Chapter 26: There It's Done

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Hanna's POV:

Emily came over sounding urgent about needing Ruby's help on something. They left twenty minutes ago to get 'coffee'. I don't know but my instincts are telling me to call Alison but I could be wrong like last time, I don't need anymore drama I have already. Who should I call... I went over to my purse and took out my phone, dialing the person I wanted to talk too  as I began pace, "Pick up..pick up," I said repeatedly to myself.

S - Hello ?

H - Spence Hey ?! Are you busy right now

S - I'm tryna avoid Aria so... kinda

H - You guys are still fighting you need to work it out

S - She kissed the English professor at Hollis Hanna ! We have a kid together like that's unforgivable

H - okay geez I'll stay out of it

Sheesh and I thought I was a spaz...

S - What do you want Hanna?

H - advice...

Emily's POV:

After Alison and the kids fell asleep I snuck off to Ruby's. I still don't forgive her for being a bad friend and catching feelings for my wife then her and Hanna almost broke up our family but, she the only person I know close enough to me that would be down to what I'm about to do...Fuck what Alison said earlier she needs to pay.

"You wanna kidnap and torture a choir teacher..." Ruby said slowly in disbelief. I shook my head yes while we sat in the car outside Ms.Nixon house in New York. "What did she do exactly 'cause the car ride over here was nothing but silence..." She made a point causing me to roll her eyes at her. "Man I'm done explaining myself are you down or not ?" I asked sternly causing Ruby to look at me with a blank face.

"Emily I swear... if you don't tell me what's going on I'm not doing this with're not even thinking straight right now.." Ruby kept rambling on making me get out the car, "Fine I'll do it myself," I said as I slammed the door. I popped the trunk open getting our bags, it's time to teach this bitch some manners, "Emily stop please okay !" Ruby shouted quietly getting out the car. "You said your not gonna help me so, shut up and get back in the car," I said putting Ruby in her place as I closed the trunk.

"I'd help if you just communicate !" She kept whisper shouting because it's 12pm in Manhattan, New York in a nice neighborhood everyone is probably sleep. "She molested Adonis... is that what you wanna hear Ruby huh ?!" I shouted quietly back at her causing her to shut up. "She W-What," Ruby said holding back her tears. I looked away from her, I don't need to be sensitive right now I have to get revenge for my son. "So again.. are you helping or what ?" I said calmly throwing her a backpack. I heard ruby sniffing getting herself together, "Yea let's go," Ruby said sternly as we marched up to her house.

"Let's go through the back..." I suggested as we kept our heads on a swivel as we smoothly opened the wooden gate going through the backyard, "How'd you know where she lived ?" Ruby asked curiously. "Facebook," I responded quickly approaching the backdoor. "You think you can pick that ?" I asked awkwardly grabbing the tools for Ruby as she snatched the tools out my hand, "Please," She said in offense as she kneeled down and pick the lock in two minutes. "You still got it," I smirked at her remembering all the fun break ins we've had.

Ruby's POV:

As we walk into this teachers house we take off our shoes so we won't make any noise. Emily signaled to start searching around, "I'll get upstairs you'll get downstairs," She mouthed to me causing me to nod. Taking the downstairs area, I walked into the living room...empty, her house is lovely though if I was still in high school I'd steal half of this junk and pawn it. I turned the corner slowly walking into the kitchen, it was empty. She must be upstairs or something, I thought then I heard the front door unlock causing me to hide behind a wall. Hearing the door open and slam I knew Emily had hear that from upstairs, I peeked around the corner it's was her the teacher as she looked through her mail and turned on her lights.

Seeing her made my skin crawl, How can she touch a five year old ? she not even that bad looking like go get some real dick...why settle for a kid who doesn't know anything about sex ? like what was it about my nephew she decided to touch him ? I decided as I snapped out my thoughts to make a bold move and step out into the lights. "Who are you ?" Ms.Nixon asked alarmingly stepping back as I saw Emily coming down the stairs quietly. "We're your worst nightmare," I said bluntly. "We ?" She said cluelessly as I signaled her to look back. A great as soon as she looked back Emily completely knocked her out with a left hook.

"Damn ! Did you have to hit her so hard" I said in shock. "Help me tie her up now... come on," Emily said grabbing Nixon's feet and tied them up. I went over to tie her hands together then picked her up, "Damn this bitch is heavy," Emily said carrying her to the couch. "So, what are we gonna say when she wakes up ?" I asked her softly. "I'll do all the talking just go get me some water and a dirty rag," Emily demanded as we sat her up the couch blindfolding her. I hurried to the kitchen getting what Emily asked and came back, she took the rag out my hand putting the rag up to her nose. Nixon barely moved, then Emily took the glass of water out my hands splashing it on the teachers face causing her to gasp awake.

"Where am I ?!" Nixon said terrified not knowing we never left her house she tried to move but she couldn't. "Who are you people..." she asked nervously. "We are people who want you gone for you what you did," I said angrily. "I haven't done anything wrong !" She shouted at us. Emily slapped the fuck outta her causing me to widen my eyes at her, "Don't play dumb... You like touching little boys," She said sternly but calmly. The teacher started laughing causing Me and Emily to scrunch our eyebrows. "Everyone has their must be a parent... let's guess Tyler parents...Gary's ?how about Chase..," Ms.Nixon said confidently. Emily looked at me in confusion because none of the names were her kid, "Or Adonis..." She confessed at the last minute while my jaw dropped. "So it's true you molested my nephew !" I shouted her ready to kill this bitch.

"Please I don't know know which one is your nephew  but, I wouldn't call it molestation more like a teaching experience... but with Adonis is something different he can go so far with his talents... now that's talent you don't see often and I can help him with that while he's helping me," She explained while smirking. By the look on Emily's face she was finna snap and big time, "You're sick," I said with disgust. "He's just a kid !" I continued getting heated.

Emily started to pace angrily clenching her fist, "You must be family of Adonis...welcome to my home," She said boldly causing Emily to snap, "Shut the fuck up before I lose my mind and do something I regret !" She shouted at the teacher putting her hand over her mouth. "Listen to me you sicko, you're gonna leave that middle school and your gonna turn yourself in for what you've done to these boys or else you won't live to see another day understand me ?" Emily said furiously threatening Nixon.

"Did he tell you all the nasty things I said I'll do to him when he gets older... and how I touch thigh and kiss his lips.." Ms. Nixon said ruthlessly. I saw Emily step back in shock, in that moment I knew what I had to before Emily does it.. she has kids and another one on the way I don't, "Wait Ruby don't..." She tried to stop me but I cut her off by snapping her neck without any effort.

"Ruby oh my god ! What did you do !?" I said in shock as my jaw drop. Emily went over to her checking her pulse, "She's dead.." Emily said looking up at me, "You know what you just did right !"  She shouted at me. "There it's done.. now help me get rid of the body," I said sternly.

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