Chapter 16: S.O.S

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Adriana's POV:

Me and My siblings were in the den playing with our prizes when we saw our moms enter the room holding hands which makes us smile brighter than ever. Me and my brothers looked up at them curiously causing my moms to look at eachother then smile. "What's going on ?" Mason asked suspiciously as I cut my eyes gently at my older brother, "Me and your mother have to tell you guys something important.." I heard my momma say as I cut my eyes at her. "And what is that.." I asked quickly.

My moms sat down at the mini staircase causing us to shift over closer to them, "A few moments ago me and your mom found out we were pregnant.." I heard my mommy say causing my heart to drop. she gonna have another kid..meaning were arent gonna be the babies anymore. "Congratulations Moms ! Im happy for you guys," I heard Mason say snapping me out my thoughts as he began to hug my moms, "I don't understand..," I blurted out uncontrollably causing them to look at me, "Why do you want another kid you barely have time for us ?" I said disturbingly while getting up and left to the patio, I knew everyone's eyes were on me.

I sat outside on the patio pissed off looking out at the ocean when I heard someone come outside from the inside sitting next to me, "Ana can you tell me why you're so upset.." I heard my momma ask me. I turned away from her wiping my tears, "Why do you believe we don't have time for you.." she asked inquisitively grabbing my face turning it gently to look at her. "Look at me when I'm talking to you baby girl come on.. talk to me," she continued to speak freely while I look into her eyes. She began to play with my braids calming me down, "You and Mommy just got back together now this new baby is gonna take the attention away from us," I confessed digging my forehead into my knees. "No one will ever take your place in our hearts Adriana," My mom said reassuring me while she rubs my back with a soothing touch.

I looked back up at her, "You'll always be my little girl," She said smiling at me sending me to hug her tightly. "Thank you Mama," I said sincerely tighten up my hug. "You're welcome baby tell me about what's going on at school," she said sternly giving me the eye. I looked down taking a breather, "A bunch of mean girls cornered me in the bathroom demanding to pull my pants down," I confessed sadly. I can tell my my mom was pissed, "Why did they want you to do that Adriana?" She asked sternly, I can hear the hurt in her voice. "That article you did for LGBT chefs of America got out..." I said softly trailing off not looking at her.

She buried her forehead into her hands, "And they thought you were like me.." She said putting two and two together. I nodded slightly tearing up, "They kept calling me names and calling my family names... I couldn't take it no more so, I just pushed them out my way and left the bathroom," I explained to my mom. She nodded understandingly wiping my tears, "Me and your mom will handle this baby girl don't worry about anything," My mom said confidently causing me to shaking my head vigorously, "Go inside and get ready for dinner,"My mom demanded me sending me to go inside.

Aria's POV:

Me and Spencer were in the middle of having sex when we got an S.O.S from Alison. I stopped and passed my phone to Spencer, "What do you think it's about ?"I asked scrunching my eyebrows receiving shrugged my shoulders from Spencer, "I don't know but, we haven't gotten one in a minute," she said getting up urgently. I rolled over and sat up keeping myself covered, "So... we just drop everything and go to Rhode Island," I suggested in disbelief while she was getting dressed.

Spencer fixed her hair putting on a jacket, "Babe you know when Alison calls me I rush to her side period goes for you as well," she explained still getting ready. Moments later I  joined her smacking my lips softly, "I'll go get grace ready..," I said getting over it. Entering Grace's room waking her up, "Mom what are you doing ?" Grace asked rubbing her eyes lightly. "We have to go to auntie Em's and Ali's Cabana," I explained while she yawned cutely letting me dress her. Once I got her all ready Me and Spencer decided to leave to Rhode Island as soon as possible.

Hanna's POV:

I was taking a hot bubble bath with Ruby when I got Alison's S.O.S. I sipped my wine slow letting Ruby see the text. "So What are you gonna do.." Ruby trailed off sipping her wine. Shrugging my shoulders, "Emily doesn't want us going near her family," I said dramatically waving my glass in the air causing Ruby to smile at me sweetly, "This is Alison babe not Emily," She made clear blowing foam at me making me giggle lightly at her. "Okay I guess you're right," I agreed drinking the rest of my wine. Getting out the tub I quickly go dry off, "Babe they don't know we're back from Miami yet, we don't have to go," Ruby said getting out the tub.

"Please... you just don't wanna see Emily plus when Alison calls we come running," I explained to her while I started blow drying my hair. Ruby shrugged her shoulders and went to go get ready. "Babe you're coming with me ?" I asked her politely. "Of course babe I'm not gonna let you drive by yourself," Ruby responded loud enough for me to hear her making me smile brightly as we hurried up and rushed over to Emily's and Alison's Cabana.

Alison's POV:

Buried my face in my phone inviting the girls over to tell them the good news. "Okay babe we should be expecting the girls in a few hours," I explained combing through my hair. Emily was cooking gumbo one of my favorites, "Okay babe.." She responded softly to me. I knew she wasn't happy about Hanna and Ruby coming but I love how supportive she is. While watching her cook made my mouth water, she always so focus and quick with her knife cuts.

"Babe I wanna bring something to your attention," Emily suggested while she multi-tasked. My face dropped, "About what ?" I asked curiously. She turned around looking into my eyes worriedly, "Adriana told me some girls cornered her in the bathroom today calling her names because they found out I was different.." Emily explained trailing off disappointedly causing my eyes to widen, getting up walking over to her.

"Em don't blame yourself these little girls are responsible for Ana's pain not you," I said reassuring her. She just shook her head at me, "If I wasn't like this she would be living in peace.." Emily tried to convince me as I caressed her face softly moving her hair to the side, "Because you're like this you have a beautiful family that loves you for who you are....Adriana doesn't blame you babe," I responded her sweetly. She smiled slightly at me, " I love you so much you know that," Emily said sweetly kissing my cheek. I gave her the 'eh' look causing her to roll her eyes, "So what are we gonna do about these mean girls ?" I asked still observing Emily's cooking as she feeds me a spoonful on broth mixed with little veggies and crab meat causing me to hum in pleasure.

She wiped off the extra oil coat I had on the side of my lip using her thumb then sucked the flavor off causing me to smirk, "Take it to the principal of course I don't want her to end up like me.." Emily said looking down into the pot. "Babe you can't think about that love...we'll fix this," I said reassuring her. She nodded responding to me and continued making dinner after a few hours later I heard the doorbell ring. "That's them.." I trailed off happily going to open the door.

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