96: Everything explained

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The Demon Lords explain you everything from the top to the bottom. "So... I'm still in contact with the digital world? How can I get to Glut- I mean Beelzemon?" you ask. "The god of this world wishes to preserve your life above all as it should've been, that's why you can't go there" Greed explains. "But we could get an audience with this god of yours. He must be cooperative since you took down the evil goddess of another dimension~" Lust says. "WE did it. We killed the goddess. Together. Not just you guys, but me and you guys and Zuzu and Titamon and Beelzemon."

"Try going outside. You should find something in there" Wrath says. "Go to a church he meant. We'll find your god that way" Greed corrects. You sigh and start pulling on the comfortable clothes. "I must be still dreaming" you say after that and lay back down in your bed. "I know I'll wake up soon enough. There's no such thing as evolving creatures and don't get me started about demons, angels and gods."

A fuzzy black cat is sitting by your window. "I'll just show you it's all real~" Lust says and you notice the window open, letting the cat inside. It gets cute little demon wings and starts to talk. "As I didn't find a better vessel, this'll do until you bring me back to the digital world" the cat says with Lust's voice. "What? Did that cat just talk?" you ask. The cat jumps on the bed and lands a nasty blow on your cheek. "I, Lilithmon, command you to go to a church to seek your god and your other half."

You sigh, get up, empty your backpack and take it with you as you're walking downstairs. You stuff it with food and walk out. "I'll be back soon granny. I need to go to the church. It's calling me." She looks at you, worried. "I've never seen you go to the church willingly before... Please be safe..." You shut the door behind you.

As you walk through the alley, Lilithmon speaks. "Why don't you use your powers? Friendship, Love, Purity and us. We'd be there much faster if we flew." You stop. "You keep telling me I have some sort of craaaazy powers at my grasp. Come on, I'm not living a fucking fairy tale am I?" you answer her.

Her cat form turns into a more beast like form that's as high as a bus as she tackles you down. "You're getting on my nerves. I'll allow you to use the remaining strength of mine residing in your body. I will help you manipulate it to your will." But as you get up and try thinking of wings taking form on your back, nothing happens. "...This is retarded. I'll walk" you say and walk towards the nearest church.

"I'm sure she'll remember soon enough, Lilithmon. No need to make a hassle" Greed says. You stop walking. "So, Lilithmon or whatever you are... If you want to get to the church faster, why not use that form to your own advantage?" you ask. She scoffs and lays down to let you on her back. "I swear, this is the last thing I'll do for you. I'll take you to the church like this so fast you don't even get to say cat" she responds. You get on her and she stands up, starting to stride towards that church. After a few steps you smirk. "Cat." She seems to build up some more rage over that and speeds up.

A couple blocks after you arrive at the church, but Lilithmon doesn't stop. She starts running to the highest tower along the outer wall, making you unable to do anything else than hold onto the silky fur. She finds an opening where the bell of the church is placed and throws you off her back there, then lands gracefully next to you as a small cat again. You hurt your side as you landed roughly, but for some reason this feels like nothing you've experienced before. Except something's off with this feeling - you've been home, at school and out driving your bike but never fell down nor hurt yourself.

Lilithmon cleans up her face like a cat does. "Hit that bell with your seven powers at once. You'll meet him that way." You shake your head in disbelief, laying down where you fell. "I told you, I don't have any." She jumps on you, shreds your shirt's both shoulders open and your upper chest, your belly and your thighs. Now your clothes are in shreds but they reveal the marks that seemed like you were seeing things earlier.

"Friendship - you saved someone from slavery and took her as your friend, helping each other to stay alive" she says as she touches the shoulder of the mark. "Purity - you wanted to help people out of your own free will despite what'd follow." She moves from your other shoulder to sit on your belly and touch the mark on your chest. "Love - what you felt towards the man who you saved and nursed back to health."

"Lust - you gained my sin for the desire to become one with the man you love. Wrath - Daemon's sin that you expressed when others killed for fun. Greed - Barbamon's sin which came up with your hunger for power so that your loved one wouldn't have to worry over you. And lastly..." She moves to your head and pokes your forehead. "...Determination. The power that you yourself had, to get to your purpose no matter what. Now, I explained you what feelings unlocked the powers you have. Try and embrace them." She stops explaining, sitting there with her tail swaying from left to right calmly.

You relate to each feeling strongly, like you actually remembered them. You stand up, inhale deep and start speaking from your heart with your eyes closed. "I want to save this world and the next in order to be with my friends and the man I love, fornicate with him while seeking for something more to my life and end everything that dares to stand in our way. I seek fulfillment, so please allow this strength residing inside me be the key to the almighty lord who'll give me answers."

The energies suddenly make your body feel warm as they wrap you in them. The power feels like it's surging throughout you. You look at your hand, form it into a fist and hit the bell. Everything turns white.

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