Chapter 27: Don't Get Caught Up

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Emily's POV:

After we carried Nixon's body to the car, we drove to Spencer's lake house to dump her body in the lake secretly. We sat there staring at the body sinking until Ruby started walking to the car, "We were only supposed to torture her not kill her !" I shouted at her, Ruby shook her head vigorously, "It needed to be done.." She said calmly causing me to grab her jacket pulling her back. "You just killed someone Ruby !" I reminded her causing her to smack her lips, "I know what I did had to be done you heard her in there...she wasn't gonna stop molesting those boys," Ruby said hurting. I looked into her eyes with sorrow, "She been handled.. now you can go home to your family with your hands clean," Ruby said making a point.

"This stays between us," I said putting my foot down. "You know our wife's don't play that shit," Ruby said rejecting my suggestion making me roll my eyes at her "What you're just gonna blurt out that you killed someone be real Ruby," I stated facts sending Ruby to just stare at me blankly. "Why you kill her anyway did you think I'd forgive you or something ?" I asked her curiously. She scoffed at me, "No, I wish we were friends again but everything isn't about you Emily..." Ruby trailed off sadly, " I was molested once by my stepfather for being gay so I did it for those other kids and my nephew," Ruby explained causing me to step back in despair.

"You never told me that," I said holding back my tears. "When were we ever sentimental with each other Emily ?" Ruby asked with no remorse while I looked down in shame. "We will always just been partner in crimes though, I always have your back," She continued to say causing me to tear up. I nodded acceptingly, "I forgive you.. not because I feel terrible but because I remembered why we're friends," I said wiping my tears sending Ruby to smile lightly, "You have my word Em..this stays between us," She said agreeing to my suggestion she walked up to me and gave me a big hug. I exhaled comfortably into her arms, her hugs really are the best. I pulled back and gave her a handshake. "Now let's go home before our wives literally kill us.." Ruby said while laughing. "Yea just make sure you don't kiss my wife this time," I said jokily while we walked to the car.

Hours later at 11am in the morning...

Alison's POV:

Waking up by the sunlight coming through the blinds over the headboard. I rolled over to see my wife next to me causing me to blush, "I can feel you staring," Emily said groaning. "Good morning beautiful," I said leaning in to peck her lips as her eyes opened to meet mine, "How you sleep gorgeous ?" I asked her sweetly as she moved my hair out my face, "Eh... what about you ?" She asked me sweetly causing me to shrug my shoulders quickly, "Eh.. where were you at 1:30am ?" I asked her squinting my eyes at her. "What do you mean ?" Emily said with caution.  "I woke up to use the bathroom and you weren't in bed so I searched the house... you left.." I said explaining searching for her eyes.

Emily cut her eyes to the side then looked at me, "I was with Ruby having a heart to heart" She said peaking my interest. "Oh really..." I said trailing off in disbelief as Emily nodded, "I couldn't sleep I kept thinking about Donnie I needed to vent...we went for coffee.." She continued to explain. I lifted an eyebrow up at her, "But with Ruby ?" I asked curiously. "Yes with Ruby you can even call Hanna" She said confidently. "Why ?" I asked interrogating her making her sit up defensively. "Why are you asking me so many questions about Ruby like it's so hard to believe I was with her last night ?" She raised her voice causing me to scrunch my eyebrows, "Uhh cause you kinda hate her Emily.." I made a valid point.

She shook her head, "Not anymore.." Emily said nonchalantly. "Why ?" I snapped at her, "Because we hashed it out," She said quickly. "When," I clapped back at her quickly making her mad. "At the baby announcement dinner.. in the kitchen after our talk.." She responded in a sketchy tone. And there's the lie..., "Okay.." I said brushing her off, acting like I dropped the situation. Emily looked at me awkwardly, "Okay.." She responded back at me. I looked away from her in disappointment, "I'm glad You and Ruby worked things out.." I said calmly playing along. "I am too she's always has my back when I need her," Emily said sending shots, I gave a fake smile and a peck her lips as we heard the doorbell ring. "MOMS, Auntie Spencer, Ruby and Hanna are here !!" I heard Mason scream from downstairs. I got out of bed in confusion looking back at Emily as I walked out the bedroom.

Spencer's POV:

Hanna called me last night and had me up all night about this theory with Ruby and Emily. Shit the last time Ruby & Emily got together someone ended up dead so I told her we should just go over there and get the 411 our self. Once we got there Mason opened the door then summoned his parents as we entered inside. "Coffee is in the pot Auntie Spence," Mason said sweetly causing me to frown, "Why do you think I need coffee ?" I asked him curiously. "You got bags under your eyes, you look almost dead.." Mason confessed weakly then went to go play his PSP. I looked at Hanna and Ruby, "Do I look dead to you ?" I asked them both suspiciously as they both side eyed each other, "It looks like you've lost some sleep," Ruby said cautiously sending me to roll my eyes, "You could've brushed your hair.." Hanna added her two cents sarcastically. "Shut up Hanna," I snapped at her. I was walking toward the kitchen when I saw Alison and Emily descending the stairs, "Whoa Spence what happened to you ?" Emily said cluelessly.

"Fuck off Em.." I snapped softly at her, I don't have the energy right now Mason was right I need coffee. I went over to the pot of coffee to pour me a cup, "So what brings you guys by ?" Alison asked curiously. "More like a catching up.. how you guys been ?" I asked casually taking a sip. "I wanna catch up on last night.." Hanna blurted out causing everyone to cut their eyes at Ruby and Emily. "Way to be settle babe.." Ruby said nervously to Hanna. "She went to Ruby's for coffee to vent about Ms.Nixon molesting our five year old son," Alison explained calmly backing up Emily as she makes sure the kids aren't around.

Me and Hanna's jaw dropped to the floor, "I will destroy her," I said seriously with a straight face. Hanna eyes were wide as mine like she couldn't believe what she just heard, "Yeah I'm with Spencer on this one," She said freaking out. I looked at Emily I can tell this hurts her deeply, I get it because of her past. "We'll get this is sicko Emily don't worry," I said reassuring her drinking some coffee. "I was thinking about going to the police station file out a restraining order then sue that bitch for sexual harassment," Alison said ruthlessly.

"Babe you really want to put Adonis through a trial he's only five ?" I heard Emily say softly to Alison. "She has to pay somehow Emily ?" Alison responded as she went to go pour herself a cup of coffee. Ruby looked down and scratched her head awkwardly, "All that pressure on him won't be good, beside Adonis can't be the only kid that's being molested right now.." Emily spoke freely causing all of us look at her in shock. "Are you saying Adonis isn't the only one ?" Hanna said in shock crossing her arms. By the look in Emily eyes I can tell she said too much, "I don't know I'm just thinking with my head on straight," Emily said saving her ass. I took a glance at Alison, "She needs to go to jail for what she's done ! she needs to be punished" She shouted at Emily causing her to look down. "And She will Ali I'll make sure of it," I said sincerely.

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