Chapter 33: Twin Rivalries

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Adonis's POV:

After all the drama about Ms. Nixon passed though my system, it was like I didn't have worry about being hurt anymore plus moving to California helped a lot more because I'm only an hour away from LA. I was sleeping peacefully in my own room dreaming about the fast life when a bright light hit my eyes causing me to put my pillow over my face. "Rise N' Shine Donnie !" I heard my mommy say happily causing me to groan loudly. "Don't make me come over there," Alison said sternly causing me to jolt out of bed, "I'm up...I'm up..." I said sleeplessly. "Breakfast in ten minutes.." She smiled and left my room.

I stood up and stretched while walking to my personal bathroom practicing my vocal exercises, I started to brush my teeth then washed my face, flossed, got dressed in my uniform and did my hair. I heard knocking on my bathroom door causing me to turn around slowly, "Yes Monroe ?" I questioned calmly as I laid eyes on my little brother. "Do you know where my spider-man action figure is at ?" Monroe asked cutely looking up at me. "Did you ask Ana ?" I asked him while walking past trying to put on my shoes, Monroe shook his head and sat on my bed, "No, she's getting dressed she told me to ask you," He explained sweetly causing me to roll my eyes. After tying my shoes I helped my little brother find his action figure then went downstairs for breakfast as I began to hum happily.

"What's got you such in a good mood ?" I heard my Mom asked me suspiciously. Shrugging my shoulders in response, "I just woke up in a singing mood I guess..." I answered the question while my mommy served me my breakfast. "Adriana ! Breakfast is ready," Alison yelled while walking to the bottom of the stairs. "You know she takes forever," I reminded my parents while eating my food. Emily started to giggle, "Like your mother," She said while reading the newspaper, "Mama when am I gonna get singing lessons ?" I asked her with my puppy dog eyes causing Alison to smirk at Emily.

"We'll see how your grades go then maybe in the summertime," My momma said causing me to smile brightly, "You got it," I said determined and ate my breakfast. Adriana finally came down a while after our talk, "Good morning young lady," I heard my mom say to Adriana causing me to smirk. "Morning Ma, what are you smirking about Donnie ?" Adriana snapped at me. "Adriana it's too early," Alison said annoyingly while instantly jumping down my sisters throat. I stare blankly at Adriana, My sister been really irritated lately I think it's because she has to share a room with Monroe while I get my own room. I began to smirk again while sipping my orange juice making extra noise, "Moms he's provoking me on purpose can't you see !" Adriana blurted out causing everyone to start crossing fighting at the table. Monroe was just sitting there watching eating his French toast sticks minding his business, "Okay that's enough !" Alison yelled over everybody as we all stopped and looked at her, "How about the twins get share a room a Monroe get his own room," My mommy suggested causing my eyes to widen. "No !" Me and Adriana agreed with each other in unison.

Emily raised both of her eyebrows in shock , "At least they agree on something," She said sarcastically, "Yes ! because one I said so and two both of you were born to get along so figure it out cause once you get home from school, Adriana your bed will be in Donnie's room," My mother said strongly causing me and Adriana to sit there and pout. This is so unfair, I look at Adriana staring daggers at her. "What happened to you two, you guys use to be close ?" Alison asked me and my sister calmly.

I saw Ana's tears drop on her face, oh no don't cry ugh I hate when she cries I feel like an asshole. I look away in shame, "Nothing, we're gonna be late for school," Ana said sobbing as she wiped her tears then she got up from the table and started heading to the car. Ugh I don't get it we were close then she started to distance herself for me... then I won Rock Paper Scissors so I got the room. What's her deal..

Alison's POV:

This morning was eventful, it started off with morning sex with my wife. We hope none of the kids heard us but we're pretty sure they did, I tried my best to be quiet I promise then we took a shower together. Our shower is different and I love it because when you turn on the shower the water falls from the ceiling. Yeah that rich people shit Emily's touch of course, then we got ready for our day. We woke the kids up and we tried to have a nice breakfast before they had to go to school but Of course breakfast had to turn into a death match between Adonis and Adriana.

Once I started to get a headache I shut the whole conversation down, I wanna know why won't they get along anymore ? Since Adriana was right we hurried to get the kids to school on time which Monroe goes to kindergarten around the corner so, it's less work for Me and Emily. We wished the twins and Monroe a great day at school but all we got was silence well Monroe gave us a kiss on the cheek before he got out the car and went to school. As we pulled away from the school I turned to Emily while she kept driving,"What's going on with the twins ? I know the move was rough for them but it's been five years Emily..." I trailed off trying to grab the concept while she held onto my thigh.

"It might be a brother and sister rivalry type of thing Adriana is the only girl maybe she thinks she needs her own privacy," Emily made a point causing everything to click. "I fucking love you," I said while grabbing her face and kiss her lips passionately. Emily giggled and kissed me back while trying to keep her eyes on the road, "Ali I'm driving" She said in between kisses causing me to pull back. "So we'll just have Adonis and Monroe share a room ?" I questioned trying to compromise. Emily nodded agreeing with me, "Yeah my princess needs her own room. I don't know why let them play Rock Paper Scissors for it ?" Emily asked curiously.

"They kept arguing so that was the solution but it was common sense from the start... but all this fighting can't be over just a room in the house.." I trailed off in my thoughts, I know I'm petty but I didn't raise them to be that petty. "Don't dwell on it too much babe... how about we buy a box of donuts with some coffee or milk then we can sit in the car and stuff our face like old times ?" Emily suggested making me smile uncontrollably. "We use to do that every Wednesday before class but it was never stuffing our faces that I'd love the most," I confessed while smirking.

Emily smirked at me while still driving, "You gotta remind me I don't recall," She said jokingly playing dumb. "The best part was the car sex," I said reminding her making Emily blush. "You know the best part of being a millionaire is ?" She asked me changing the subject causing me to scrunch my eyebrows and shrug my shoulders, "I don't have to go into work like how I use to," Emily said while pulling up to the nearest donut shop. "Meaning your all mine today ?" I said intriguingly as I lifted an eyebrow. She nodded happily as she parked the car, "So what will it be, all kinds of twist or all kids of donuts ?" Emily asked seductively staring into my eyes.

I smirked, "Surprise me," I said softly causing Emily to lean over connecting our lips lovingly. Wasting no time I deepened the kiss moaning lightly as I pulled her closer to me. Emily pulled away biting my lip, "I'll be back babe," She said shortly then got out the car sending my eyes to follow her into the store. Life is so perfect between us right now I want it to stay like this forever..

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