Chapter 19: Communication & Tempers

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Alison's POV:

I was in awe the whole time watching my two little ones dance around the stage together, Emily cried of course while she taped the performance. After they were done the family and I stood by the stage waiting for the twins. Until I saw Adonis come running down the auditorium stairs with Adriana giggling, "Hey, there they are !" I shouted while smiling brightly causing Adonis to jump into Emily's arms while Adriana jumped into mine. "I won !" Adriana screamed at Adonis, "No I did !" Adonis denied Ana causing Mason to giggle while we came in for a family hug, I love my family..

"Momma did you see me up there I felt famous," Adonis asked smiling super hard causing Emily to giggle, "Yes I did you did great !" She responded reassuringly pinching at his chin cutely. "I most definitely love your dances moves," I added my two cents kissing my son's cheek making Adonis blush. As we walked out the building then to the car, "Mom did my hair look good while I was singing," Adriana asked sweetly causing me to start playing with her hair, "You're hair was outstanding, your momma got everything on video," I confessed to her.

While Emily unlocked the car Mason opened the door for us allowing us to put the kids in their car seats, "Thank you Mason," I heard Emily say while she put Adonis in his car seat strapping him down. Mason got in the middle then, I sat Adriana in her car seat strapping her down. Emily and I closed the back doors in unison, "Babe... can I talk to you ?" Emily said signaling me away from the car. As I walked over to her in confusion, "Whats going on ?" I asked her curiously crossing my arms.

"Samara came to my office this evening.." Emily confessed quietly causing my eyes to widen, "Are you kidding ?" I asked in disbelief, "I wouldn't joke about this... look she wants to se. Mason.." Emily began to explain but I cut her off, "No," I said sternly. Hell no.. "Alison in order for me to keep full custody she has to see him and if that every year on his birthday then who am I say no...we were doing perfectly fine before," Emily explained frustratedly while I rolled her eyes at her. "Those were therapy sessions signed off by the court Emily, Mason hated every minute of it," I reminded her causing Emily to look down as I began to play with my hair roughly then we both took a look at the car while seeing Mason peeping out the window. "It's either let her see Mason every year or she gonna take him from us.." Emily added softly convincing me.

Turning to face Emily again, "She better not even think about hurting Mason or I will snap her in half," I said feistily then began to walk away knowing Emily is staring at my ass, "Put her in check Emily or I will," I added the cherry on top, "You promise.." Emily said seductively causing to look back winking at her while getting into the car.

Once we got home the twins ran inside to watch the recital tape, "Mason can we talk ?" I said quickly catching him before he went inside. He took off his earphones frowning at me, "Is this about that conversation you two had outside the car ?" He said connecting the dots. I looked at Emily as she came over to us then I began to nod lightly, "Samara wants to see you for your birthday tomorrow.." Emily confessed causing Mason to turn red, I haven't seen him get this terrified since he was five. "I thought we were done with this.." Mason asked nervously.

"For me to keep full custody until your 18...she has to come around at least once a year until the judge changes that," Emily explained looking at her son. "Until the judge changes that.." Mason said while scoffing and combed through his hair. "You still have a right to deny her visits but for now this is how it is.. we don't wanna loose you..and we don't wanna see you hurt" I communicated with Mason. "Don't you understand I don't want her here...and I don't want to see her !" Mason raised his voice. "Mason calm down okay...," I said getting worried while he shook his head no.

"Baby boy our legal agreement says other wise," Emily barely could speak. "I don't like this either Mason but please I cant loose you," Emily added softly making Mason's head dropped in misery, "So every year on my birthday I get a visit from the She-devil herself," Mason said as his voice cracked while fighting back his tears, me and Emily didn't know what to say.."Awesome," He said breaking silence then walked inside. "I think we should give him space for the rest of the night.." Emily said letting her tears fall causing me to pull her into my arms holding her tightly.

Adriana's POV:

Me and Donnie we're watching the recital tape over and over again making us laugh and rocking along with it then it got old. Seconds later I heard the garage door open shortly after seeing my big brother come in as I watched him so immediately upstairs. I wonder what's going on ? then I saw my moms come in after shortly. The looks on their faces confirmed my suspicions, something was most definitely going on.

"Why do they call it a recital when it's a concert ?" Adonis asked annoyingly catching my attention. "It makes it sound more official," I responded back to him turning off the tape as He stood up swiftly, "I was watching that !" Adonis shouted at me. "For the fifth time yea I know," I clapped back at him causing him to push me with one hand while I stumbled back, "Hey !" I heard my momma say before I could hit him back.

"Adonis Wayne you do not put your hands on your sister or any women do you understand me !?" Emily shouted at my brother causing Adonis to step back. "Answer me !" She shouted making us jump, "Yes ma'am," Donnie said sadly looking up at my mom. I stood there in shock because my mom never yells at us, "Go up to your room now," She ordered Adonis as he hurried upstairs.

My mom looked at me as she calmed down, "Are you okay ?" She asked me while I looked at my mommy in corner watching then, I looked at my mom again, "Yes I'm okay," I said softly low key afraid. I never seen her that's angry before, "Mom.. is everything okay with Mason?" I asked her nervously causing my mom to look back at Ali. "Yes, baby girl everything is fine.." She lied to me sending me to clench my lips and rock on my heels. "Do your homework okay.." she said softly and left upstairs causing my mommy to follow her.

Emily's POV:

Coming through the garage door shortly after Mason, walking into the front room I saw Adonis pushing Adriana in the living room before I knew it, I snapped and quick going over to discipline him. As I eyed him going up the stairs I looked at Adriana and telling by the look on her face I knew I startled her causing me to take a breath. Adriana asked her suspicions about Mason giving her the answer she needs to here right now then telling her to do her homework. Moments after I went upstairs disappointed and frustrated

Once I entered the bedroom I heard Alison close the door behind us, "She knows you lied to her..." Alison said stating the obvious as I started to roll my eyes nice and long, "Are you honestly ready to tell them about Samara...about Mason...our five year old kids.." I said snapping at her making my concerns clear. Alison crossed her arms, "Mason will always be their big brother a slight change of DNA won't change their hearts.." She responded to me making a point. I flipped my hair up in a bun revealing all the hickies Ali left last night, "Dammn.. I got you good," Ali said admiring her work walking closer to me. "Don't change the subject right now..." I made clear.

Alison cocked her to the side in disbelief while exhaling, "That was the hardest thing I ever had to tell Mason Alison... it was easier when he was younger," I confessed causing me to tear up. "Babe... don't beat yourself up about it Mason will get over it..." Alison said trying to calm me down. "Yeah let's hope so..." I said trailing off.

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