42: Headache

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You wake up to thirst. There's a piece of clothing in your arms. It's his leather jacket. You get up and are ready to toss it out of the window but then look at him sleeping on the sofa without a blanket. Thinking he must be feeling cold since he's curled up on himself, you put his jacket over his shoulders. You think that even if you hate him it shouldn't come in the way of trying to co-operate since you're supposed to save the world with him. You go and drink water, then go use the toilet. You've got no memories of yesterday after the arm wrestling.

There's a Bakemon on your way back up. "M-my lady, how are you feeling this morning?" it asks. You hold your head. "I got a terrible headache. Care to tell me what the hell happened yesterday?" you ask. The Bakemon looks down and takes a notebook. "You had 103 bottles of our strongest liquor. You must be hungover. Would you like us to prepare a good hungover meal?" You look away. "I don't feel like eating. And prepare another blanket for him. He's sleeping without any on the sofa. Bet he's cold. You wouldn't want your lord to get sick, would you?"

The Bakemon bows and goes immediately to fetch a blanket. You bury yourself under the blanket in the bed, thinking the headache would go away with sleep. You dream of the memories you made on the journey to evolve him. He used to be so nice and caring all the way up until now. He calls you names, tries to make you develop bad habits and wants to hurt you on a daily basis, not to mention him wanting to get rid of the sight of you. You despise his current character, wishing he went back to a Baalmon. But now he's a Demon Lord and you're supposed to bring out his highest power to save the world.

A familiar presence wakes you up. "I finally found you" a female voice says. You open your eyes and get up. It's a yellow fox. You look her up on the digivice.

Beast Man Digimon
Level: Rookie
Attribute: Data
Attacks: Koyousetsu, Touhakken

You look up at her. "Don't you recognize me?" she asks. You smile. "Kuzuhamon?" you ask. She nods. "I'm back." You jump up to hug her. "I'm glad you were quick to return!" After a bit you pull back and sit back down on the bed. "Ugh.. I'm suffering a headache." She gives you a pill. "Here. Swallow this. It helps with hangovers." You swallow it with a bit of water. "How'd you know?" you ask. She smiles. "Let's say a best friend knows best."

You feel the mark of friendship grow warm on the back of you hand. "Right. Thanks." She looks around. "This place could use a maid. Where are his servants?" she asks. You point down. "They're a bunch of easily scared Bakemon. They don't dare to come up here unless called." She nods. "Okay. I'll be the head servant then. I need somebody to serve." You smile. "But keep your guard. This asshole's a huge pervert." She nods once more and heads downstairs. You watch him keep sleeping.

You hear rattling and open your eyes again. You fell asleep a moment ago. It's clean in here but he still managed to stumble on the corner of the table. He drinks water. "Got a hangover?" he asks with an indifferent tone in his voice. You mock him with your smile. "Nah, didn't suffer even one bit." He puts his glass down on the table. "What the fuck are you made of.." he says under his breath. "I feel this is going to be a nice day. I'm heading to the top."

You get up and walk out of the door, making your way to the top. "Why are there two chairs here?" you ask yourself. You get a slight flashback of laying in his arms on the other chair. You shake your head. "No, that couldn't happen. He'd kill me if I did that. I'd do the same." You sit on the chair on the right, watching the nature. You sigh in content, relaxing to the feeling of a gentle breeze of wind.

In the distance, you see trees and grass dying. This isn't normal. Normally they would just disintegrate. Something's wrong. You rush downstairs to him. "Beelzemon! Something's--" you stop and look at him. He's sitting with his back facing the doorway. You wouldn't want to disturb him. He blows his nose and straightens his back. "Yeah? What now?" You walk closer to him. "Oh, I see. Stop swelling in your broken pride." He looks down. You decide to slap him. "Get the hell up, we've got work to do. Look outside. Don't you sense it?"

He rubs the side of his face you slapped him on and looks outside before getting up. "Let's get going. It's an angel. I'm gonna show ya I'll beat him myself." You growl at him. "And if you mess up I'll be hanging you from the balls even if you turned into a ghost. We gotta destroy that one quick before the whole world will be infected." He puts on his jacket and rubs the back of his head, lights a cigarette and starts walking down the stairs to Behemoth. "Get your fat ass on the bike before I change my mind." You follow him quietly.

As you walk through the floor where Renamon is, you whisper her name and she follows you in your shadow. He takes a glimpse at you and grunts, walking to the Behemoth. He sits on it and you sit behind him, leaning back on it to stay as far away from him as you can. He speeds off to the north where the angel is destroying the place. "Tell me the reasons you hate me for" he says out of the blue. "Why?" you ask. He takes another glimpse at you. "So that I know how to make you hate me so much you'll get out of my sight."

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