5: Crystal City

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"I can offer you my help. Actually, I'd do that anyway for fun. Would you let me get out of this shelter?" you talk like putting a cat on the table. Spadamon looks at you wide-eyed. "A-are you sure? Not even we with our greatest tacticians could do it. How could you--?" "I'm the Brute of the Legends. I have Berenjena, the weapon of the Demon Lord, with me and I possess great power within myself. I consider a problem like this mere training." "What can we do for you in exchange?" the Icemon ask. "Just watch my egg and my backpack while I'm out." They nod and take them. Spadamon lets you out.

You resurface. The alley reminds you of your grandma's back street. It feels like you've been gone for weeks. A prideful grin emerges on your face as you reveal yourself on the avenue road. "Where are you, Chrysalimon? I've got some fighting for you!" The creatures gather around you from different bigger and smaller streets. You take out Berenjena and laugh at them. "Let's see."

Level: Champion
Type: Unidentified
Attribute: Unidentified
Attacks: Data Crusher, Misconnecting, Unconnect Buster

"Oh? You're all just champion level? This'll be like taking a candy from a baby" you demean them despite their numbers. The Digivice glows and a purple, more solid-looking Berenjena appears in your left hand. "Yesss... I can feel the power!" You exhale with a smile, spin around in pleasure like you're dancing. "Double Impact." As those two words escape your lips, the Demon Lord's voice echoes in them too. The Berenjena and the copy both shoot simultaneously along with your dancing. If you saw yourself you'd stare in awe. 

After eight shots, you stop and your smile changed back into the same prideful grin. You let the hands of yours that were shooting down. The ones you shot just turned into particles. There's still many Chrysalimon. They part into three groups that compress and become another, bigger digimon.

Level: Ultimate
Type: Unidentified
Attribute: Unidentified
Attacks: Spider Shooter, Cocoon Crash, Virus Shot, Network Grenade

"Ultimate? Pissed off with me taking care of you so easily? Bhahah-- OOF." The closest Infermon shot you with an enormous energy blast. The red scarf glows. "Woah, I barely felt a thing. The feeling of power burns in your eyes along with your burning passion. The grin on your face looks like you're feeling great pleasure. You run towards it heads on, jump over it with a front flip and shoot it on the back of its neck. It just evaporates. The two Infermon combine at the back and become something huge.

Level: Mega
Type: Unidentified
Attribute: Unidentified
Attacks: Web Wrecker, Lost Paradise, Cable Crusher, Claw Attack, Tentacle Bug, Line Surge, Page Fault, Virus Download, System Failure

"Mega... A good opponent I guess. I'll give it a shot." You shoot a couple bullets. It doesn't seem to take effect. Now you're pissed. "Too good for Berenjena huh?" You drop the gun. "Now let's see who's laughing last!" The purple energy transformed into huge nails on your hands. As the digimon is on top of a block house you run towards the building and notice purple energy on your feet too. You can run on the wall now, so you do that on the wall in front of you. It feels like this is the best time to be alive.

Diaboromon's arm stretches towards you like it wants to sweep you off. You answer it with a strong kick to the side and it just swings to the other side, crashing into another building. You run up the fastest you can and kick some speed to float you above the monstrosity. Now you see its hideous face and scoff at it. "How can someting so hideous even exist, and in such a large scale?" It shoots a cannonblast of energy at you. It bruises you on many places. "Damn, you actually hurt me.. How about this?" You start falling down and put your elbows first. It's the same move as you used earlier. "Viking Smash!" This time it's enchanced with the purple energy and you even made up a clean name. It hits and the digimon's head goes under the height of its shoulders. Still, even that only made a crack in its face.

It raises its hand and tries striking you. You barely dodge it even if you yourself didn't do a thing. The claw did manage to wound you right under your left eye. You wipe it off with your right hand's thumb and glare at it. "That ain't gonna beat me, yoU HEAR ME, MONSTER?!" The purple energy claws on your hands grow bigger. "THIS IS IT FOR YOU." You start slashing it horizontally, starting with your arms crossed. Your right hand was the top one, slashing from left to right and the left hand on the bottom, slashing from right to left. "DARKNESS CLAW." It finishes the whole digimon off. After that you stand down on the rooftop of the building, raising your hands horizontally as you feel the scarf absorb half of the particles of the digimon. It became just a blue small egg with weird eye-pattern all over. It disappears into a hole that disappeared right after the egg.

You jump down from the rooftop. Something slows you down right before hitting the ground. The Crystal City is saved. You go back down to the shelter after retrieving Berenjena. "Get out of this hellhole. Your city is yours again. Now give me back my possessions." You get back the egg and the backpack. Before you exit the border of the city, you see a motorbike colored red and black drive towards you without a driver. It stops after circling around you so it faces away from the city.

You touch the bike and subconsciously mutter out: "Behemoth..." After that you hop on and wave before leaving. The numerous Icemon and Spadamon wave at you. The elder Icemon mutters to itself on the back: "That girl must have been with the spirit of the Demon Lord. I could feel his pride flowing through her."

Show me your smile [Beelzemon x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя