on how deep the friendship is. She doesn't know this yet though.

Purity - Was given to her for her personality. She wants to help others even at high costs and wants to make up mostly without violence. She thought the world was a dream at first and gave her the freedom to unravel her packed up anger since the creatures would always be reborn. She started to realize this world was real when Beelzemon almost died at Samael's hands and when Gabriel's body turned into a corpse without dissipating into the air. The guilt she gained has tainted the purity inside her but it can still be purified. The favor gives her a protection from the code keys' power so that she won't be consumed but could still use the power in order to save the world from the inevitable destruction. It also gives her the ability to manipulate a being's digital code in order to heal or reconstruct the being if her mind is at ease. It takes up little to no stamina since it's always activated without the MC realizing it. However if she uses the power to form something as energy, it takes up a lot since the power isn't made for that.

About her own energy - The MC's soul is strong-willed and the power is channeled by the Digivice. It's simply based on her determination to do her best. She can control it freely to do anything she wants with it but she prefers friendship over her own energy since it's not as rough on her. Even if her determination is the second-strongest power she has right after love, it takes up mental stamina. It means that where she won't get tired physically with using this one, she will get mentally tired and lose interest which makes her determination lose its power.

Lust - She gained it after defeating Lilithmon and it allows her to use the demon lord's attacks as her own. The soul of the demon lord is dormant within her and the soul can manifest, helping the MC in different situations. For example it helped her to get a breath underwater when she was about to pass out for the lack of air and die. It also makes her more lustful towards Beelzemon but it links with Love to make the feeling more pure. Whenever she's full of lust, vines would appear as living tattoos on her body because of Purity counteracting it and form green lisianthus and red hibiscus flowers. If she gets covered in the vines and flowers, she'll be consumed by lust and become a new vessel for the demon lord Lilithmon. However Beelzemon can undo this by satiating her lust in various ways, making her go weak afterwards. Her physical weakness is caused by the strain Lust puts on her body.

Greed - Beelzemon destroyed the demon lord possessing this trait for fun and gave it to her since he thought she was the only one able to possess the code keys. It takes the form of a red, teardrop-shaped shiny pendant that can emit purple concentrated energy beams when activated by holding hands out in a circle in front of the pendant. It also works as a scope to hit the target. It also gives the ability to lessen the strain on her momentarily, giving her the ability to draw twice as much power. However if she uses this ability her body will be physically hurt after undoing it like using a double-edged blade. The amount of damage she'll take is equal to dropping from a cliff to the ground. This power is counteracted by Friendship.

Wrath - gained from Daemon when she defeated him. For the effect of Purity, it takes the form of orange thorns she can control at will. She can also unleash fire with it. The amount it consumes her stamina is comparable to how she uses it. For example if she uses lots of thorns it'll take up more when she uses them. But using the fire takes up a lot of her stamina at once. It's counteracted by Love.

Thanks for everybody reading until this part. The story starts getting towards its end so I'm starting to get ideas for the finale. There is the last code key and a few angels and their god left and then we're getting to the finale. I'm almost sad for having this wrapped up, but I have so many other ideas in mind for other stories that I wanna do sooner or later. Welp, see you later~


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