15: Lord of Knowledge

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A dark space between his blue head wrappings on his forehead starts emitting a red glow as he opens his eyes. You smile at him as you pet his head. "Good morning..." you say to him. He looks up at you. "It looks like I evolved... I'm Baalmon now." You both get up from under the tree and you rub your eyes tiredly before looking in front of you, being amazed that he's now half a meter taller than you.

His arms wrap around you, hugging you close to his body. "Thanks." You bury your face in his chest, smiling and smelling him. He smells like books, smoke and somewhat sweet. You look up at him and swear that he must be smiling from the way he's looking down at you for the height difference. He pets your head and Hisyaryumon disturbs your peace. "How does it feel for having slept three days straight? I can feel great power from you though." Baalmon turns to look at it. "It's been three days already? Well I suppose awakening our inner power must take time. Am I right, Ebonwumon?" The tree raises from the ground and reveals a reptilian body under the roots which has two long-necked heads. "Oh, I was found out? What perception skills you have, Demon Lord incarnate." The voice is the same as the one that inquired you in your sleep.

Holy Beast Digimon
Level: Mega
Attribute: Vaccine
Attacks: Mugen, Kokuhyo, Souryuha

"You could expect no less from the Lord of Knowledge - Lord Baalmon" Hisyaryumon speaks. You look up at Baalmon. "Do you really know everything then?" you ask. "If I knew everything, would I still feel the bother to explore things myself? Like finding out if Frigimon feel cold and go warm up at a fireplace." You laugh a little. "Probably not.. At least they don't seem to melt while they're at it!" He looks at Hisyaryumon as he grabs a hold of your hand with his left. "Are you allowing us to leave now? Or will you be paying me back I did when I was a Demon Lord?" The dragon shakes its head. "Your past life has nothing to do with the present. Instead, I wish you a safe journey. I hope you'll become a more reasonable one than the last one." Baalmon nods slowly, like he was bowing but only a little, then turns around so that you can walk out hand in hand.

"Could you walk behind me? I wouldn't want to defile you any more than I already have before you're getting married" he says at the foot of the stairs. You laugh softly. "It's fine by me, but this staircase is pretty long. Is there a shortcut available?" After a moment of silence he picks you up bridal style like you weigh nothing, then jumps up into the air, kicking the air so forcefully with his other leg he can jump higher from the air, using the air as steps. Not too long after, you're at the entrance where the stairs start coming down. He lands smoothly on the small platform and lets you down. "I would've preferred walking back up hand in hand but this works too."

"Baalmon, I think we should go visit somewhere I did when I was on my way to the Village of Beginnings" you say. "Okay. Just say the place and I'll drive us there." You walk out through the gate you entered the temple. "But I want to surprise you... I could give you directions though." He walks towards the Behemoth, having you follow him. "It's a couple miles south from Crystal City and ten miles southwest from Gekomon Inn. Know the way now?" He gets on the Behemoth and looks at you. "Yeah, I think I've got it." You get on and wrap your arms around him, pressing your body against his back. "Let's go~" you say enthusiastically.

He starts Behemoth and begins driving. He probably decided to take a detour since you didnt pass a forest but went on and on through a barren mountain type of terrain that changed to a steppes as you got closer to your destination. "I really suppose you couldn't choose a place closer than the moon for a place we must visit." You laugh into his robe and nuzzle his back. "I really suppose your jokes have become a little dry. I'm sure you'll love the place."

After a bit you arrive to the same desolate town you once went to sleep in. "Where is it?" he asks. "I think it was on the north-east end of the town" you answer. Soon you arrive to the dark, big church. "This is the place. They've been waiting for us ever since I left with your egg." His gaze wanders over the church's details as he gets off the bike. You start walking towards the entrance. "Come on!" you yell at him. He follows as he examines the surroundings.

You walk into the cobblestone-floored hallway and encounter a Bakemon. "Hey! I've brought the nearly bloomed Demon Lord. Care to prepare a feast for us?" you ask. Bakemon is surprised. "I-i-is he already here?" "He's on his way inside as we speak." Bakemon goes off somewhere hastily. Then it returns with a huge flock of other Bakemon. Baalmon stands at the entrance and looks worried. "(Y/N)! Watch out!" He's raising his long sleeved arm, revealing a gun as the Bakemon bow. "Welcome back, Lord Baalmon. We were expecting you." He gets a little baffled as you run to him. "How do you think? They've been your loyal servants ever since you were in that form the last time."

Before he gets the time to answer, a Bakemon starts guiding you two to a room in the opposite direction of the altar, revealing a room with a huge and fancy wooden dining table and hanging from the ceiling there are many chandeliers which light up one by one towards the back. There is a red velvet sofa with a coffee table on the right side of the room and in the back a huge bed and curtains that seem to be for pulling them around the bed.

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