11: Snowman at a fireplace

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The Behemoth stops. You open your eyes just a little to see you're at a village with wooden board huts. Wizardmon looks at you behind him. "Can you get up?" he asks. You don't answer but lean back a bit and let go of him. He gets off the bike and offers you his hand. You take his hand and try getting off but your legs are too heavy for you to move. "Okay, wait for me here" he says and walks into a nearby hut. He comes back with a snowman and a blanket. The snowman wraps the blanket around you and lifts you up, carrying you into another hut. You're put down on a wooden bed with a soft comfortable mattress and you hear the snowman talking with Wizardmon for a bit before you see him walk right next to you.

He pulls out another blanket and puts it over you, so that it doesn't cover your face. "Is your pillow well?" he asks with a calm tone. You nod and reach for him. He grabs your hand with both of his and looks at you as if waiting for you to say something. You try pulling him to the bed. "You want me to warm you?" he asks. You smile and he gets up. "I'll just add a few more logs into the fire and join you, okay?" You pull your hand back under the blanket.

He returns and places his hat on the table, then crawls under the blankets with you. "I think you caught a cold more terrifying than a snowman at a fireplace." You smile and hug him tiredly before falling into a restless sleep.

You open your eyes and feel a little bit cold even under the amount of blankets piled up on you. "Wizard...mon..." you mumble. He's not next to you anymore. The hat is still on the table though. You look around the room and in front of the fireplace there's Wizardmon and a snowman. They talk for a bit and then he walks back to you with a bowl of soup. "Frigimon made some herb and potato soup so you'll get better" he says as he takes the spoon out of the bowl, watching it for a moment. "Fri..gimon?" you ask tiredly. He puts the spoon back into the bowl and pulls down the collar that covers his face.

"Frigimon is the snowman that helped us just a bit ago

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"Frigimon is the snowman that helped us just a bit ago. I'm not sure why, but they told me they know me and would gladly help us" he explains. Then he takes the spoon back into his hand again and scoops some soup before blows it to make it cool down to a decent temperature. "Here comes a train. Choo choo." The way he says it sounds almost like sarcasm, but he's smiling gently like a goof. You open your mouth a little and he feeds the spoonful of soup to you. You swallow it and smile. "It's good. Better than grandma's cooking" you say. He looks relieved that you're not in such a bad shape anymore.

After having eaten all of the soup, you keep staring at him. "You said earlier that sharing body warmth helps keeping others warm" you say as you wonder what he looks under that suit and whether he can actually take it off. He pulls his collar up and looks the other way. "I did say that." He gets up and goes to the fireplace, adding a few more logs. "I'm still freezing under all these blankets" you complain and watch him walk back next to the bed. "Maybe I could help you then, just for a little bit. I need to go get more wood soon." He removes his cape and unzips the onesie, tying the sleeves around his hips. His chest and ab-muscles are just barely there but visible, as well as the muscles in his arms. The face of his is pretty much flushed when he crawls back under the blankets with you. You blush a little bit too but don't show it.

"We took your cold jacket off so you can warm up better in here." His arms wrap around your upper body and he lays his head on your chest as he hugs his bare and warm upper body against yours. "Your chest is bandaged. Did something happen to it? Does it hurt?" he asks. You chuckle. "No.. I just thought it looked cool and wore it to school on the same very day I came to this world." He sighs contently and lays his head back on your chest. "It's soft..." he says quietly as he nuzzles against your breast. His face is red like a tomato despite his blueish skin tone. You fall asleep while blushing madly.

"You got time to sleep with this dimwit baring himself for you and stuff but not for evolving him further to meet me sooner? It's almost cute" the Demon Lord's voice speaks as you open your eyes. He's taken his nearly transparent form again, rocking on the normal wooden chair and keeping his feet on the table. Your fever has gone down and you feel a whole lot better. "I take that he fell asleep since you're here" you say and let out a yawn. "Damn that soup was tasty though." He stares at you. "What?" you ask. He smirks and points at your chest. You look down only to see the bandages have come undone, revealing your breasts. "I-I... Don't just stare, help me get them back on!!" you panic. "Fine, fine. No complaining then~" he says and chuckles.

He walks right next to the bed and stares at your breasts as he gathers the bandage. "Wonder if they give out milk.." he mutters to himself as he looks very concentrated. After gathering the bandage, he still stares at your breasts. "Hey, you gonna wrap it back around me or what?" He snaps out of his thoughts. "Right. Turn around so I can do it better." You do as he told, sitting so your back faces him. He puts the roll of bandages down next to you. "Well, how do you want them wrapped?" he asks as his hands grab a hold of the mammaries. "Do you want them down like this" he asks, holding the pair together, close to how they are naturally, accidentally brushing over your sensitive nipples before continuing: "Or supported upwards like this?" He holds them higher and a little bit apart from each other. You're blushing and panting lightly. He takes a look at your face and smirks. "What? Sensitive to the touch? I see you warming up sweetie." His voice is almost mocking you but at the same time flirting. "J-just get it over with. I want it s-supportive.."

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