Chapter 49: Talent Show

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This is the song Adonis will be singing.. please listen if you haven't already but imagine in his voice.

Adriana's POV:

A few days after Donnie told me to stay away from Elijah, I'd see him following me around here and there. It's been creeping out to the fullest lately, I went to the library to get a new book when I seen him peeking around the bookcase. Fuck this shit today is my brothers day and I don't want any issues, I walked up to him aggressively. "What do you want from me ?" I asked him sternly.

He stared into my eyes with his pure dark brown eyes, seems like he was staring into my soul. "Adriana, I wanna know why you don't wanna be friends with me ? We're both loners...both have common interest," Elijah said while causing me to scrunch my eyebrows at him. "What did you find all that out by stalking me ?" I asked him sarcastically plastering a smile across his face. "Sarcasm looks good on you," He said smoothly causing me blush.

"I don't have any friends which I don't care about but you've seem to peak my interest," Elijah explained softly causing me to relax. He seems to be sincere also he's really socially awkward. "Fine I'll let you hang with me but, no more lurking... it's starting to creep me out," I said stressing out while he agreed as he touched my hair gently. This guy is so strange ? I walked over to where I was sitting before while he followed behind me. He took out a book and started reading peacefully. It was soothingly he was just chillin enjoying my company while I enjoyed his.. Now he's peaking my interest.

Adonis's POV:

Durning school was cool I couldn't find Elijah anyway he's probably stalking my sister as we speak. I don't know what is up with that guy but if he hurt Ana I will seriously hurt him. I don't play about baby sis especially because she looks like me. I've been working hard for the talent show and now it's here ! I can't wait to see the looks on everyone face when I kill this song. I was backstage watching the auditorium seats fill up as I saw My moms, my siblings and Alexandria sit on the far left. They always get good seats, God I'm too nervous now. I wish Ana was performing with me like choir class, I began to do my breathing exercises and shake all the nerves out of me.

"Alright ladies gentlemen this year talent show theme is To Do What Your Best At, let's get started and I hope you enjoy," I heard the teacher say while the crowd clapped and cheered. I was born for this, I was made for this, I am a winner, I am a Fields... I repeated to myself while watching everyone take their turns. An hour passed when I heard..."Next up Adonis King !" The teacher announced the name I put on the sign up sheet. It's a stage name I'm gonna be famous so why not ? The stage manager handed me a mic while the beat slowly came in gracefully and the background singers started harmonize like we practice. I got this... I walked out behind the curtains singing in semi-high pitch tone.

"You don't need a lot of money.. Honey, you don't have to play no games, All I need is all your loving...To get the blood rushing through my veins," I sung softly looking down at my feet while I reached the center stage, the single spotlight hit me.

"I wanna say we're going steady, Ha...Like it's 1954, No... It doesn't have to be forever, Just as long as I'm the name on your tattooed heart," I sung powerfully while putting the microphone on the stand standing there, "Tattooed heart," The background singers sung softly while I hit my all notes beautifully. I looked out to the crowd to see my moms tearing up and recording my performance sending me to point at my family and smile

"You don't need to worry about making me crazy 'Cause I'm way past that ..Eh, and so just call me, if you want me 'Cause you got me, and I'll show you, how much I wanna be on your tattooed heart," I sung gracefully while not missing a beat as the background sung with me again.This next part is my shit right here. I grabbed the mic stand and got into the song. "Just as long as I'm The name on your tattooed heart wrap me in your jacket My baby And lay me in your bed And kiss me, underneath the moonlight, Darling let me trace the lines on your tattooed heart," I sung loud and proud hitting all my notes causing the crowd to cheer for me, while the background singers helped me finish peacefully as the music faded away, "Just as long as I'm the name on your tattooed heart" I sung lastly causing the causing the spotlight to dim away causing the crowd to give me a standing ovation. I smile brightly at the crowd, "I love you Donnie !!" I heard Monroe scream causing me look at my family giggle shortly after I ran off stage, I killed that shit once again.

Emily's POV:

Adonis just got finished performing his original song making Me and Ali to tear up. "I didn't know he could sing like that !" Alexandria said shockingly causing us to laugh. "He's gotten way better," Adriana said while she was in tears too. "Awe sweetie don't cry," I said while wiping my tears. "I'm just so proud of my brother Ma," Adriana said while wiping her tears. Alison held Ana in her arms and kissed the top of head, "Come on let's wait for your brother," I said as we all stood and went to go wait by the stage. Alison was holding his rose that we got him, every performer needs one once they get off stage that's mandatory, I held Alison close to me while I smelt her perfume sending me to hold her tighter, "Any tighter Em you'll break me," Alison said quietly. "Wouldn't be the first time I broke you off," I said sensually causing her to smirk at me. I looked over at Mason holding Alexandria on his lap while he sat on the stage, I'm happy they're together kinda reminds me of Ali and I but with a longer history.

"I won bitches !!" I heard Adonis screaming while he came out with a trophy causing all of us to laugh, "Adonis Wayne.. language !" Alison snapped at him, "Whats a bitch ?" Monroe asked Alison cutely causing me to laugh even harder. Alison shook her head in disbelief, "I'm sorry mom, Monroe don't say that word.. ever," Adonis said apologizing for his happiness. "Congratulations Baby boy," I said while catching my breath receiving a smile from him. Alison gave him his rose sending him to smell it first, "Thank you mom," Adonis said sweetly, "Tonight is your night baby boy where you wanna eat at ?" Alison asked while playing with his hair. "Can we go to Outback ?" Adonis suggested causing everyone to nod lightly.

"Let's go then my beautiful family," I said lovingly as we all walked out the school, all my kids walked ahead of us towards the car while I witnessed Adriana and Adonis walking together arms connected causing me to smile, "Babe we should go on a family trip I think one is desperately needed," I suggested while holding my wife's hand playing with her rings. "Where do you have in mind ?" She asked me while smiling. I shrugged my shoulders, "We could go to Hawaii, Barcelona," I suggested softly causing Alison to stop dead in her tracks, "Can we go back to Europe ? I miss you speaking French to me," My wife said sweetly sending a slight smirk to appear on my face. "Oui en effet ," I spoke fluently causing her to smirk. Europe here we come...

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