37: Leviathan

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The demon lord stays on his place, silently. "I don't feel the power I was expecting, but I'm feeling another kind of power instead. Is it the digimon's own power?" he wonders. You clench your fists. "We can't complete the exchange for I did not receive the favor of friendship." Now you burst out with rage, shouting at him. "HOW COULD YOU THINK THAT EATING SOMEONE'S FRIEND WILL GIVE YOU THE FAVOR?" Leviamon chuckles. "I had to try. Oh, also I'm not giving up my code key. It's the sole reason I have my status."

No, you can't hold back anymore. You're flowing with tears and anger. Kuzuhamon's egg hasn't appeared yet. It must be stuck inside him. "Give her egg back..." you say, growling at him. He stares at you closely. "She's a part of me right now. Now I have your precious friend." You start shaking out of rage before you form claws on your right hand, striking the demon lord. He doesn't seem to get a scratch.

"That could be dangerous if it wasn't me." You turn away and form your wings that actually help you distance yourself from the digital spawn of leviathan. You take your digivice, trying to pry up more information of the demon lord, but while you're at it, the demon lord whips you with his tails, causing you to crash into a wall. You scream and the air mask comes off causing the energy to form it disperse. You cover your mouth and nose quickly, struggling to move before getting hit by the tails again. Now you're out of breath, having your consciousness fade away bit by bit. As your eyes are about to close, you see the demon lord's jaws open and move around you like he's going to bite you. You close your eyes, thinking this is your end and you can't get around it. You're drowning.

You open your eyes for feeling a pair of lips against the pair of yours out of the blue, seeing Lilithmon's green ghost kiss you. She gives you air and see her smile at you before disappearing. Now the teeth on the jaws nearly touch you and as your final effort you reach out towards the monster's throat. You see a glow and feel warmth wrap around your body. It's Kuzuhamon's armor and energy floats out to your face, giving you cool, tattoo-like blue streaks. Now you can breathe and the jaws can't pierce you even if they hit.

You concentrate the rest of your energy on your arms, pushing the jaws open forcibly. You roll off the mouth and distance yourself from the monster again. He looks down on you, supposedly smiling before roaring at you. It burns and it's loud and powerful but nothing you can handle since you're wearing Kuzuhamon's armor. You summon the staff, place it on front of you and have it bend into a circle. As you feel four energies inside you - lust, purity, love and determination, they wrap together to your right palm before shooting to the circle and getting powered up as they get through it. The power of the attack hurts Leviamon so that he seems to be pushed back a little.

You stare at the demon lord for a moment before realizing he must be weak to magic attacks. His tails move again to swipe you off the air but you dodge, moving upwards in the water-filled high room. "You realize you're in the dark area, right? This is my terrain and I won't lose to a mere human here" Leviamon speaks before his tails hit the floor and his body moves upwards before his body spurts towards you. He opens his jaws again and breaks the wall around you, causing you to flow deeper into his mouth momentarily before using your wings to rush out of there, distancing yourself again.

Kuzuhamon's egg glimmers at the end of his throat. You get another idea as you're floating backwards. You break down the armor, turning the pieces into energy. As you're trying to channel it, Leviamon charges at you lie a missile from the shadows of the sea. It seems red. You dodge to the side, trying to concentrate. The flowing new energy inside you turns blue due to the favor of friendship. It starts concentrating into blue electricity. The demon lord roars fire and electricity at you but you turn some of the energy into a shield, protecting yourself from the blast. This battle totally has you on the defensive.

Now you break down the energy shield and carefully circle the crackling energy around you horizontally before it moves to a vertical position and turns to circle you from the front to the back. You decide to trust the energy, getting in a position like you're sitting on your knees inside the energy. It expands a little, turning into a flaming wheel around you as you decide to charge into the demon. However it decides opening its mouth and you leave a burnt trail in his maw.

He closes his mouth after you and even though his tongue is slowly starting to disintegrate into the murky, dark red waters, you think he could overcome it. The egg floats next to you, shining light for you since it's dark inside him. It leads you deeper into him before it shows you the stream of code inside him gathering and flowing out of in one place. "That must be his heart... At least if I could compare it to one..."

You remember words being spoken to you at a young age, so as you gather your energy to the summoned monk staff forming a sword once again, you say: "In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan, and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea." With these words you strike the sword into the core of the demon's being, causing it to start trashing about before the code of his starts disintegrating into the water like particles. They release a code key and the rest compresses into an egg.

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