31: Broken bonds

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He kicks a stone so hard it breaks, showing his aggression. "Why the fuck did I have to coop up together with a bossy little brat like you?!" he yells at you. You yell back at him: "Are you that frustrated about not getting laid in the morning? Well guess what, so am I!" He squints at you and grunts before beckoning you to the Behemoth. "Just get on and let's get it over with at the tower. Then I can dump you for good!" "GOOD!" you keep yelling back at him, sitting on the back of the motorbike, leaning back to stay as far as you can from him. He drives to the tower as fast as he can, to get rid of you faster. Your hate only grows for him but still inside, you're yearning for him like you had unbreakable lust towards him.

He walks up to his quarters and you follow him. After getting to the room, he slams the door after you and pushes you to sit on the bed. "Get naked. I want to get this done as soon as I can" he says, throwing off his own clothes. You growl at him and in response he pins you down by your throat. "Didn't ya hear me?" You gulp and bite his hand, having him remove it. "Fuck, your teeth are sharp!" You undress hastily for him. "There. Satisfied?" He growls at you. "Not until I get you off my sight."

He pushes you back down and positions his member, pushing it straight in without readying you. It hurts a bit since he's stretching you out bigger than you though you could be. You let out a moan to which he answers by thrusting roughly, choking you but so that you can still breathe. " 'm only doin' this 'cause I wanted you in the mornin'. I ain't doin' this for you. To be honest I don't even want to watch your ugly ass face, you're just a pain in the ass!" He's thrusting so hard you can't help but moan and drool in pain and pleasure.

"Shut the hell up already" he says and kisses you reluctantly, making you shut up. You struggle but melt into the kiss, answering him sloppily. It feels so hateful. He keeps thrusting, picking up his pace and pulling back from the kiss, biting into the crook of your neck, hard enough to draw blood. It hurts. Tears start flowing out of your eyes and you place your hands to his back, digging your nails on his back. "So you're into this short of play huh?" he says after pulling back from your neck.

"I'll have you know I'm not. Letting. You. Leave. Marks. On. Me!" he says, pausing between the words, giving a hard, deep thrust each time he pauses. You're starting to ache down there. He pulls out and turns you to lay on your stomach, taking you from behind. He pulls your hair when he's at it, hearing your pained moans. He laughs. "I didn't know yer that eager for me. However, this'll be the first and last time 'm treatin' ya!" He keeps thrusting until you reach your climax, releasing the feeling. You let out a long groan of pleasure but he still thrusts. "Don't get too cocky, 'm just too good for ya." He gives a couple more thrusts before he stops, releasing his load inside you. He stays inside, biting you one more time on the shoulder from the back, so hard he's drawing blood again.

You're trembling as he pulls out. He lights a cigarette and blows the smoke on your newly made wounds. After regaining your strength, you dress back up, and walk out without saying a word. You look around you, aching all over as you try to turn your head. You decide to head to the desert, trying to hold back your tears of anger. You're disgusted by the marks he made so you decide to look for a place to heal them at. "How could he hide being such a jerk?!"

You've been walking through the desert for hours. It's getting late now. You crawl up on your clothes at a nearby hole in the ground and shiver there in the cold. There is some hay, so you think it's someone's abandoned nest. You wonder if you could return to Beelzemon's lair, but think he doesn't want to see you, whereas the thought of him just makes your blood boil. You could've slept in the Bakemon's quarters too but you don't want to be anywhere near him. After a bit of struggling, you fall asleep soundly on the hay nest.

In the morning a sunshine wakes you up. You feel empty and keep wandering through the desert. It's like nothing had a meaning. You have nobody to spend time with, you have no meaning, your digivice won't show you a map and you're hungry, angry and didn't get a good night's sleep. The desert starts to turn darker, with its sand starting to resemble ash. There's something in the distance, but you collapse.

A woman with black-and-white overalls and a purple fox mask is washing you on a bath. Her body is silky smooth and flawless. You open your eyes better to see. "Are you feeling unwell, my lady?" she asks. You look around. "I... don't know where I am..." She smiles softly. "I saved you and brought you here to take care of you by my lord's orders." You freak out. "Don't tell me... I'm back at Gluttony's??" She giggles at your reaction. "Oh no, we don't affiliate with such barbarians. You, however, are a fine lady to suit my lord's demanding taste!" You calm down and let yourself be washed. "So, how did you end up in a desert? Pardon me, if I'm stepping over my place" she asks. You look away. "I wanted to get the farthest away from that man... I hate him" you say, clenching your fist as you mutter out the last words. She offers her hand to lift you out of the bath. You grab it with newfound trust.

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