Chapter 41: Awkward

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Alexandria's POV:

It's been a few good solid months after my make out session with Mason. My life has been so much better now that he moved here, things at home were getting too hectic. Me and my dad haven't been seeing eye to eye, he thinks I'm some sort of slut but he's dating a girl that could be my older sister but that none of my business. Everyday I just try to get away and Mason has been a big help. Things with us are great, he's becoming my Best Friend with the world's greatest lips. He made the swim team and got anchor in all events so he thinks he's the man right now and everyone else does too. So I guess that kinda makes him the man.

"Come back to us Alexandria," I heard Yasmine say in a lurking tone causing me to cut my eyes at her. "My fault I was-," I began to speak but Gabriella cut me off, "Thinking about Mason.." She said while smirking sending me to blush. "I think you guys are so cute together," Chloe said while squealing cutely. "We're not together were just friends," I explained causing them to give me a weird look, "So what he kissed you and that's it.." Yasmine asked me confusedly. "I don't kiss and tell," I said in defense making my friends giggle at me, "Don't try and be an angel now," Chloe said jokingly causing me to smirk. "C'mon what do you guy do when you go over his house ?" Gabriella asked curiously but before I could say anything Mason came over to sit next to me.

"That's none of your business," Mason responded to Gabriella sweetly while kissing my cheek softly causing me to blush. "Wait hold up, so why do you guys kiss each other on the cheek if you two are just friends ?" Yasmine asked with confusion while giving us a 'dafuq' face. Mason and I began to laugh, "We've been doing that for years..she was my first kiss ever" Mason said as he started eating his burger. I love watching him eat, when he eats it can get messy sometimes, I bite my lip seductively at him, "Since we've been building sandcastles and yeah I was," I added my two cents causing the girls to melt. A few moments later lunch was over and it was passing period, my locker is down the hall from Mason's but we could still see each other.

Mason's POV:

I was at my locker making eye contact with Alexandria for a far. I began to get my books for my next class when I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around quickly, And met a pair of hazel eyes "Hey Janae, whats up ?" I asked while putting my books in my backpack, she's this cutie in my French class. "I was wondering if you had the homework from last night ?" She asked me politely.

I took off my bag and took a knee while I look through my folder giving her the assignment, "Just make sure I have it back before class," I warned her sweetly. Janae quickly checked me out biting her lip slightly, "You'll get your work back," She said seductively while rocking on her heels. I looked at her nervously rubbing my shoulder, "So Mason... Sadie's coming up.. and I was wondering if you'd go with me ?" Janae asked me sweetly. Damn, this is like my 17th approach today. The girls are suppose to ask the boys... why hasn't Alex asked me yet ? Does she not wanna go with me ?

"So what do you say ?" Janae asked me softly causing me to look into her eyes. "Can I get back to you on that ?" I asked her curiously. She scrunched her eyebrows at me, "Sure," She said unexpectedly while she takes out a pen to write her number on the post-it notes I had in my locker. "Call me when you make up your mind or if you just wanna chill," Janae said while winking at me sending my eyes to trail her as she walked away. Damn she got ass and she's mixed she could get it if I wasn't interested in Alexandria. I shake my head in utter shock how these girl throw themselves at me.

I throw my backpack over my shoulder while being pressed again my locker aggressively, "Jesus !" I said in shock. "Hi Mason.." Bianca said flirtatiously causing me to smile, "Hi Bee.. do you have to press up on me so hard ?" I asked curiously. She smiled while grabbing my shirt tugging me forward, damn why is this so attractive right now.. "You & Me at Sadie's ?" She said calmly. I took a breath and created space between me and her, "I love the approach and your cute as hell but I have to get back to you ?" I said turning her down gently. Bianca nodded her head slightly then pulled out a sharpie and wrote her number on my hand. "Call me okay anytime," she said alluringly while walking away.

God please help me these girls are nuts, "Mason ?" I heard another voice behind me causing me turn around in combat mode. "Oh Alex hey.." I said embarrassingly. I began to relax getting myself together as I closed my locker, "What did those girls want ?" She asked bluntly. Was she and Her friends watching the whole time, "Uh.. they wanted me to be their dates to Sadie's," I confessed hesitantly. Alexandria looked away from my eyes, "Oh what you tell them ?" She said in disappointment. "I told them I'd get back to them," I said truthfully causing her to smirk, " Why turn them down ?" She said teasingly.

I smirked softly at her, "Because I'm waiting on someone very special to ask me.." I responded dropping hints. She frowned at me causing me to lift my eyebrow, "so do you have something you wanna ask me ?" I asked curiously rocking on my heels. She looks back at her friends in confusion, "Were all going rouge to the dance...dates are kinda overrated," Yasmine spoke up for Alexandria. "Yeah I already promised them I wouldn't go with anyone.." she said sadly trailing off. I dropped my head in sorrow but understandingly, "No it's totally overrated.." I said drifting off uncomfortably for a minute there was awkward silence.

"You should go with someone though it would be have girls that want to go with you," Alexandria suggested causing me to squint my eyes in disbelief, "Are you serious ?" I said in sorrow as we heard the school bell ring sending everyone off to class, "Don't miss out on your fun Mason...okay we're just friends," Alexandria said while kissing my cheek then heading to class. I stood there in silence, She wants me to go with someone else ? Is this a trap ? We're more than just friends if we make out from time to time... what the hell just happened ?

Bad Timing 2 (Emison)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن