Chapter 24: Chaos

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Only Alison's POV:

It been 5 months of ups and downs, Mason is barely talking to us due to his nightmares coming back in full swing but at least Alexandria keeps a smile on his face when they Skype. The twins been fighting with each other over everything and anything but we always make them apologize to each other. Adonis been acting up at school lately, we have no clue what's going on he won't talk to us and Me and Emily...god help us for real... we can't agree on anything at the moment not even with sex. She'll wanna make love but, I want it rough and she can't do it because she's tired from work, or she'll come home and wanna give it to me but, then I'll be tired with dealing with the kids all day. It's gotten so bad we just stopped having sex all together. I miss her so much though, but even the girls out of sync not just us.

Sparia are fighting because Aria kissed some guy she was working with taking a page out of my book, not proud about it though and Ranna is fighting then having weird make up sex. From what Hanna tells me, she wants kids but Ruby doesn't, Why is the world upside down right now ? "Babe we have to start compromising," Emily said upsettingly causing me to snap out my thoughts, I looked down at my enlarge stomach. "Love I'm telling you this now...why don't we just remodel the Cabana make it larger," I suggested to Emily causing her to exhale dramatically. "That's a lot of work Ali.." She said being lazy. "So.. is carrying a baby and moving across the United States," I said sarcastically while Emily rolled her eyes, "California is a few states over..," She confessed like California is three hours away or something.

"Emily California is 46 hours away...We have the money why complicate things ?" I asked her stating facts. "Were never really here in Rhode Island Babe, we're always driving to New York or Philly or Rosewood why not move somewhere that we'll explore," Emily made a valid point. "But the kids love this Cabana.." I started to say as she cut me off, "Doesn't mean we can't come back and visit, we own this Cabana, the kids will adjust babe," Emily said convincingly, I took a deep breath, "Alright we can move," I gave in causing Emily to smile brightly and kiss me. Whoa our real first kiss in 2 months, she deepens the kiss sending chills down my spine. Emily pulled back, "I love you," She said sincerely staring into my eyes, "I love you more," I said looking back into her eyes as she kneeled down rubbing my belly, "You've been gotten so big," Emily said taking to my stomach, "Your mom thinks you're a boy but, I think you're a girl," She continued to talk to my belly causing me to smile.

"I promise when we move you and your brothers and sister will love it, California is so beautiful with so much to do you'll always feel satisfied," She said then gave my tummy million of kisses making me giggle, "That tickles," I said sweetly. "God I really want to give you head right now but I'm late already," Emily said standing back up and going to grab her bags. "It's the weekend babe..." I reminded her, "But I have meetings and luncheons and I have to raise money for our charity event..," She said trailing off getting all her things together, "Don't work too hard.." I said disappointedly, some head does sound great right now. "You know I always do.." Emily trailed off coming over to peck me on lips then left.

I got the kids all to myself today hopefully everyone plays nice today I don't need to be stressing close to my due date. I finally get up from the bed and walked down the hallway hearing soft cries in the nearest bedroom causing me to stop dead in my tracks. It was the twins room, I entered without knocking seeing my youngest son crying. "Adonis what's wrong.." I asked him soothingly. He shook his head and wiped his tears, "Just thinking ma," He said brushing me off. "About what ? must be serious to be crying about it ?" I asked him sweetly. "School.." He said trailing off playing with his fingers.

I lifted his head up to look me in the eyes, "What about school is someone bullying you... is that why you've been acting up ?" I asked jumping to conclusions. He shook his head no, "It has something to do with choir class," He said throwing me off guard causing me to scrunch my eyebrows at him. "You love singing what could be wrong.." I asked curiously. "Ms.Nixon...she's been t-touching me..." He said uncomfortably making my eyes widen. "What do you mean touching you Donnie and where ?" I said sternly.

He looked down causing me to lift his head up again, "Tell me so I can fix this.." I said seriously looking into his eyes, "Mostly below the belt area sometimes she winks at me and tells me nasty things," He confessed as his tears dropped causing me to stand up in disgust and started pacing. "When did this start.." I asked him curiously, "Before the concert," He confessed causing me to feel sick. "I think I'm gonna throw up," I said alarmingly leaving his room to go to the nearest bathroom to puke. To think about my son being molested for months and by a person who he looks up too I couldn't hold down last night dinner at all. I have to tell Emily...but how...

"Mom ! Are you okay ?" I heard Mason voice at the door as I nodded reaching for the baby wipes. He handed me the baby wipes helping me out, "Just a little morning sickness babes I'm fine," I said reassuring him. "This far along in your pregnancy...should I call mom ?" He said calmly. I looked up at him and started to tear up shaking my head no, "She's at work don't bother her," I said sitting next to the toilet as I flushed. Mason joined me sitting next to me, "I just don't remember when Me and your Mom turned into bad parents," I sobbed.

"You guys aren't bad parents just have bad slip ups," He said causing me to laugh, "Thanks for making me laugh but these last week months has been.." I trailed off trying to find the word, "Hell..." Mason said finishing my sentence sending me to agree with him. "It's one thing after another...You then the Twins now the girls... it's too much...sorry about your nightmares baby boy," I rambled on apologizing. "Please don't be the nightmares will never stop I've seen too much... but Alex been helping me cope I think I'm ready to forgive Samara," Mason confessed taking a deep breath, "She'll never be my mom though I already have two amazing ones," He continued speaking freely causing me to smile brightly.

As Mason leaned against my shoulder, "I'm proud of you," I said softly kissing his forehead. "If it wasn't for Alex though... I don't know she just gets me," Mason said blushing causing me to smirk at him. "You really like her don't you," I asked teasing him. "No... she's just a friend," He said getting all red and flustered. "Mhm you're blushing tells me other wise," I said smiling at him. "Weren't you the one to tell me I can't have a girlfriend," Mason said changing the subject, "Touché, help me up," I said calmly as Mason got up to help me stand on my feet.

"Thank you love, now where's your sister ?" I asked Mason as we both walked out the bathroom. "She downstairs reading," Mason replied as I made my way downstairs. I walked around to try and spot Adriana but...I don't see her, maybe she's on the patio. That's where I like to read, I went out to the patio seeing her sitting criss cross in her chair. "Hey baby girl," I said as she shot her head up at me and smiled. "Hi mommy," She said brushing her hair behind her ear closing her book, looking like my twin. "Am I interrupting ?" I asked sweetly as I sat down next to her on the other couch. Adriana shook her no lightly, "I read this book already," She said causing me to smile, "I wanna ask about school...are you still having issues with those girls ?" I asked her looking into her eyes.

She looked down and nodded yes, "Did you know your brother was upset about school ?" I asked her as she nodded her head again. "Do you know why ..." I trailed off asking nervously then, she shook her head no, "He won't talk to me about it... even though I talk to him about my issues," Adriana said as she teared up. I looked at her with care as I wiped her tears streaming down her face, "He's going through something right now and when he's ready to tell you he'll tell you Ana," I said reassuring her. She looked up at me, "You promise..." She said softly. "I promise.." I said rubbing her cheek softly and pulled her in for a tight hug.

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