Chapter 9: Geting Even Always Back Fires

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Alison's POV:

I woke up to the smell of eggs, bacon, pancakes and a french vanilla latte on my side table near my bed. My eyes slowly fluttered open remembering the great sex Me and Emily had last night. She had me in so many positions I couldn't keep count, I sat up on the bed yawning and stretching as I look at the clock reading 6am. Perfect, class starts in 6 hours I don't have to be at school until 2nd period. Reaching over to grab the plate I began to read the note Emily left me....

The perfect balanced breakfast for the perfect wife, Have a great day - Love Emily 💋

I smiled at the note and ate my breakfast, sipping on my coffee moments later I heard the doorbell ring causing me to swiftly get up on the other side of the bed and put on my robe. Once I went downstairs to open the door my eyes met with another set of blue ones. Hanna, I smiled and hugged her tightly. "Hey what's brings you by ?" I said smiling letting her in then, I laid my eyes on Ruby causing my face to drop, "Ruby... hey," I said slowly.

Ruby smiled at me as she looked into my eyes, "Hey Ali....long time no see or talk," Ruby responded as she gave me a light comfortable hug. Every time I'll be mad at Emily Ruby will hug me so comfortably... I miss her hugs. "How you been ?" Ruby said while coming in.

I smiled brightly, "I've been spoiled," I responded sweetly, That's nothing new," Hanna said sarcastically as I still felt chills from last night, " Yeah I've been really spoiled," I moaned out. Hanna and Ruby looked at each other, "So no trouble in paradise ?" Hanna asked while I pour them both a cup of coffee. I scrunched my eyebrows at her, "Only the fact Emily wants another kid and I don't," I spoke freely. They looked at each other again raising my suspicions, "Wait, why are you two together ?" I asked curiously.

Hanna cut her eyes at me sweetly, " because I'm not married to Jordan I've been married to Ruby for 3 years now," Hanna confessed causing me to give her surprising look, "You've been lying to us for 4 years Hanna !" I said shockingly. "I'm sorry I lied to you but we're aren't here to talk about us." Hanna made clear. I looked at her sideways, "Why are you here then ?" I asked cautiously. Ruby rolled her eyes, "You're not gonna wanna hear this Ali," Ruby said before Hanna could say anything , "We saw Emily last night at dinner with some chick look like a date, wine, candles, pizza," Hanna explained catching me off guard  while my heart dropped, "Hold up, you two do know what your doing right ?!" I said sternly. "I told you not to tell her," Ruby said shaking her head. 

Hanna looked down, "We know what we saw Alison," She said softly. "You're accusing my wife of cheating on me... MY WIFE," I shouted with emphasis. They both looked at each other, "Who was she with huh ?" I asked rudely while crossing my arms. "We didn't see the girl's face but, she was small and had really curly hair like Maya's," Ruby said describing the woman. I looked away thinking, squinting my eyes, Joseph's Mom ?" I asked curiously. They both shrugged their shoulders, I leaned on the island in the kitchen trying to control my breathing, she already made a pass at Emily I should've know. "And you guys are positive ?" I asked them with tears building up in my eyes. "She was flirting Ali and I saw her grab the bill ," Ruby said while looking at me.

I wiped my tears, "I think you guys should go," I said sobbing while looking down at the island. "Okay call me if you need anything ?" Hanna said sweetly. "What I needed Hanna wasn't to hear that my wife was with some mysterious female last night then came home and made love to me," I sobbed frustratedly. Hanna looked away at Ruby, "I couldn't sleep Alison it was bothering me especially knowing Emily's past" Hanna confessed. Looking away from Hanna and Ruby, "Last night she told me she loved twenty times was that all just lies ?" I said quietly to myself. "Look Ali were gonna stay in Rosewood for a while if you need us," Hanna said softly as her and ruby showed themselves out.

I looked at the clock, I have to get ready for work. I took a hot decent shower and got ready in 20 minutes. I can't stop thinking about Emily's affair last night, she told me she went to dinner last night but didn't tell me who with. I thought we weren't keeping things from each other anymore. Also I was half asleep when we had this conversation leaving the Cabana, I got to class on time but I still couldn't focus. Who is this bitch and what does she have that Emily wants. They better not be fucking, but what if they are...

Christian's POV:

I was excited to get lunch with Alison today, I know she taken but she still fine as hell.

Once that bell rung I was on her like white on rice, "Hey Mrs.Fields ?" I said knocking onto her classroom door. She looked up at me giving me a fake smile, "Call me Ali," She said softly. I walked in smiling, "Okay Ali are you ready ?" I asked charmingly. Her mind seems to be somewhere else. She lifted her eyebrows at me, "Our lunch plans," I reminded her. "Oh ! I'm sorry yes," Alison said surprisedly gathering her things. I smirked at the blonde, "I'll drive," I said quickly as I grabbed her bags like a gentlemen.

Arriving at the Radley, Alison and I walked side by side through the gates. "The myth is if you listen closely you can still hear the cries of the patients that haunt these walls," I said creepily trying to freak Alison out. "Yeah, it use to be a nut house," She said unbothered. God she so hot, I opened the door for her as we entered the hotel. "Grey for two," I said to the hostess while looking at Alison from my side eye, she looked impressed that I already had reservations, "You was pretty prepared," Alison said while smirking at me.

I smiled as the hostess showed us our seats. Before Alison could sit down I pulled the chair out for her, "Thank you," Alison said sweetly as I sat down across from her. "It's my pleasure," I reassured her. Seconds later a waitress came over to take our orders, Alison ordered a salad with a sweet tea while I ordered a chicken sandwich with water. Once we had privacy I looked into her eyes, "So whats got you all puzzled this afternoon," I asked her curiously. She looked away from my eyes and shook her head slowly, "I don't wanna bother you with my problems," Ali said while exhaling heavily.

"Try me," I said letting her know I'm all ears, she smirked at me "okay my wife was with some female last night taking her out to dinner and I wanna get to the bottom of it," Alison spoke freely as she told me about her situation. I moved a little closer to Ali putting my elbows on the table and intertwining my fingers, "Fuck getting to the bottom of it, so what...she can lie to you again," I said making a point. She scrunched her eyebrows at me, "And what do you think I should do ?" Alison lifted her eyebrow at me. "Get even," I told her seductively as she stared deeply into eyes as I stared in hers. I began to lean in while our lips met slowly, "Okay here you're salad and chicken sandwich with your drinks," We heard the waitress say causing us to break away. That was one hell of a kiss, but I don't think Ali thought so... the rest of the lunch was awkward... getting even sometimes doesn't always work.

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